creak creak...

boom boom boom...

The golden mouse kept gnawing on the Qixue Pill.

Zhang Xibao threw Dali pills into his mouth like eating jelly beans.

He has already taken ten Dali Pills, and he has not felt any discomfort in his body, which means that the power of the ten Dali Pills has been completely overcome by him. This is also thanks to the huge amount of exercise Director Bao planned for Zhang Xibao.

"Director Bao is a good person!"

Zhang Xibao sighed again: "Although the old man is quite tall and arrogant, it still hurts to kick someone..."

Zhang Xibao threw another Dali pill into his mouth, feeling a little hot in his body, he stopped taking the pill, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Zhang Xibao had the time to take out the results of Chinchilla's day-a record of the distribution of animals that are hidden or will become strange animals.

He spread out the map, put it on the table, and studied it with Chinchilla.

To say that Chinchilla worked really hard today, in just one day, it found three hidden strange beasts and an animal that was about to become a strange beast.

"There are dragon carps in this place?"

Zhang Xibao's finger pointed to the reservoir in the suburbs of Beishi, where Chin Maoshu drew a fish with the word "Dragon Carp" on it.


The golden mouse nodded, and continued to eat Qixue Dan.

"Dragon carp found!"

Zhang Xibao sent a message to the book spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the book spirit let out a happy buzz.

"You spit out a bone-washing pill for me!" Zhang Xibao knocked on his forehead.

Sensing that Shu Ling fell into silence again, Zhang Xibao continued to look at the map.

There is actually a wolf-shaped beast hidden near Jiming Mountain in the south of Beishi!

"Your drawing is too abstract. Is this a dog or a wolf? It must be a wolf, right? It's hidden here, but the people from the Foreign Land Administration didn't find it?"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, and he turned to ask Jin Maoshu, who was busy nibbling Qi and Blood Pill and shook his head again.

"Well, it's really well hidden."

Apart from the dragon carp and the wolf-shaped beast, there is also a supernatural plant hidden in Beishi Lvcui Garden, and a bird-shaped beast is hidden on the plant.

The last animal that will become a strange beast is the same kind as Chinchilla, a black mouse that is hidden in the sewer of Bidou Street.

"It's very ruthless, little mouse, the same kind has never been spared, you have a good conscience!"

Zhang Xibao gave Chinchilla a thumbs up.

Chinchilla waved its paws and wrote on the paper:

"I am an ancient bloodline, if the fluorescent light dares to compete with the sun and the moon for glory, then kill it!" 』

Zhang Xibao didn't believe that the Chin-mouse was grinning, he pinched his chin and asked, "Don't be sloppy with me, this mouse and beast must have offended you, right?"

Zhang Xibao looked suspiciously at the Chinchilla, and the little mouse had no choice but to write on the paper:

"I used to seek shelter from it, but it was almost swallowed by it. 』

"Oh, no wonder."

"The bird-shaped beast is the third grade of the yellow rank, and the dragon carp is the second rank of the yellow rank. This wolf-shaped beast is the strongest, and it is the first rank of the yellow rank."

Zhang Xibao pointed his finger at the Bidou Street area: "The weakest one should be this big rat that has not yet become a real beast, so kill it first!"


Chinchilla puts its paws up in support.

After studying the map, Zhang Xibao solemnly folded the map and hid it.

He took out his phone, opened "Different", and saw the credit balance of the account, Zhang Xibao sighed.

"There were still more than 6,000 points last night, and less than a day has passed, and there are only more than 1,000 points left. It is really a waste of money."

His eyes fell on the live broadcast section.

"Would you like to start another live broadcast?"

What happened last night was accidental, and it's not every day that someone with a stupid rich boss gets entangled by evil spirits.

Zhang Xibao thought about it for a while, and decided to continue driving.

Squeeze the wool, if you can squeeze a little bit, 10,000 to 20,000 is not too much, one or two is love!

Zhang Xibao sent a message to his fans: My friends, [Bao Ye] is on the air again!

Everything was ready, Zhang Xibao put on the Monkey King mask and opened the live broadcast room to prepare for the broadcast.

"Good evening, friends! 』

『[Bao Ye] yyds! 』

"Let's have a test today!" 』

"Bao Family Army Assemble! 』

"I earn two thousand, and give [Bao Ye] one thousand and five, just for [Bao Ye] to call me family!" 』

After a while, a group of treasure friends warmed up the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

"Okay, family members, don't spend 1,500 yuan and buy something delicious for yourself. The anchor is not too poor to afford food!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "The gifts are all voluntary, I don't want to earn two thousand and one thousand five thousand to eat instant noodles by myself!"

『【Bao Ye】Open up! 』

"Just for [Bao Ye]'s words, I'll give you a big flying sword!" 』

"The host is a good person! 』

"Don't send me a good card!"

Zhang Xibao gradually mastered the rhythm of the live broadcast room. At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached more than 300,000. Seeing that the popularity is almost there, he said to the camera: "It's still the old rule, I will download the broadcast after I test ten rare treasures. "

"Please invite the first treasure friend!"

Zhang Xibao clicked on the screen, waiting for the first Baoyou to appear.

As soon as Baoyou appeared on the screen, Zhang Xibao said to himself that there is another product coming.

Because this treasure friend is a mysterious masked man.

Every time when appreciating treasures, when the opposite treasure friend covers his face, the things in his hands are guaranteed to be genuine.

The barrage also began to brush up.

"Masked friend, the treasure in your hand is probably real. 』

"Blind guess +1"

"I bet a bag of spicy strips, it's true. 』

"Hey, dear friend, are you going to have an appraisal today?" Zhang Xibao asked impatiently.

The masked Baoyou took out something from his mouth, held it in his hand, and asked Zhang Xibao, "Master, do you recognize this thing?"

The palms were spread out, and a small red jade cicada was lying on it.

"It feels fake at first glance! What about the one who bet on a bag of spicy sticks? 』

"Looks like Ruri? Neither Nan Hong nor Tian Hong looked so transparent! 』

"Cicada's Wings, Cicada's Wings from Modern Industry!" 』

"Iced black tea is made with dripping water!" 』

"The anchor, tell me, is this true? Why don't you talk! 』

"It's probably related to the anchor's knowledge blind spot! 』

The masked Baoyou on the opposite side waited for Zhang Xibao to give an answer, but Zhang Xibao remained silent.

The thing in the opposite hand is real, because Baojian gave a reaction!

But Zhang Xibao was still digesting Baojian's evaluation, so he didn't make a sound for a while.

Rare Treasure: Cicada

"Cicada: Mysterious Grade A rare treasure, produced in Tianlu Tomb, the stuff contained in the immortal population of Tianlu Tomb, has miraculous effects, hidden in the mouth of the corpse, the dead will return to life!" 』

I don't know where Tianlu Tomb is for the time being, but if you look it up in Baojian, you may find a few words of introduction.

But what's the point?

The strange treasure of the cicada was stuffed into the mouth of the corpse, and it could bring the corpse back to life, which meant that this thing was touched from the corpse.

But Baoyou took it out of his mouth!

( ̄ж ̄) Zhang Xibao felt a little queasy.


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