"Why doesn't the anchor speak, I'm stuck? 』

"It's probably because this baby is a little bit smart. I remember that every time the anchor encounters a real product, he has to be silent for a while. 』


Zhang Xibao couldn't help retching.

Baoyou on the opposite side: ...

The barrage also exploded.

"Damn it, maybe there is an anchor? 』

"Don't be a male mother! 』

"What are you talking about?!"

Zhang Xibao stopped the barrage from continuing to guess: "My treasure, plug, pure man!"

"Then why is the host retching? 』

"Could it be related to the strange treasure? 』

『【Bao Ye】Quickly tell me that this thing is a magic horse, don't fool everyone. 』

I don't know if Baoyou on the other side is really stupid or has already known the purpose of the strange treasure. If it is the second type, it will be interesting...

Zhang Xibao pressed his palms to signal for everyone to be quiet, and he was about to start talking.

"This thing, it is indeed a rare treasure, and its grade is not low, the first grade of Xuan rank, it is a real good thing, and its name is Chanqi."

Zhang Xibao carefully observed that Baoyou's pupils shrank slightly.

It seems to be the second situation... Zhang Xibao thought.

Zhang Xibao continued: "As for the origin and purpose of this thing, are you sure you want to hear it?"

The barrage surged again.

"Fuck, I have a bad feeling! 』

"The last time the anchor urged Baoyou to ring the soul bell, I remember his tone like this! 』

"If you have the ability, just say, I see what you can do to me, my kidney is well maintained, hum! ╭(╯^╰)╮』

"Come on, the anchor, I've already covered my ears. 』

Zhang Xibao paused and said: "The cicada is a mysterious treasure of the first class, it has the effect of bringing the corpse back to life, it comes from the mouth of the corpse. Baoyou, this thing is not interesting!"

"I remember Baoyou took it out of his mouth just now, right? vomit! 』

"I'm going to spit out my overnight meal!" Vomit! 』

"I'm eating supper... I don't know why I suddenly lost my appetite┭┮﹏┭┮"

The audience vomited wildly, but what was interesting was that Baoyou on the opposite side only nodded: "Grandmaster is very capable, I will remember what you said, and I will give you ten big flying swords later."

"There is one last question for Master, do you know Tianlu Tomb?" Baoyou asked, staring into Zhang Xibao's eyes.

Zhang Xibao waved his hands without blinking his eyes and heartbeat, and answered without thinking: "I don't know!"

"Thank you, master, for clarifying the confusion."

After finishing the last sentence, Baoyou took the initiative to disconnect the link, and after a while, ten big flying swords roared and covered the screen.

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself: "It's interesting..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"vomit QAQ"

"Okay, okay, it's almost done!"

"You get used to it when you spit it out!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "The next friend, please!"

The enthusiastic appraisal of treasures continued.

In a certain alley in Beishi.

The man wearing a carbon steel mask took out a box, opened it, and inside were two red and black pills.

"Two Xisui Pills, this is a deposit, and the remaining three will be given after the work is completed."

The masked man handed the box to the scar-faced burly man opposite.

The burly man with a scarred face nodded in satisfaction: "One hundred thousand yuan of marrow washing pills, the boss is grand!"

Scarface opened the box, and on the lid of the box was a photo of Zhang Xibao's headshot.

"This is the goal this time?" Scarface snorted, a little disdainful.

For a child with a bigger fart, half a million Xisui Dan bought his two arms, which is quite valuable.

"This kid is naturally stronger, but I can be sure that he is not a supernatural person, so don't fall."

Scarface was even more disdainful, and smashed the wall bricks in the alley with a bang, and asked with a smile: "Do you think his strength is stronger than mine?"

Looking at the hostility on Scar's face, the masked man reminded again:

"This kid offended the nobleman. Your nobleman is merciful. As long as he has two arms, don't kill him. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences when the Black Dragon Team finds out!"

"We are doing business, you can rest assured that breaking his arm will never hurt his leg."

The man with the scarred face put away the marrow washing pill and slapped his chest.

The masked man stopped talking nonsense, turned around and left, and told Scarface before leaving: "I'm still here at night after three days, and I'll pay the balance."

Leaving the dark alley, the masked man got into a black car not far away.

He took off the mask, revealing a young face behind the mask, it was Qi Delong's personal bodyguard Ye Liang.

Ye Liang took out his mobile phone and called Qi Delong.

"Hey, boss, it's over. 』

Qi Delong and Qi Dongqiang laughed loudly from the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the black car galloped on the road, heading towards the Beishan villa area.

On Zhang Xibao's side, he didn't know that he was being targeted, and he identified eight Baoyou's treasures in a row, but all of them were fakes.

What kind of ancient coins made of chromium-nickel alloy with a little lead, the iron sword of the Han Dynasty welded standing, the calligraphy and painting of the Western Zhou Dynasty made last week...

Not to mention whether they are exotic treasures, not even antiques, they are all fakes!

Zhang Xibao let out a deep breath, and asked the audience in front of the phone: "Heh...there is the last treasure friend left, do you think the last one can be true?"

Although the eight identified were all fakes, the audience's interest was high, and barrages continued to emerge.

"Bet on a bag of spicy strips, the last one is a real treasure!" 』

"With two packs of spicy strips, the last one is fake! 』

"If you guess the real one, you will deduct 1, if you guess the fake, you will deduct 2!" 』

"11111! 』

"22222! 』

For a while, bullet screens filled the screen.

"Come on, the time to witness the truth has come."

Zhang Xibao reached out and tapped on the screen, and a friend of Bao linked into the live broadcast room.

The screen split into two, and a handsome young man appeared on the other side of the screen.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was interrupted for three seconds, and then it became lively.

"It's Liuli Pavilion Fengdi! ! ! 』

"Fengdi yyds! 』

"Fengdi, I drop treasure! 』

Zhang Xibao frowned, and according to the barrage, he instantly guessed that the handsome young man in front of him should be the junior treasure appraiser [Autumn Wind] from Liuli Pavilion headquarters.

What do you mean?

You little boy came to the labor-management live broadcast room to make trouble, right?


Do not agree!

Zhang Xibao asked angrily, "My dear friend, what do you know?"

[Autumn Wind] Ignored Zhang Xibao, and first greeted the audience in the live broadcast room, obviously just trying to gain popularity. The hundreds of thousands of viewers in Zhang Xibao's live broadcast room became his ready source of fans.

This is a bit too much, you are throwing a banquet to welcome guests, and someone who comes here ignores you as the host, but greets the guests, what is this, is this a shame!

Zhang Xibao crossed his arms and looked at [Autumn Wind] with a smile on his face and greeted everyone indifferently.

Zhang Xibao folded his arms and said nothing, and some people in the barrage also realized what happened.

"Fengdi's wave is not big enough, just to rub off on the popularity, to show off the face of the host of the live broadcast room, this is not your live broadcast room!" 』

"Don't talk nonsense before, we Fengbao still use this new anchor's enthusiasm, we Fengbao has tens of millions of fans! 』

『Do you know how hard our Fengbao is? ! 』

"Grandpa vomited, regardless of priority, this is your live broadcast room?" ! 』

The barrage split into two factions in an instant, spraying each other.

"Okay, everyone, don't make noise. This treasure friend has some rare treasures that need to be appreciated. If not, please withdraw. Don't waste the precious quota of treasure friends."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand to signal everyone not to make noise.

He also understands his own shortcomings. [Autumn Wind] is a veteran anchor with many fans, and he has just started live broadcasting for two days, and the fans are not loyal enough. If the quarrel continues, it will cause conflicts between [Bao Ye] and [Autumn Wind] If you oppose, you will definitely suffer.

Need to accumulate fans...


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