"You planted it wrong!"

Zhang Xibao peeled off a peanut, and held up a bean to show the two siblings: "You have to plant it directly in this way to germinate."

"So that's the case, no wonder it can't be planted!" Tumengmeng sister and brother suddenly realized.

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Didn't the person who left you the seeds teach you how to plant them? What's his name?"


The two words Tu Mengmeng uttered shocked Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao fell into a daze, Tu Mengmeng whispered a few words beside Tu Mengmeng's head, Tu Mengmeng left for a while, and brought back a stone slab.

"She left this!"

Zhang Xibao took the slate and found that Daxia's pinyin alphabet and multiplication table were engraved with a knife on it, and on the bottom of the slate was a silhouette of a woman holding a little rabbit with her left hand and right hand.

Zhang Xibao touched the silhouette, and muttered to himself: "The time is not right, Zhang Zhizi is the Kunlun strange land that has advanced 18 years, why is it the rabbit family that came 10 years ago, what happened here?"

Zhang Xibao asked a few more questions about Zhang Zhizi, and the Tumengmeng siblings shook their heads blankly.

"Gardenia is the god of wisdom of the rabbit family. She brought us knowledge."

The Tumengmeng siblings took Zhang Xibao to another hall, where a statue of a woman with a vague face was carved out of stone.

"I should leave."

Zhang Xibao felt that it was getting late, he had stayed in the Rabbit Clan underground for too long, and he had forgotten about Xuanwu who had pitched a tent there.

"This is the holy land you need, Mister Qilin!"

Tu Mengmeng handed Zhang Xibao a black clay pill, which was only the size of a fingernail.

"The original holy land was as big as a fist. Gardenia took a small part of it, and we used up the remaining half to trade with other beast races, so we can only trade this piece."

Zhang Xibao carefully took the strange ball of black mud, observed it carefully for a while, and found that it didn't look like a living thing, but it didn't look like a strange treasure either.

Unable to see one, two, three, Zhang Xibao put away this small piece of soil, and asked: "Won't the holy soil grow on its own, why do you have so little left?"

The rabbit spread its paws fiercely: "Its body will not grow, and the soil it grows will lose the characteristics of its body. As for what conditions it needs to grow, we have not figured it out. Anyway, it will grow by itself."

"All right……"

Zhang Xibao asked Tu Mengmeng about the situation of the mountains, and Tu Mengmeng told Zhang Xibao that the mountains are not only their tribe, there are vegetarian tribes such as rats, sheep, and horses in this endless mountain, and there are also wolves, tigers, etc. , foxes and other carnivorous groups.

"I will come back again and visit your home next time!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xibao left the underground palace of the rabbits, and flew towards the place where Xuanwu pitched his tent.

Xuanwu was sitting cross-legged in front of the bonfire drinking some wine, he glanced at Zhang Xibao's empty hand, and said bitterly, "I'm about to starve to death..."

"Didn't you bring any food with you?" Zhang Xibao asked in surprise.

Xuanwu spread his hands: "I only brought wine."

"That's over, I can only eat canned food today."

Zhang Xibao sat on the stone in front of Xuanwu: "Guess what happened to me just now? Believe it or not, it will blow your eyes out!"

"I do not believe!"

Xuanwu took Zhang Xibao's canned food, and began to eat in big mouthfuls: "Tell me and let me listen."

"Before you tell me, read this first."

Zhang Xibao took out the fingernail-sized clay pellet and showed it to Xuanwu.

I'll go, where's the meal? What are you doing with your booger? ! "Xuanwu had an expression of wanting to vomit.

"God damn booger!"

Zhang Xibao cherished the soil and poured a trace of divine power into the soil on a whim.

The soil doubled at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"I go!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened: "So it's used like this?"

Xuan Wu was also attracted by the situation just now, he leaned close to Zhang Xibao, stared intently at the lump of "booger" he thought, and asked curiously: "What the hell is this? How can it get bigger?"

"Xi Rang!"

Zhang Xibao stared at the ever-expanding Xiyang with scorching eyes: "The fetish that can automatically generate different soils, our Great Xia's plan of 'everyone is a supernatural being' can finally be realized!"

"If this is the thing that can make my eyeballs pop, I admit that you have indeed succeeded."

Xuanwu also had an excited expression on his face. This small pellet of mud is a miracle that can save countless lives!

"No no no..."

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "What I want to talk about is another matter, and this matter has to start from the time I caught the rabbit just now..."

Zhang Xibao told about the Rabbit Clan, and told Xuanwu about the A-level confidential document. After listening to it, Xuanwu fell into a daze just like Zhang Xibao.

After a long time, Xuanwu said: "There has never been a living person found in a foreign land. This matter has been taught in textbooks for many years. Our discovery this time may overthrow many theories about foreign lands."

"What does Zhang Zhizi have to do with you?" Xuan Wu suddenly asked.

Zhang Xibao thought of the gourd seed pendant he had worn since he was a child, and was silent for a moment: "Maybe it's my biological mother? Who knows, I don't have any memory of my parents!"

Regarding Zhang Xibao's background, Xuanwu of course also investigated curiously.

There is a 99% chance that Zhang Zhizi is Zhang Xibao's biological mother, because Zhang Xibao seems to have suddenly appeared in this world.

It has to be said that it is a miracle in itself that a boy with no family background can grow into the number one combat force in Great Xia.

What role did that woman named "Gardenia" play in Zhang Xibao's life trajectory?

Zhang Zhizi left a point, and Zhang Xibao's life stretched like a thread, until today this unstoppable torrent!

Xuanwu asked curiously: "If, I mean, if Zhang Zhizi is your mother, and you can see her one day, what would you say to her?"

Zhang Xibao was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "I want to ask her why she abandoned me in the first place."

Xuan Wu was a little surprised, he could hear a trace of outrageous anger in Zhang Xibao's calm words!

"We have to go out to the foreign land first, and continue to explore after we are fully prepared."

Zhang Xibao's suggestion was approved by Xuanwu, and he nodded: "This foreign land is suspected to be Kunlun foreign land, so it belongs to Daxia. After I go out, I will let people guard the gate."

"Need not."

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly: "I've said it before, Shanren has his own tricks!"

The two of them suspended their exploration plan, without even taking a break, they got on the phoenix and flew towards the exit of the foreign realm.

"Calculating the time, Ivan and the others probably have already come in, but who cares, I'm going to 'take' the whole foreign land away!"

Zhang Xibao laughed out loud, Xuanwu looked at him inexplicably, his face full of doubts.

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