Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 344: The Great Formation Shows Its Power

"Stealing the sky and changing the sun: an auxiliary formation, deploying this formation, can steal the sky and change the sun, separate the world, form a cave of its own, and belong to the seventh-rank formation!" 』

"We have the magic circle, and we also have the 'Yin-Yang Keel Bone Cone', so it's time to see if this method works."

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and looked at the entrance to another world that looked like a big chrysanthemum in another dimension in the sky.

After all, the Great Formation of Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun is just a seventh-rank magic circle, which can divide the world if it is used well, but it is not known whether it can remove the gate of a foreign land, so Zhang Xibao plans to use his divine power.

During the time he was away, his confidence continued to grow, and now Zhang Xibao's accumulated strength had reached an incalculable amount.

Zhang Xibao pointed at the yin-yang keel cones, and one by one the cone-shaped exotic treasures flew into the sky, prying open the door of the foreign realm.

"That's right, it's working. Divine power is better than clear energy."

Zhang Xibao saw that the high-altitude gate was being peeled off like wallpaper.

"You just need to fix it somewhere in Daxia, and the remaining keel cone is just used to make a wedge."

Zhang Xibao took advantage of the gap to look at Xuanwu: "Where do you think it would be better to insert this gate?"

Seeing all this in front of him, Xuanwu was already stunned. After he realized it, he took out his Qingqi pager and dialed Qinglong's video directly.

In the video, Qinglong said hello.

"Xuanwu, how about the new foreign land, where is Zhang Xibao?" 』

"The new foreign land is suspected to be the Kunlun foreign land in SSS Secrets. Too many things have happened, Qinglong, I won't be able to explain it for a while. I will talk about it in detail when I go back. As for Zhang Xibao..."

Xuanwu pointed the camera at Zhang Xibao floating in mid-air, and shouted in an incredible tone: "This kid actually wants to steal the new world back to Daxia. Now he has succeeded, but he is not sure where to put the gate. !"

In the video, Qinglong quickly reacted, his eyes widened: "Xuanwu, how can we call it stealing when we take our own things?" ! 』

"Yes, yes, take your own things!" Xuanwu nodded in approval.

"five minutes! 』

Qinglong stretched out a slap: "Five minutes, let's discuss where to place the gate of the new foreign land, and then give you an answer!" 』

Five minutes later, Qinglong replied the message, and the location was set at Beishi, Zhang Xibao's hometown.

"The gate of the new world can be placed in Beishi!" Xuanwu shouted to Zhang Xibao who was in midair.


Zhang Xibao silently recited the mantra, completing the last step of the grand formation, and the entire gate of the foreign realm turned into a ball of light, condensed in the palm of Zhang Xibao's hand.

"Let's go, let's go to Beishi!"

Zhang Xibao sat on the phoenix holding the ball of light and Xuanwu.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao said to himself: "If divine power can be used on Xi Soil, what effect will it have on Fang Rui?"

A burst of divine power poured into the phoenix sitting below.


Phoenix's body suddenly swelled ten times!

Those big wings that looked like flames seemed to be able to cover the sky and the sun, and Zhang Xibao and Xuanwu were almost thrown away by Fang Rui's expansion bomb just now.

"Well, it's exciting!"

Feeling Fang Rui's joy, Zhang Xibao sighed.


Phoenix not only improves its body size, but also its flying speed!

In the blink of an eye, Phoenix, carrying Zhang Xibao and Xuanwu on his back, turned into a small black dot in the sky.

"Go directly to Beishi. Qinglong and the others are already ready. The location is near the entrance of Haocang Island. Mr. Qin Jiuyuan will personally bless the gate of the foreign world. Your hometown will become the only city in the world with three different worlds!"

Xuan Wu has been laughing foolishly, what happened in one day and one night is more exciting than the five years he has guarded the border.

Soon, the two arrived in Beishi.

Mr. Qin Jiuyuan, accompanied by Qinglong, was waiting at the foot of a mountain near Haocang Island.

"It's ready, come on!" Qinglong shouted.

Zhang Xibao nodded, and tossed the ball of light in his hand, and the ball of light spread rapidly, turning back into a wave-like gate to another world.

The rest of the yin and yang keel cones were handed over to Mr. Qin Jiuyuan, who was an expert in this field, so Zhang Xibao planned to be lazy for a while.

"Where to run, you and Xuanwu have to go back with me."

Qinglong blocked Zhang Xibao who wanted to escape, Zhang Xibao wailed: "I have already told Xuanwu all the information, let him make a report, I still have important things to do!"

"What's your business?" Qinglong asked suspiciously.

Zhang Xibao replied seriously: "I am applying to enter the Kunlun Foreign Land to explore alone. It may take a long time, but I must go in!"

Qinglong looked at Xuanwu, Xuanwu scratched his head and replied: "Things here are a bit complicated, but let me make a long story short. There are humans in Kunlun Alien Territory, and Zhang Zhizi from the A-level intelligence seems to have appeared."

Qinglong was silent.

After a while, he asked Zhang Xibao: "Can you guarantee your safety?"

"I can!" Zhang Xibao replied decisively.

"Okay, apply for approval!" Qinglong patted Zhang Xibao on the shoulder.

"I still have to get ready before going in." Zhang Xibao turned around and wanted to leave.

Suddenly, Mr. Qin who fixed the gate of the foreign world exclaimed.

Everyone looked back, and Ivan rushed out from the gate of the alien world with Yevna on his back. The two of them must have used some kind of flying alien. He thought the gate was still high in the sky, so he slammed into the nearby mountain.

Ivan was dizzy, and said with a look of the rest of his life: "I thought the gate of the foreign world was closed, and we two would be trapped in it for the rest of our lives!"

Yevna looked at the surrounding environment, and her eyes fell on Dark Saint Qilin, Qinglong, Xuanwu and a group of well-armed members of the Black Dragon Society, and patted Ivan with a confused face: "We seem to have fallen into the encirclement gone?"

"Damn it, why is Qinglong here?" Ivan rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache.

"This doesn't seem to be Fangchuan..." Yevna said weakly.

Zhang Xibao laughed and stretched out his arms: "Welcome to the northern part of Daxia, my hometown Beishi!"

Ivan and Yevna suddenly petrified.

How can people go abroad after entering a foreign country? !

Ivan reacted and shouted: "This is theft, you can't move the foreign gate belonging to the three parties to Daxia privately!"

Qinglong smiled slightly: "Mr. Iwan, we now have sufficient evidence to prove that this foreign land is the Kunlun foreign land eighteen years ago, so it should belong to Daxia. discussed at the meeting."

Discuss, what else to discuss!

The gate of the foreign realm has been moved to Daxia, and Daxia also has the dark saint with the highest combat power in the world!

I can't beat it again and again, and I have no place to reason, so why discuss it!

Ivan rolled his eyes, it seemed that Xiong Guo was sure of this loss.

"Please contact the members of the border, and allow Yevna and I to cross the line and return home. Surrounded by the three of you with the highest combat power in the Great Xia, my heart can't take it anymore." Ivan waved his hand, thinking that his life was more important. .


Qinglong made a gesture to see off the guests: "We Daxia people have always been hospitable. When friends come, they have good wine, and when jackals come, they are shotguns!"

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