Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 345 Strange Businessman

The siblings of the Rabbit Clan said that there are humans beyond the mountains, but Zhang Xibao rode a phoenix for a day and a night to reach the Rabbit Clan from the gate of the foreign land.

According to the pair of siblings, there are rat clans and horse clans next door. If you want to cross the mountains, you can't easily rush out with a slap on the head, so Zhang Xibao needs to be fully prepared.

Qinglong gave Zhang Xibao a long vacation, so that Zhang Xibao would no longer have to worry about the gossip and other scandals, as long as he had a steady stream of credit to the account.

Zhang Xibao found Qian Chengjin and told the little fat man, "I'm planning to go to Haocang Island and settle the land. Would you like to come?"

"I'll go too..."

Qian Chengjin hesitated to speak, sighed, shook his head, and nodded again.

Zhang Xibao looked at Qian Chengjin who was constipated, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Qian Chengjin told Zhang Xibao exactly: "Tang Yinghuang smashed my house and almost beat me up!"

"What the hell?"

"However, this is something she can do."

Zhang Xibao was even more surprised. Logically speaking, Qian Chengjin and Xi Baihu couldn't compete at all.

"Brother Bao, you and Lord Baihu's scandal, she thought I asked someone to write it, I explained it to her, but she didn't listen, she couldn't do anything to ordinary people, but no one dared to stop her from beating me!"

Zhang Xibao wiped off his cold sweat after listening, and patted the little fat man on the shoulder: "I really wronged you, I will come down to make it up to you..."

Qinglong already knew that Zhang Xibao was using this method to collect trust, but Tang Yinghuang shouldn't know. Could it be that Qinglong was teasing her, or did he want to see Zhang Xibao make a fool of himself?

Zhang Xibao shook his head, threw away his messy thoughts, and entered Haocang Island with Qian Chengjin.

Haocang Island is not only exporting economic products such as Juling Peach Pit. After reading many books given to it by Zhang Xibao, the leader of the Spirit Ape decided to vigorously develop the tourism industry. A must-see attraction for those who are able to enter a foreign land.

Everyone is willing to spend a sum of points to experience the services of the spirit apes, feel the tribe full of exotic beasts, and taste various melons, fruits and specialties and barbecues. The leader of the spirit apes will directly earn a fortune!

Of course, the points are useless to the spirit apes. Under Zhang Xibao's matchmaking, the points will be accumulated in the account of the Black Dragon Club and used to import various items that the spirit apes need.

After Zhang Xibao gave He Xiansheng a holiday last time, this fellow really came to Haocang Island, and was warmly received by the Spirit Ape Tribe. The leader of the Spirit Ape Tribe almost wanted to marry the most beautiful female monkey of the Spirit Ape Tribe to He Xiansheng Little monkey.

Zhang Xibao no longer needed to buy a ticket to enter Hao Cangdao, while Qian Chengjin directly applied for an SVIP ticket card at the Beishi Alien Administration Bureau, and the two of them didn't need to pay for entering and exiting.

The two entered a foreign land and went straight to the Spirit Ape tribe.

The tree house of the tribe has turned into a luxurious palace at this time, the leader of the spirit ape is lying on a deck chair, wearing sunglasses on his face, several female spirit apes are peeling bananas for him to eat, and there are several strong little spirit apes Playing and playing around, these little guys all have supernatural powers, and the content of the play is spitting water, spitting fire, and powerful vajra palms...

"Are you retiring early?" Zhang Xibao asked aloud from afar.

"Oh, Lord Bao, my dear friend, my faithful companion, my lord! 』

The leader of the spirit ape laughed and ran over, hugging Zhang Xibao.

After this guy learned Daxia dialect, he was obsessed with various etiquettes, and every time he had to drag out some small words for Zhang Xibao to listen to.

"Dude, time is precious, so I'll keep it short."

Zhang Xibao took out the breath soil and showed it to the leader of the spirit ape, a trace of divine power was injected, and the breath soil swelled to the size of a fist.

Qian Chengjin and the leader of the spirit ape widened their eyes in shock.

"This is the soil, which can automatically grow fertile foreign soil. I plan to develop the northern land of Haocang Island, replace all the ordinary soil with foreign soil, and then plant the foreign treasure seeds!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the two guys opened their mouths wide in surprise.

"This plan requires the two of you to implement it together. The spirit apes are responsible for replacing the soil, and you are responsible for recruiting more earth-type supernatural beings and planting exotic treasure seeds!"

After saying that, before Qian Chengjin and the leader of the spirit ape were shocked, Zhang Xibao took out a large handful of exotic treasure seeds!

"I will leave 100 of these snow lotus seeds for you. As long as one snow lotus can be planted alive, it can produce more than 3,000 seeds!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Qian Chengjin counted with his fingers: "If one hundred whole seeds survive, that's three hundred thousand seeds! No, no, no, the survival rate is not that high, even if it's only half, then there are ten thousand seeds." Fifty thousand!"

"This glorious task is entrusted to the two of you, is there no problem?"

Zhang Xibao held Xi Soil in his left hand, and the strange treasure seed in his right hand and asked the two guys.

"no problem!"

"no problem! 』

The two guys swear to the sky that they will complete the task. Zhang Xibao handed the Xiran to the leader of the spirit ape, and put the strange treasure seeds into Qian Chengjin's square inch strange treasure.

After the discussion, Zhang Xibao took money and Cheng Jin out of the foreign land, and asked the little fat man to mobilize his family's connections to buy melons, fruits and seeds in several nearby cities, especially carrots. No carrots to eat.

Qian Chengjin didn't understand why Zhang Xibao wanted so many radishes. Anyway, Brother Bao has been doing weird things recently, but Brother Bao has his reasons. Carrots don't cost much, so he bought them all...

Zhang Xibao took half of the carrots from the Tongtian Treasure House, seeds of various crops, chrysanthemum rats, and fungus into the Kunlun Wonderland, and made a preliminary exploration of this wonderland.

The strange land of Kunlun, the territory of the Rabbit Clan.

Tu Mengmeng and Tu Mengmeng came out to greet Zhang Xibao happily, and they said excitedly, "Mr. Qilin, are you back so soon?"

"Yes, I brought you the seeds and carrots owed from the last transaction."

Zhang Xibao looked at the narrow underground palace and shook his head: "It's too narrow here, it's not convenient for me to take things out."

The rabbit took a sharp look at the spacious hall, and felt that it was not too narrow. How about some seeds and carrots, the whole underground palace can't fit it?

Tu Mengmeng told his younger brother in advance to be more polite to the guests, so Tu Mengmeng held back and didn't speak.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Xibao stated the purpose of his trip: "If possible, I would like to use the Rabbit Clan to invite all the nearby vegetarians to participate in a trade conference. I have a lot of food and seeds. Please listen carefully, yes a lot of……"

A businessman came from the mountains. The rabbits of the Rabbit Clan said that this businessman sold strange food and seeds, but asked for very little in return. The news swept all the nearby ethnic groups in an instant. Winter is coming. Although the mountains are huge, it is impossible to feed everyone. Hunger is always the norm...


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