Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 348: The Fox Fakes The Tiger's Prestige

"Okay my lord, we'll get out of here right now!"

As soon as the wolf finished speaking, he slapped the second wolf, and the two guys ran away in a flash.

The tiger clan, especially the intelligent tiger nobles, has an absolute right to speak in the carnivorous clan.

The two downcast wolves who were despised by the clan did not dare to disobey Lord Tiger, although they did not know which member of the tiger clan Zhang Xibao was.

The fat fox in the net bag has completely lost its voice, it is trembling, and if it falls into the hands of the wolves, there will be no scum left of it, but if it falls into the hands of the tigers, it may be worse than death.

"It's dead, then I'll eat it while it's fresh!"

Zhang Xibao knew that the fox was pretending to be dead, so he said this on purpose.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me, my meat is fishy and smelly, it will only affect your appetite, sir!" The fox in the net pocket shouted.

"Oh, is that so, I think you are quite fat?" Zhang Xibao approached the net pocket, looking down at the fox in the net pocket.

"Oh my god!" the fox screamed, almost peeing.

It thought to itself which adult from the Tiger Clan is this, why does he look so fierce, he really eats foxes without spitting out his bones!

"No no no, my body is full of fat, the taste is particularly greasy, and I have a disease, eating it is not good for your health!" The fox was so frightened that he began to speak nonsense.

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes, looked at his newly grown sharp claws, and asked, "Then I'm still hungry, so I have to eat something. Do you have any good ideas, fox?"

The fox's eyes rolled away, and he was taken aback for a moment. He hurriedly replied: "Yes, yes, I know a place where there is wine and meat. You must be able to eat to your heart's content, Mr. Tiger!"


Zhang Xibao stretched out a "claw", easily cut open the net bag, let the fox out, patted the fox's head condescendingly, and said, "Then take me there, my lord, my stomach is very hungry!"

The fox swallowed a mouthful of saliva, endured the fear and led the way: "My lord, please come this way!"

Zhang Xibao followed the fox into the depths of the forest.

A strange scene appeared in the forest, a tiger followed a fox...

"Hey, Fox, what's your name?" Zhang Xibao asked in a rough voice.

"My lord, my name is Hu Fat Yuan."

The fox asked anxiously: "My lord, what is your name, and what should I call you?"

"Tiger Yan Mo!" Zhang Xibao spat out three words.

"My lord's name is really domineering!"

The fox started to flatter, and then he got close: "The adult is called Hu Yanmo, and the little one is called Hu Feiyuan, which sounds very rhyming! You are a tiger, I am a fox, maybe they were a family five hundred years ago!"

Zhang Xibao kept silent and didn't get bored, he watched this cunning fox perform in front of him with a wicked idea.

Soon, Hu Feiyuan brought Zhang Xibao to the baboon family.

The cider brewed by the baboon family is very delicious and is the ultimate drink enjoyed by many groups.

Zhang Xibao, the tiger, followed behind him. Hu Feiyuan wanted to die if he wanted to. He kicked open the door of the baboon patriarch and yelled, "Where is the old guy? Why don't you get out?"

The patriarch of the baboon was stunned. Is Fox Fat Yuan insane? He dared to speak to him like that. He was usually beaten for stealing alcohol.

"Fox Feiyuan, are you looking for death?"

The baboon patriarch looked at Hu Feiyuan coldly, and then Zhang Xibao raised his legs and stepped into the wooden house. In an instant, the baboon patriarch's blood froze.

"Big, big, big... my lord!"

The baboon patriarch stammered and said: "It's a coincidence that you come to the baboon family. Our new wine has just been made. You should try some!"

Zhang Xibao didn't speak, Hu Feiyuan patted the table: "Don't rush to serve the wine, you have to keep the adults waiting for a long time!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The baboons began to serve fruit wine in stone jars. Zhang Xibao picked up a jar and tasted it, and found that it was rich in fresh air and delicious, even better than the monkey wine brewed by the ape patriarch.

"Not bad!" Zhang Xibao commented.

Hu Feiyuan drank, and when he heard Zhang Xibao say it was good, he yelled again: "Old Baboon, didn't you hear Mr. Hu said it was good, why don't you pack a hundred jars and let him take it away?! "

"Huh? I've only brewed a hundred cans in total..." The old baboon was a little embarrassed.

"Then let's take half first!" Hu Feiyuan was about to leave half of the baboon family's fruit wine as soon as he opened his mouth.

As for the remaining half, Zhang Xibao and Hu Fatyuan drank it on the spot, and the old baboon's face turned green and he didn't dare to say a word.



"Master Hu, this wine is just for appetizer... hiccup~ I'll take you to find some meat right away!"

Hu Feiyuan belched with wine, led Zhang Xibao out of the baboon family, and continued to walk deep into the forest.

Clan of wolves.

Wolf 1 and Wolf 2 ran back to the clan. They had been hungry for a day, and when they were yelling at the guys from the Tiger clan for being unruly, someone in the clan suddenly said that a leader from the Tiger clan was coming!

Lang 1 and Lang 2 hurried out to have a look, only to see that the fat fox that was supposed to be in their stomach was walking in the tribe swaggeringly, followed by the terrifying tiger clan!

Hu Feiyuan saw that Lang 1 and Lang 2 were extremely jealous, and cursed at the top of his voice: "Wolf 1, wolf 2, you two bastards still want to eat me? Would you rather be a match?"

Calling the two wolves born of dogs is really a bit of an insult to the wolf character. Wolf one and wolf two were so angry that their tails shook, but they both held back and dared not speak.

Hu Feiyuan led Zhang Xibao inside, surrounded by green wolf eyes, Zhang Xibao wasn't afraid, he just thought it was fun.

"I have long heard that the wolf clan has a treasure house, which is full of delicious food. Where is the patriarch of the wolf clan, why don't you open the treasure house quickly and let Master Hu enjoy it?!"

This guy, Hu Feiyuan, has understood the trick of a fox pretending to be a tiger.

The patriarch of the wolf clan took a deep look at Zhang Xibao. Although he didn't know who Zhang Xibao was, he was forced by the prestige of the tiger clan to open the treasure house in the clan for Zhang Xibao to visit. At the same time, he secretly called a member of the clan to go to the tiger clan's territory ask.

It is said to be a treasure house, but it is actually just the granary of the wolf clan. There are dried meat of various vegetarian animals, bones for the cubs to grind their teeth, and fur and grease for the entire wolf clan to survive the winter.

Zhang Xibao was wandering around the Wolf Clan Curry, and Hu Feiyuan stuffed a lot of dried meat into his mouth. These things were garbage to Zhang Xibao, but to Hu Fatyuan, they were rare delicacies.

"Wooooow, delicious, delicious, it's worth it even if I die!"

Hu Feiyuan was talking vaguely, eating, and suddenly cried: "Whoa, but I don't want to die yet, the mother fox's paws haven't even been touched!"

Zhang Xibao thought it was funny, and patted Hu Feiyuan's shoulder: "This treasure curry only has dried meat and leather, so the wolf clan doesn't have any precious things?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Fox Fat Yuan almost choked, turned its eyes, and replied: "Yes, the wolf clan has a pool, and the injured clansmen can take a dip in it to heal their wounds, which is why the wolf clan is known as the carnivorous clan that fears death the least. !"

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