Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 349: The Fungus Comes Back

"Oh, a healing pool?"

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up: "Then I have to go and see!"

The healing pool is the sacred place of the wolf clan, and only the wolf leader and the injured wolf warrior can enter. Hu Feiyuan proposed to take Mr. Hu to visit the pool, but the wolf clan leader objected.

The patriarch of the wolf tribe shook his head: "Forgive me, Master Yan Mo, you can't intrude into the Holy Land unless you and your companions are injured..."

What the patriarch of the wolf clan thought was that this Tiger Yan Mo would never take the initiative to hurt himself anyway, and used this compromise request to make his refusal seem less blunt, but he didn't expect that what he was facing was a fox fat like hob meat round.

"You can only enter if you are injured, right?"

Hu Feiyuan glanced at Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao had no expression on his face, he thought that only Master Yan Mo would support him now, if Master Yan Mo was not satisfied, he would definitely die if he offended so many ethnic groups, so he had to hug Tiger Yan Mo tightly Big thick legs of adults!

After thinking this through, Hu Feiyuan went straight to a stone, and under the shocked gaze of the leader of the wolf clan, he picked up the stone and threw it on his head.


"Oh ah ah..."

Hu Feiyuan covered his head and jumped up and down. He held up his blood-stained hand to show the leader of the wolf clan: "I'm injured, right? Take us to the holy place of the pool!"

The leader of the wolf tribe suffered a terrible loss, so he had to take Zhang Xibao and Hu Feiyuan to the pool.

The three guys came to the forest behind Wolf Mountain. After passing through a thick mist, a pool with a radius of ten meters appeared in front of them.

Zhang Xibao scanned it with his Tongtian pupil, and found nothing abnormal for the time being, he pointed to the pool: "Go and try it!"

"Hey, my lord!"

Hu Feiyuan covered his head and jumped into the pool. The visible wound began to stop bleeding, and then slowly healed.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that this pool is quite miraculous. Although the effect is not as good as the spirit ginseng, it is not bad. What is the principle?

Zhang Xibao also jumped into the pool and felt a magical power, but he didn't know where the power came from.

On the shore, the leader of the wolf tribe was expressionless. Zhang Xibao took a look at it and found that this guy didn't look very nervous.

"The problem may not be the pool, but the water..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Xibao began to observe the water source of the pool, and he found that the water in the pool came from a spring, that is to say, the water came from the ground.

With the leader of the wolf tribe watching here, Zhang Xibao couldn't dig it on the spot, so he memorized the approximate location of the pool and planned to come down and explore it alone.

"Since the wound has healed, come up quickly, both of you!" The leader of the wolf tribe urged.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Xibao left the back mountain pool with the swaggering Hu Feiyuan. Hu Feiyuan looked like a winner, completely unaware that the leader of the wolf clan was grinding his teeth secretly, and planned to find an opportunity to kill him.

As soon as the three guys arrived in the tribe, wolf one suddenly ran over and told the leader of the wolf tribe: "The chief of the tiger tribe is visiting!"

While talking, a white-fronted big tiger walked over and asked in a cold voice: "I want to see who is bluffing and deceiving under the banner of my tiger clan!"

Hu Fat shrank his neck, and he no longer had the arrogance he had just now. He quietly stood behind Zhang Xibao, his eyes met the leader of the wolf tribe, and he was so frightened that he trembled all over.

The leader of the Tiger Clan stood more than five meters tall, and his muscular body almost caught up with the leader of the Bull Clan. He passed many wolves along the way, and his eyes kept rolling on Zhang Xibao.

"An outsider from the Tiger Clan?" the head of the Tiger Clan asked.

Zhang Xibao replied casually: "I'm going down to Tiger Yama, passing by the carnivorous clan's territory, just to experience the local customs and animal life."

The patriarch of the Tiger Clan asked again: "Traveling Beast? Don't plan to stay for a long time?"

Zhang Xibao didn't answer, but asked directly: "The carnivorous tiger clan is the biggest, and you are the biggest among the tiger clan, is that so?"

"What, you want to challenge me?"

The beasts were a little surprised, and the head of the Tiger Clan pointed to his nose.

Compared with the patriarch of the Tiger Clan, Zhang Xibao's Tiger Yan Mo is like a young Tiger Clan.

The rank of the leader of the Tiger Clan is not considered high, and the only thing he can fight with is brute force, and Zhang Xibao has little interest in fighting it.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, then shook his head: "It's boring, why don't you fight with my pet? If you win, I can satisfy your request. If I win, I only ask one question."

"Pet? Are you insulting me!"

The patriarch of the tiger tribe spewed hot air from his nose, and his two copper bell-sized eyes were covered with blood.

"You say it's spicy, so don't explain."

Zhang Xibao shrugged, patted the schoolbag behind him, and the fungus came out of it.

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised that the Chinchilla was lazy today, but the fungus stood up on its own initiative.

The fungus meowed and rubbed against Zhang Xibao's calf. Zhang Xibao pointed to the head of the Tiger Clan and told the fungus, "Down with it!"

Then the fungus, which was less than the knee height of the tiger patriarch, confronted the tiger patriarch, and the beasts were a little dazed, thinking that this is the pet to compete with the tiger patriarch, isn't it enough to get between the teeth?

"Okay, then I'll eat this little thing first, and then I'll eat you!"

The patriarch of the Tiger Clan roared, intending to eat Zhang Xibao and the black cat. The price for offending its majesty is tragic death.


The fungus also screamed, and the small claws made of pure gold jumped out, and the tail swung back and forth, trying to attack.


The patriarch of the tiger clan swooped forward with big strides, and the four claws of the fungus kicked like a black lightning. Before the beasts could clearly see the situation, the patriarch of the tiger clan had three claw marks on his face.

"The little thing is pretty fast!"

The patriarch of the Tiger Clan licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and began to take it seriously.

The fungus stuck out its red tongue and licked the tiger's blood on the golden paws. It tasted good, and it turned around and meowed at Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "No, fungus, you can't kill it!"

The fungus let out a regretful cry.

"Kill me, you are still tender, come on!"

The patriarch of the tiger clan rushed forward again, black light appeared in the eyes of the fungus, and the patriarch of the tiger clan fell into a sluggish moment, at this moment, the fungus moved.


There were two balls of blood on the legs of the Tiger Clan Chief, and the fungus passed under his crotch and rolled up along his back. The powerful inertia made the Tiger Clan Chief fall to his knees.

The fungus stepped on the tiger patriarch's head, and the fine gold claw blade worn on the paw was about to cut off the tiger patriarch's artery.

"you lose."

Zhang Xibao waved his hands, motioning for the fungus to come back.

The atmosphere was a little frozen, this black cat actually defeated the patriarch of the tiger clan!

Doesn't that mean that Hu Yanmo's pet is better than anyone in the carnivorous clan? How cruel is Huyan Mo, the master?

Zhang Xibao broke the silence and asked, "One question, you nobles of the herd are not of high rank, why can you walk and talk upright?"

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