Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 351 The Scarecrow In The Cornfield

Looking at the plain in front of him, Zhang Xibao was so excited that he wanted to yell. In fact, that's what he did, and no one else could hear him anyway.

Zhang Xibao yelled, the Flame Crows quacked and quacked, Chin Maoshu and the fungus also yelled, Hu Feiyuan burst into tears with excitement, finally he didn't have to wait on Mr. Mouse and Mr. Cat!

"Is this beyond the mountains?"

Hu Feiyuan looked around curiously, and muttered to himself: "It seems that there is nothing different, but the ground is relatively flat..."

"Do not!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes looked at the familiar crops planted at the end of the plain, and he smiled strangely: "There are people here... but I caught them!"

If someone said that this crop was produced in a foreign land, or it grew naturally, Zhang Xibao would definitely give him two big blows, because those things turned out to be corn, flakes of corn!

Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix to fly down, and the flame crows scattered according to the order, and began to search for traces of humans.

In the cornfield.

Perhaps it was because of the fertile soil in the foreign land, or perhaps the abundance of fresh air, these corns grew very well, each of them was more than three meters high, and they bore many and large fruits.

The reason why Zhang Xibao flew down was because he found something strange in a certain corn field, and he planned to check it out.

The chrysanthemum was very excited, peeled off a corn cob and began to gnaw it. Hu Feiyuan had never seen corn before, so he also started to break it crazily.

"Foxes seem to eat meat, right?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Hu Feiyuan whose mouth was crazily raised, and shook his head: "Whatever, I like to eat corn so I won't have to feed it."

Zhang Xibao walked towards the strange part of the cornfield, and when he pushed aside a few corns, he saw a figure from behind.

"What, it turned out to be a scarecrow?"

The scarecrow is three meters high, completely made of straw, hidden in the dense corn leaves, wearing a tattered leather garment, and wearing the same tattered straw hat on his head.


Zhang Xibao was about to leave, when he heard a slight noise, he turned around abruptly, but found nothing.

But that sound is definitely not the slight sound of wind blowing corn leaves!

"Tiantian Pupils open!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, and he instantly saw through the strangeness of this place. There is actually a magic circle in this broken cornfield?

The eyes of the magic circle are right at the feet of the scarecrow!


The vines extending from the scarecrow smashed a hole in the soil under Zhang Xibao's feet, and at the same time, the scarecrow turned its head.

"This thing turned out to be a puppet made from straw?"

Zhang Xibao retreated violently. It's not that he couldn't kill the scarecrow, but he was full of interest in the scarecrow and the magic circle underground.

The appearance of the scarecrow and the circle, doesn't it mean that there are people here?

Like a scary ghost, the scarecrow took out a scythe from nowhere, and chased Zhang Xibao through the cover of many blades.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes, temporarily diverted his attention from the scarecrow, and instead looked at the few healthy corn trees around him.

Puff puff!

When Zhang Xibao pulled out the few corn plants, the magic circle on the ground suddenly failed, and the scarecrow turned into a headless fly, slashing wildly with a sickle. It seemed that Zhang Xibao could not be found.

"Sure enough, the magic circle is used for positioning!"

"Then, only the scarecrow's energy is left..."

Zhang Xibao kicked his feet and rushed towards the scarecrow. He turned his palms into claws and opened the scarecrow's chest in an instant.

A small low-grade spirit stone was pulled out, and the scarecrow instantly lost the ability to move, and turned back into a tattered scarecrow.

Zhang Xibao dismantled the scarecrow on the spot, studied the structure inside carefully, and couldn't help exclaiming: "If this thing is made of black solid wood, it can be compared to an earth-level puppet. I don't know who made it." It’s so creative!”

After the research, Zhang Xibao put the scarecrow back together as it was, but did not place a spirit stone to activate it.

"Help! 』

Hu Feiyuan hugged a few corns and yelled, running in a panic, Zhang Xibao rushed over following the sound.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xibao asked.

"I was hunted down! ’ Hu Feiyuan said out of breath.


Zhang Xibao looked in a certain direction and said, "Come out, if I don't show up, you would have caught up with the fox long ago."

The corn leaves shook, and a dark-skinned girl emerged, staring at Zhang Xibao vigilantly.

"Who are you?"

"Why did you destroy my scarecrow?"

"And let this stinky fox steal corn!"

The little girl was aggressive, Zhang Xibao touched his nose guilty.

"I have no malice……"

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly, trying to express his kindness. He grabbed Fox Fatyuan's ear and said, "This fox eats meat. It has never seen corn before, so it started picking corn out of curiosity. As its owner, I can Compensation, as for the scarecrow, I didn’t destroy it, it’s still fine, but I took the spirit stone, I can give you a new one as compensation.”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xibao took out a few boxes of canned meat, and took out a spirit stone collected from the Rat Clan to show the little girl: "Can I compensate you for these?"

The little girl took Zhang Xibao's spirit stone, but not the canned meat. She didn't seem to know that the can was filled with meat, so she pointed to the corn in Hu Feiyuan's arms and said, "Bring back the corn!"

Hu Feiyuan honestly returned the corn, and the little girl's expression eased.

"The corn that you and the scarecrow stepped on can grow a few more catties, what a waste..."

Afterwards, the little girl picked off the fallen corn and pointed to the direction of the exit: "Go out first!"


After all, he was wronged, Zhang Xibao scratched his head, and followed the little girl to leave.

"Is this cornfield yours?"

"Did you refine this scarecrow?"

"Which tribe are you from?"

"What's your name?"

Finally, a living person was found in a different territory. Zhang Xibao asked curious questions one after another, but the little girl seemed very cold and kept silent.

"Why doesn't she talk?"

Chin Maoshu lay on Zhang Xibao's pocket and asked curiously.

Before Zhang Xibao could speak, the little girl snorted: "Because my mother said not to talk to strangers, especially those with malicious intentions!"

"I'm really not a bad person!"

Zhang Xibao curled his lips: "How can there be such a handsome villain like me?"

"Would a bad person say that he is a bad person?" The little girl's words were well-founded, making it impossible for Zhang Xibao to refute.


The little girl took a look at Zhang Xibao: "You have such a white and tender face, you can't beat it just by looking at it, how handsome are you? You are handsome with muscles like Yunbai's big brother!"

It was the first time someone called him a boy, and Zhang Xibao had a strange expression on his face. He said to himself: "If muscle is directly proportional to handsomeness, then the patriarch of the Niu clan is the most handsome!"

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