Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 352 The Great Xia Tribe Is Still A City


The two came out of the cornfield.

The little girl started to pick up hay, and Zhang Xibao could tell that she wanted to roast the corn.

Zhang Xibao looked at the little girl curiously: "Don't you know how to clear the air and resist the fire? You set up the magic circle in the corn field, if you don't know how to resist the fire, you can use a magic circle to roast the corn!"

The little girl glanced at Zhang Xibao like a fool: "The spirit stone is so precious, so I use it to roast corn? I eat corn to fill my stomach. When I am full, I have the strength to practice clearing my energy. It's better not to eat!"


Zhang Xibao thought for a while, and took out the pot and canned meat from Tongtian Treasure House, planning to have a meal with the little girl, and to get closer with each other, so as to get closer.

"I have a pot here. If you tell me your name, I can use Qingqi to help you cook the corn. I have a lot of Qingqi, and I am not afraid of wasting it."

Zhang Xibao was talking to the little girl while building a stove with clods of earth.


The little girl looked at Zhang Xibao arrogantly, and continued to pick up hay.

Ka Ka Ka

The flint and steel set the hay on fire, and the little girl began to roast the corn.

The canned meat on Zhang Xibao's side smelled like meat, the little girl sniffed and swallowed with greed.

"My name is Zhang Xibao, do you want to have some food together?"

Zhang Xibao stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, picked up another piece and signaled to the little girl, "Look, it's not poisonous!"

The golden mouse knew how to use chopsticks. It started to use chopsticks to scoop up meat to eat, and even picked up a few pieces of fungus to eat. Hu Feiyuan was miserable. It didn't dare to scoop up meat with its claws, and it didn't know how to use chopsticks. It beat its chest and stamped its feet anxiously.


Seeing Hu Feiyuan's miserable appearance, the little girl couldn't help laughing.

"Go and deliver some meat to the little girl, and I'll get you some meat to eat!"

Zhang Xibao picked up a few pieces of braised pork and put them in a can, Hu Feiyuan hurriedly sent them to the little girl, and then looked at Zhang Xibao eagerly.

Zhang Xibao scooped up a few pieces of meat for Hu Feiyuan, and the guy almost burst into tears after eating it.

"It's so delicious, I've never eaten such delicious meat in my life!" 』

"I seem to be running in the setting sun, that is my lost youth!" 』

"Come on, eat it while it's hot!" Zhang Xibao scooped up a can full of meat for Hu Feiyuan.

The little girl secretly packed the tin can and brought Zhang Xibao two corns: "I can't eat your meat for free, I'll trade it with you!"

Zhang Xibao pretended not to see the little girl hiding the meat, he took the corn and shook it: "Did you know that there is another way to eat this stuff, it tastes so good!"

Under the curious eyes of the little girl, Zhang Xibao threw the corn kernels into another pot, sprinkled some oil and sugar into it, covered the lid, and set the bottom of the cauldron on fire, and then the pot began to crackle.

"Dangdang, popcorn!"

Zhang Xibao lifted the lid, a sweet smell came out of the pot, and the yellow-orange-orange corn kernels had turned into snow-white popcorn.

"You have to dry it before it tastes good!" 』The Chinchilla is more experienced and spoke first.

After a while, Zhang Xibao picked up a piece of popcorn and tasted it: "It's already crispy, and the taste is not bad!"

Chin Maoshu, fungus, and Hu Feiyuan began to eat popcorn.

"This is your corn, you have to taste it too!"

The little girl hesitated, picked up one and ate it, her mouth was fragrant and her eyes were bright.

"It's really delicious!"

Finally hearing the little girl's positive comments, Zhang Xibao thought that delicious food is really something that brings people closer together. Didn't he and Chinchilla get to know each other because of a box of instant noodles...

"Eat more if it's delicious!"

A few little heads surrounded the cauldron, and they ate up half the pot of popcorn in a short while.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Zhang Xibao. I am a traveler. I intend to go to the nearest tribe. I stumbled into the cornfield because I mistook the scarecrow for a living person."

Zhang Xibao stretched out a hand.

The little girl thought for a while, shook Zhang Xibao's hand, and replied, "My name is Xiao Hua."

"Hello, little flower!"

Zhang Xibao bared his white teeth and smiled, the little girl is willing to tell her name, this is a good start.

"Xiaohua, can you take me to the nearest tribe? I want to visit."

"This cornfield belongs to the Daxia tribe, and the nearest tribe is the Daxia tribe."

Xiaohua nodded: "For the sake of the popcorn, I can take you there."


Zhang Xibao released the phoenix, jumped on it, and patted the empty space next to him: "Come on, I'll take you flying!"

Xiaohua's eyes widened in shock, and she blurted out: "Phoenix!"

"Do you know Phoenix?"

Zhang Xibao patted Fang Rui: "But I'm not a real phoenix, it's just some kind of strange treasure that can change."

Xiaohua sat on Fenghuang's back to guide Zhang Xibao, while secretly touching Fenghuang's back here and there.

"Sit tight, it's time to speed up!"

Zhang Xibao desperately wanted to see the legendary Daxia tribe, so the phoenix flew at full speed, and the girl Xiaohua was not only not afraid, but shouted happily.

"Little Hua, isn't the Great Xia Tribe very big? What does it look like?"

While on the way, Zhang Xibao communicated with Xiao Hua.

Xiaohua replied: "Yes, the Daxia tribe is very big, it is one of the biggest tribes in the Great Wilderness!"

"That's it..."

Zhang Xibao didn't ask any further questions. Xiao Hua was young, but she was very vigilant. If she asked too much, she would easily get offended. For more information, she had to use her own eyes to see it.

After flying for a while, Xiaohua suddenly said: "It's almost here!"

Looking far into the distance, Zhang Xibao saw the city wall on the horizon, and there was no end to the left and right sides of the city wall. He thought the tribe was just wooden walls and tents, but he didn't expect it to be like a city.

"It's so big, why is it called a tribe?!" Zhang Xibao looked at Xiaohua curiously.

Xiaohua explained: "Because the empire really developed from the tribe, it has continued to use this name. You will know when you learn about the history of the Daxia tribe."


When approaching the Great Xia Tribe, Zhang Xibao told Xiao Hua: "Xiao Hua, you are a smart girl, don't tell others about my phoenix, I'm just a traveler, I don't want to cause trouble."

"I understand, because I don't want to cause trouble. The spirit stone you gave me is a high-grade spirit stone, so it will be used as a hush money."

Xiao Hua was mature beyond her age, and the two hit it off immediately, and Zhang Xibao gave Xiao Hua some canned food.

"The Phoenix is ​​out of use, let's walk first!"

When approaching the city, Zhang Xibao and Xiaohua started to walk.

"Do you have an ID card? If you don't have one, you need to pay taxes when you pass through the city gate."

Xiaohua took out a wooden card from her bosom, and Zhang Xibao took it.

"Thank you so much... This is really an ID card!"

There is a special number, name, gender, etc. on the wooden sign, and there is a small magic circle inside, which can probably be used to identify the identity.

Except for the different materials, this card is similar to Zhang Xibao's ID card outside!

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