Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 353 Fate Comes, Isn't It?

"I only have this..."

Zhang Xibao took out his own card and showed it to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua looked at it and curled her lips: "The material is quite unique, but it can't be used as your identity proof."

According to Xiao Hua, every outsider will be subject to strict scrutiny. In addition to paying the basic entry tax, they also need to stay in a special department for at least half a day, and special people will come to question them.

"Oh, what should I do..."

Zhang Xibao's eyes swept over the city wall. The city wall was very high and there were many guards, but these were not a problem for Zhang Xibao who could fly.

The main thing is the magic circle covering the entire city. This thing is not low-level. If you forcefully leap over the city wall, God knows what will happen...

"I know what to do!"

Zhang Xibao took out the wool and deer antlers collected from the Vegetarian Clan from Tongtianbao Curry, put on a leather suit, and disguised himself as a businessman.

"Is that all right?"

Zhang Xibao turned around and showed Xiao Hua.

"Well, almost, the merchant is not as delicate as you..."

Zhang Xibao pretended to rub his face twice, his skin became dark and rough, he grinned, showing two rows of big white teeth.

"How did you do that?" Xiao Hua's eyes widened in shock.

"It's just a simple disguise technique." Zhang Xibao shrugged without explaining too much.

The two walked to the gate of the city, Xiaohua showed the guards her identity certificate and successfully passed, while Zhang Xibao lined up in another line with a pile of so-called goods on his back.

The guards asked Zhang Xibao a few words, and Zhang Xibao managed to fool him based on the information Xiao Hua said. Then someone checked Zhang Xibao's package, and finally paid taxes. Zhang Xibao finally passed the doorway successfully.

"Hurry up, I was delayed at the gate for too long, and I have to return to the North City District before the curfew." Xiaohua urged.

"What the hell, Beishi... District?"

Zhang Xibao felt that his brain was not enough. Just now it was his identity card, but now his hometown Beishi has also come out?

Xiaohua nodded: "Yes, the city is divided into 34 residential areas, and I live in the northern urban area."

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao felt that the people who built this huge city must have come from outside the world, otherwise it would be hell.

"What's the matter with the curfew, Xiao Hua?"

The sun was about to set, Zhang Xibao looked at the people in a hurry on the street, and some soldiers riding on dragon horses and strange beasts were patrolling. These soldiers were all supernatural beings, at least they started at the mysterious level.

"Prevent the people from the other tribes from messing up things. There is a curfew after sunset, and people can only move around in buildings. I'm afraid we won't be able to go back to the northern urban area. Let's find a hotel to stay..."

Xiao Hua was explaining to Zhang Xibao, when suddenly there was a loud shout from behind: "People in front stop!"

Zhang Xibao turned around and found a guy in black iron armor staring at him.

Is it exposed? Zhang Xibao was a little puzzled, his attire should be fine, and his answer at the city gate was also very decent.

General Heikai took out a bead, glanced at it, and shook his head: "It's okay, let's go!"

After saying that, General Heikai rode a dragon horse and a strange beast and rushed towards the imperial capital.

"Let's go, Xiao Hua, let's find a shop to stay."

Zhang Xibao waved and walked towards a restaurant with Xiao Hua.

On the back of the dragon horse, General Heikai took out the spirit-testing pearl again, shook it twice, and muttered to himself: "The magic horse made by the Yibao Supervisor, does it work sometimes?"

"Measurement Orb: Mysterious-level strange treasure, auxiliary magic weapon, refined by the superintendent of Daxia City's strange treasure, 34 guards each have one, can monitor the area under their jurisdiction, and the orb will meet the supernatural beings of the ground level and above react. 』

Zhang Xibao brought Xiao Hua to a restaurant, ordered a table full of dishes, and spent a middle-grade spirit stone, which was not too expensive.

"I didn't expect Daxia City to trade coins carved from such spiritual stones. It's quite convenient."

Zhang Xibao exchanged a high-grade spirit stone for a bunch of middle-grade spirit coins and low-grade spirit coins at the restaurant. One middle-grade spirit coin can buy a large table of dishes, which shows that the purchasing power of spirit coins is quite high.

"That's because you only exchanged spirit coins, but there are actually copper coins and silver coins out there!" Xiaohua muttered while eating.

Zhang Xibao made some extra meat for Xiao Hua: "Xiao Hua, tell me about the history of the Great Xia Tribe while eating. I'm very interested."

Xiao Hua started to talk.

『The Great Xia Tribe used to be called the Tongtian Tribe, but the first empress changed it to the Great Xia Tribe. There used to be only tens of thousands of people in the tribe, but now there are millions of people! 』

"Wait, what's the name of the first empress?" Zhang Xibao temporarily interrupted Xiaohua's narration.

Xiaohua replied in a low voice: "Gardenia"

"As expected..."

Zhang Xibao nodded, and asked again: "Why is it the first generation? Could it be that she is already dead?"

『It’s not dead, the first empress has ascended to the sky, I don’t know the details. 』

『The Daxia tribe is divided into 34 regions, each guarded by a ground-level armored general. They are absolutely loyal to the new empress and also control the eyes of the formation in the city. 』

"There are Yibaojian and Baodanjian near the empress's palace. All the weapons and treasured pills in the city come from the two prisons. 』

Xiaohua talked while eating, because of her low status in Beishi District and her young age, she didn't know some things.

Zhang Xibao muttered: "It seems that I have to look it up myself."

There is accommodation on the second floor of the hotel. Zhang Xibao asked for two adjacent rooms. After sending Xiaohua into the room, Zhang Xibao locked his own room.

He plans to visit the Empress Palace at night. According to Xiaohua, there is a comprehensive history of the Daxia tribe there.

"The generals guarding the city are the earthly ranks. The palace guards the heavenly ranks. For me, Baoye, it's like entering a land without people?"

Zhang Xibao put on the cloak of the Black Dragon Society, which he used as night clothes. He put on the Qilin mask, opened the window of the room and flew out.

Beishi District is very close to the Imperial Capital District, and it's still in this pirated city, so Zhang Xibao flew there in a short while.

Although there is a magic circle above the city, this magic circle is aimed at people who want to break in and out, and it doesn't work for Zhang Xibao who is flying at low altitude.

Zhang Xibao wandered around the Queen's Palace, and found that the level of the magic circle here was not lower than that of the city, and it was impossible to break in without making some noise, but Zhang Xibao planned to sneak in, and the noise was too large to meet his original intention.

At this moment, there was a clatter of horseshoes, and Zhang Xibao's eyes fell on those iron-clad generals riding on dragon horses and beasts.

"They can come in and out freely, they must be carrying a treasure that matches the magic circle..."

Zhang Xibao recognized the black-armored guard who called him back earlier, and the dragon-horse beast this guy was riding had a black spot on his chest.

"Fate is here and I can't stop it, then, offended..."

Zhang Xibao looked at the guy on the horse and muttered to himself.

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