Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 354 I Have Been Arrested And I Feel Bad


There was a muffled sound.

It seems that something heavy has fallen to the ground.

Zhang Xibao didn't even make a move, Crow King Xiaoni knocked the black-armored general into the air like an airplane.

Before this guy could even make a sound, Zhang Xibao, who had been squatting aside for a long time, put his hands on his neck, a slight divine power poured into the guard's body, and then he rolled his eyes and fell asleep.

"It's very silky, Xiao Ni and I have a tacit understanding..."

Zhang Xibao dragged General Iron Armor to a corner, and took out the spirit measuring ball from him.

"Could it be that this thing is the key to enter and exit the imperial palace?"

Zhang Xibao put on the iron armor, Qilin's mask changed into the appearance of a guard, Fang Rui changed into the appearance of a dragon and horse, and then Zhang Xibao stepped on the dragon and horse and rushed towards the imperial palace.

"Why did the general go and return? 』

The person guarding the gate of the imperial palace asked, Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, these generals and guards of the imperial palace were all women!

"Ahem...I have something important to report!" Zhang Xibao replied with a suppressed voice.

"What's the matter? ’ the female guard asked again.

Zhang Xibao responded: "During today's inspection, I interrogated a foreign businessman. He said that there was a change in the mountains to the south, and an animal that could speak human words was found."

"General, wait a moment, let me report!" 』

After finishing speaking, the female guard turned to leave, and Zhang Xibao sat patiently on the back of the dragon horse.

After a while, the female guard came back and told Zhang Xibao: "The empress made an exception and allowed the general to enter!" 』

Zhang Xibao patted Fang Rui, and the dragon and horse rushed into the imperial palace.

"The guards inside are all women, good guy..."

Zhang Xibao was thinking about how to sneak away to investigate those historical records, instead of going to meet the empress in the face of a guard.

"The empress is taking a bath, the general waits for a while!" 』

The female guard asked Zhang Xibao to wait in a side hall, Zhang Xibao was overjoyed, thinking that it would be good to take a bath, and after a while, he would have time to look for the annals.

Zhang Xibao asked Xiao Ni to replace him as usual, and then slipped out of the side hall.

"Where do you usually hide the annals? Forget it... let the little mouse help me find it first!"

Zhang Xibao released Chinchilla and gave some instructions, and the little mouse disappeared in an instant.

The Chinchilla's speed is extremely fast now, and the general restraint can no longer stop it. In less than a minute, it has touched dozens of palaces, just like a ghost without a shadow.

When Chinchilla passed by a large hall, it suddenly smelled a strange fragrance, which was so craving that it made the little mouse feel a little dazed.

It wants to eat something casually first, and then continue to look for the palace containing the annals of history. Anyway, it is very fast, and it will not be short of time.

After thinking it over, the Chinchilla ran like the wind towards the fragrant palace.


The wine and pastries on the palace table disappeared.

The naked eyes of ordinary people can't catch the figure of Chinchilla at all. Just now, it seems that the food and flagon just disappeared out of thin air.

But the girl bathing in the center of the hall saw it clearly.

"Where did the little mouse come from? It's quite capable?"

The girl got up from the pool, put on her clothes, and chased after her with a touch of her toes, without any movement, like a breeze.

The Chinchilla was holding the flagon in its left paw, and the pastry in its right paw, devouring it without realizing that it was being followed.

"This wine tastes really good, it's almost as good as the liquor in the Zuixian gourd back then..."

"Would you like another pot? 』

Just as the Chinchilla was about to turn around, it suddenly met a pair of clear eyes full of curiosity.

"Where do you want to go, little mouse?" The girl folded her arms and asked with a smile.

"I was discovered, will the master kill me?" 』

Chinchilla thought to himself that Laozi was Tongtianshu!


Chinchilla disappeared in the blink of an eye, but it felt that the girl was always with him!

No, it has been going around in circles, and it didn't run out of this hall at all!

With a flick of the girl's fingertip, a golden light flew out, and it turned into a small cage in the blink of an eye, enclosing the golden mouse.

"Whoa, it's over..."

Chinchilla closed its eyes in despair, it felt that Zhang Xibao was really going to kill it now, and through the spiritual contract with Zhang Xibao, it instantly passed the news of its arrest.

"You want to leave after stealing my things, huh?"

The girl picked up the cage made of golden light and looked carefully at the Chinchilla. When she saw the Hidden Sword on the Chinchilla's paw, she narrowed her eyes and the smile on her face disappeared.

"It turns out that there is an owner..."

Zhang Xibao's side.

"Something happened to Chinchilla!"

Zhang Xibao patted his forehead, feeling a bit of a headache, logically speaking, given the talent of the Chinchilla, even the Heavenly Rank couldn't catch it easily.

"Let's save the little mouse first."

Zhang Xibao tapped his toes and touched the past according to the induction.

The golden mouse cage hung high on the eaves, and a young girl stood on the roof of the palace, looking at Zhang Xibao with cold eyes.

"He Fangxiao is young, broke into my imperial palace, why don't I remember that there are masters like you in other cities?"

The girl stretched out her hand, and a snow-white flying sword appeared in her hand.

"The idea is tricky, leave me alone! 』The Chinchilla lay on the railing of the cage and yelled at Zhang Xibao.

"I have no malice……"

As he said that, Zhang Xibao took out the Qilin flying sword, his whole body was shaken, and he wanted to see how the idea could be used.

"Is there any malice, wait for me to kill you with a sword, and then slowly interrogate your spirit!"

The girl's figure was extremely fast, and she slashed at Zhang Xibao with a sword. This sword seemed light, but it seemed to have the power to destroy everything.

"If I knock, is it also a human immortal?"

Zhang Xibao thought that the female emperor's palace was at most a heavenly guard, but he didn't expect that he was also a human immortal who surpassed the heavenly rank?

Zhang Xibao vaguely heard Zhan Nian in the black sword chuckle.

What do you mean, mocking me?

Zhang Xibao didn't have time to think any more, he poured divine power into Qilin's flying sword, and raised his hand to catch the girl's sword.


Xuebai Feijian flew out, and the girl retreated suddenly, with a look of horror in her eyes, she couldn't help asking: "Who the hell are you?!"

The girl should be the empress, and the faith she collected is equivalent to the million residents of this city, but what Zhang Xibao collected is the billions of fans of the real Great Xia, plus the faith of vegetarians and meat eaters!

Is this comparable? No!

The sword of a fairy girl is far inferior to Zhang Xibao's sword!

Zhang Xibao said weakly: "I'm just a passerby..."

"It's up to you to kill or cut, why are you teasing me?"

The girl was like an angry leopard, she picked up the snow-white flying sword again, planning to fight Zhang Xibao to the death.

"I almost got my sister. I'm really just a passerby. If you hadn't caught my Chinchilla, I would have seen you all the time!"

Zhang Xibao tapped the golden mouse cage, the mouse cage was broken into pieces, and the golden mouse was free.

"Then why did you come to my imperial palace?!" the girl questioned.

Zhang Xibao replied: "I'm here to find a woman named Zhang Zhizi!"

The girl glared: "Hasn't my mother been taken away by you?!"

"Mother? Take it away? What is it?"

Zhang Xibao's heart skipped a beat, it's bad, if Zhang Zhizi is really his real mother, isn't this girl in front of her a real sister?

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