
"What is a wild monster?"

After Zhang Xibao asked this question, Mu Ge took him outside a ground cage. It seemed that some kind of ferocious beast was imprisoned in the dark cage, and there was a rancid smell coming from it.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, took out his shiny cane, and fired a strong light into the cage, where he could clearly see what was crouching inside.

It was a humanoid monster lying on all fours, with festering skin and messy hair on its body, surprisingly large eyes, fangs turned out, looking at Zhang Xibao with stinking saliva.

Mu Ge introduced: "This is the Desolate Demon, a yellow-ranked Desolate Demon with the lowest level. The Desolate Demon is the most terrifying enemy of the tribes."

Zhang Xibao turned off the light of the cane in disgust, and asked suspiciously: "Aside from being ugly, this thing is similar to a strange beast, so why is it the most powerful enemy?"

Mu Ge replied solemnly: "There are people above the Heavenly Rank in the Desolate Demon!"

"Is this thing intelligent?"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised. The key to being above the heavenly ranks is a lot of faith. Could it be that these ugly desolate monsters also have objects of worship?

"That's right, the higher the level of wild monsters, the smarter they are, and they don't need to practice clear energy, they can automatically upgrade. If this yellow-rank wild monster swallows enough flesh and blood, it can grow into a mysterious rank!"

Mu Ge takes Zhang Xibao back to the main hall.

"I know you have too many questions big brother, let me answer them one by one!"

"The Daxia tribe is currently the only large population gathering place. There are also some small tribes with a population of hundreds of thousands at most. The Shura tribe and the beast spirit tribe are the top ones. Our common enemy is the desolate demon..."

"My mother brought in advanced technology and various seeds back then, and obtained soil in the mountains to improve the soil quality, which enabled the Daxia tribe to survive, otherwise this tribe would have been annexed or lost at the mouth of the desolate monster. .”

Zhang Xibao asked Shu Ling to record all the information that Mu Ge said, and then he asked: "Zhang Zhizi... Where did mother go, what did you say about being arrested?"

Mu Ge looked lonely and pointed to the sky.


Zhang Xibao was a little puzzled. There was nothing but the bright moon in the sky.

"It's heaven."

Mu Ge nodded: "My mother said that there is a sacred tree in the mountains, named Jianmu, which leads directly to the world and the sky. Since my mother became the peak of the earth fairy, two guys who claimed to be from the gods came to my mother. , Let mother go back with them, saying that it is to fulfill a certain promise."

"Jianmu and Shenting..."

Zhang Xibao searched the Tongtian Baojian carefully for a while, but found no information about Shenting, he could ask Zhan Nian after thinking about it, maybe Zhan Nian knew something.

"still have a question."

Zhang Xibao looked at Zhang Muge: "We have been talking about our mother for a long time, so who is our father, a scientific expedition member or a member of the Great Xia tribe?"

Zhang Muge shook his head: "Neither, my mother said she gave birth to us after eating two seeds!"

"Seeds? Treasure seeds?"

Zhang Xibao was a little dumbfounded, but then he thought that it was not impossible for Zhang Zhizi to become pregnant by eating the seeds, after all monkeys could pop out of the cracks in the rocks.

Mu Ge blinked: "No, it seems to be a sacred object of the Daxia tribe? I don't know the details. My mother said that she ate one by mistake and became pregnant with you. Later, she was lonely in the Daxia tribe, so she ate it again. One, that gave birth to me!"

"last question……"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his index finger, and asked the doubt that he had held back for a long time: "As far as I know, the Great Xia tribe used to be called the Tongtian tribe? Is there any explanation for the origin of the name Tongtian tribe?"

"I have to think about it..."

Mu Ge pinched his chin and thought for a while, then slapped his hands: "I remember! At the beginning, my mother got a treasure map, which was left by a guy who called himself the old man Tongtian. The treasure map said that there are five treasures in the mountains!"

"They are: Taiyi Jingjin of the gold system, Tongtian Jianmu of the wood system, Tianyi Zhenshui of the water system, Sifang Tianhuo of the fire system, and Nine Heavens Breathing Soil of the earth system!"

Zhang Xibao flipped through the Tongtian Great Treasure Book for a while, and sure enough, he found the information of five kinds of treasures. Excluding the gold-type Taiyi fine gold and the fire-type Sifang Tianhuo, the other three are already in his hands.

"So there are still two kinds of treasures in the mountains that I haven't gotten..."

Zhang Xibao wrote down these two things, and planned to look for them on the return trip.

Shu Ling recorded all the information Zhang Xibao wanted to know. He asked for half the night when he asked, and Mu Ge pulled Zhang Xibao for the rest of the day to ask about the outside world. No tired feeling.

Early the next morning, it was still dark.

Mu Ge took Zhang Xibao to the so-called Star Observation Hall, which is the highest hall, and two people sitting on the top of the hall can overlook the whole city.

"You said that your mother left three years ago, so you have been the empress for three years alone, how does it feel?" Zhang Xibao asked with a smile.

"It's boring, I really want to go outside and have a look!"

Mu Ge answered simply, in the outside world, a girl of her age is still in school and enjoys a free life, so there is no need to intrigue with other tribes all day long, and worry about whether the tribesmen will have enough to eat. It's time to attack again.

"If there is a chance, I will take you out!"

Zhang Xibao rubbed Mu Ge's head, his movements were a little rusty, but his eyes were doting, this is his real relative!

"The sun is coming out!"

Mu Ge reminded, Zhang Xibao looked up, and on the gray horizon, a ray of golden light bloomed, and in the blink of an eye, the entire city shone brightly.

"Go, I'll take you flying around!"

Zhang Xibao released the phoenix, and carried Mu Ge to fly around in mid-air.

"I seem to have forgotten something..." Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

Outside the imperial palace, in a hidden corner.

"Ah Choo..."

The comatose North District guard woke up leisurely. He was shivering from the early morning wind. He touched his empty body and woke up instantly.

"There are assassins!"

"Help me!"

"There are assassins!"

The roar of the guard complements the crowing of the rooster in the morning.

Zhang Xibao stroked his forehead: "Oh, I remembered..."

Mu Ge covered her mouth and snickered, Zhang Xibao hesitated to speak.

"Brother, I know, I won't blame the guard of Beishi District..."

Mu Ge poked Zhang Xibao's back and reminded: "It's time to go down, to go to the morning court, or everyone will go crazy!"

"Okay." Zhang Xibao controlled the Phoenix to descend slowly.

"Brother, how about going to court with me?"

Mu Ge smiled slyly: "The things outside are taught by my mother. I don't learn well. You must know more than me. Do you want me to make you a city guard general and take care of this city for me?"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Farewell, your brother, I am very lazy. You have been in charge for three years, and you definitely don't understand anything, so just follow the steps. I will point out any deficiencies."

Under Mu Ge's repeated requests, Zhang Xibao still agreed to go to court together, so, in the morning court today, beside the empress was a handsome young man wearing a Qilin cloak...

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