Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 357 Opening Up Trade Routes

"If there is something to play, there is nothing to retreat to the court!" ’The female guard shouted.

According to the practice of Daxia City, the supernatural guards guarding the districts will report during the curfew, instead of going to the morning court. The civil servants responsible for the operation of the entire city need to report various situations to the empress in the morning.

But the situation is a little different today, both civil servants and guards have been summoned.

The guard in charge of the North District had been appeased long before asking for an audience, so the court meeting was quiet at this time.

Everyone was secretly observing the cloaked boy standing beside the empress.

Could it be the female emperor's male favorite?

After three years of hard work, the Empress is finally going to indulge herself?

"Since everyone has nothing to report, let me do the talking."

Mu Ge looked at the officials, and said, "Let me introduce to everyone, my big brother, Zhang Xibao, comes from outside the Great Wilderness. Everyone, the gate to the foreign land that has been waiting for decades has opened!"

After Mu Ge finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar.

"quiet! 』The female guard gave a reminder.

After the voice became quieter, Mu Ge looked at Zhang Xibao: "Brother, what are your plans for coming in, can you tell me a few words?"

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

Seeing that Zhang Xibao was about to speak, the audience finally quieted down. Everyone looked at Zhang Xibao with burning eyes, waiting for the boy to speak.

"His Royal Highness, civil servants and generals, the gate of the foreign land is obviously no secret to you. I can tell everyone responsibly that I am indeed from outside the foreign land."

"But everyone, don't be too happy. The gate of the foreign world is opened in the mountains of the Great Desolation, which is extremely far away from this place. If only relying on manpower, there is not much possibility for the two worlds to come and go."

"If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me!"

Zhang Xibao raised his hand, signaling His Highness's officials to express their thoughts.

"You can open plank roads along the way, and use strange beasts as a means to communicate and trade with the outside world!" 』

"It's unrealistic to slowly open up the plank road. Dragon horses and beasts can't stand long distances, so you can cultivate a flying beast!" 』

The civil officials and military generals started discussing in one go, and Zhang Xibao smiled.

The method of flying the beast is feasible, but it is not the best, because Zhang Xibao has a better method here!

The laboratory building has begun to study aircraft that use clear air and magic circles to operate. Aircraft are temporarily divided into two categories, one is a huge transport spaceship, and the other is a small one that can be used to launch talisman bullets and bombs. drone.

The first type of transport spaceship can be used to open up business routes between the inner and outer worlds!

What the outside world lacks is all kinds of foreign materials, while the foreign land urgently needs various weapons to deal with the desolate monsters. As long as the transportation line is opened, the two worlds can form a win-win situation under the coordination of Zhang Xibao.

"What an old gentleman in the audience just said is very reasonable, but I have a more suitable transportation carrier than the flying beast."

Zhang Xibao tapped his head, Shu Ling activated the Qingqi pager, and a picture about the aircraft appeared in midair out of thin air.

Someone whispered that there was no fuss, just some kind of lingering treasure...

Mu Ge looked at Zhang Xibao with curious eyes, but she knew that Zhang Xibao didn't use any rare treasures, and that magical projection just appeared out of thin air.

"Brother, how did you get it?" Mu Ge asked in a low voice.

"Haha, it's your brother's company's pager. I'll give you one next time. It will help you cover the base stations so that you can watch TV outside, so you won't be bored."

Zhang Xibao finished speaking in a low voice, and looked at the audience: "Everyone, this is a flying treasure from the outside world, with a maximum load of 200 million catties!"

There was another uproar in the audience.

Today's morning court lasted for half a day, and even the lowest-ranking civil servants didn't complain of being hungry or tired. Zhang Xibao directly discussed with these guys from morning to afternoon, and temporarily finalized various matters concerning the trade between the two worlds.

Zhang Xibao's laboratory building provides clear air spaceships for the two worlds inside and outside the foreign world as cargo vehicles, and the laboratory building will take a cut of it as remuneration for the development of more advanced tools.

After retiring from the court, Mu Ge brought Zhang Xibao to the treasure house of the imperial palace.

In Tongtiantong's field of vision, Bao Curry is so colorful that Zhang Xibao can hardly keep his eyes open.

"Is this the accumulation of the Great Xia Tribe over the past ten years?" Even the well-informed Zhang Xibao couldn't help but sigh.


Mu Ge casually picked up a high-grade spirit stone that was bigger than a basketball, and said: "My mother taught me before that I should save a lot of spirit stones and various precious materials. After the door is opened, it can be exchanged for good things outside."

"It seems that it is our Zhang family's family tradition to save good things!" Zhang Xibao joked.

Mu Ge opened her arms: "Brother, these treasures are all ours, you can take whatever you want!"

"Your brother, I'm not poor. I'm one of the richest people out there. I can take these things away and exchange them for more supplies for the city."

As he spoke, Zhang Xibao brushed the spirit stones and various foreign materials with his hands, and put these things into the Tongtian Treasure House.

"Brother, are you going to leave the foreign land?"

Mu Ge was a little surprised: "Are you in such a hurry, don't you stay for two more days?"

Zhang Xibao finished packing the items for exchange, and nodded: "I came in quite abruptly this time, and I didn't have enough prepared items, so I plan to go out and exchange more items for you to bring in."

"It's time to part after the reunion!" Mu Ge was a little sullen.

"Time is running out, we will meet again soon!"

At Mu Ge's strong request, Zhang Xibao had a farewell banquet. Mu Ge and Zhang Xibao cooked together. After eating, Mu Ge sent Zhang Xibao away reluctantly.

The phoenix rose from the ground, and Zhang Xibao turned into a small black dot in the sky in the blink of an eye.

According to the way he came, Zhang Xibao went straight all the way and flew towards the gate of the foreign land.

Zhang Xibao is not in a hurry to find Jian Mu, after all, his current rank is not high enough.

Zhang Xibao took out the big black sword and tapped on the blade: "Zhan Nian, Zhan Nian, come out quickly, I have a question to ask."

Zhan Nian hid in the big black sword and pretended to be dead, but couldn't bear Zhang Xibao's nagging, finally floated out and sat cross-legged in front of Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao stared at Zhan Nian with a strange expression, staring at Zhan Nian for a while, finally Zhan Nian couldn't take it anymore, and asked Zhang Xibao, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, approached Zhan Nian, and stared into his eyes.

"Zhan Nian, has your memory recovered? Why do I feel that you are acting weird..."

"Oh? You have to talk about evidence." Zhan Nian said expressionlessly.

"Divine Court!"

Two words popped out of Zhang Xibao's mouth.

Zhan Nian slightly raised his eyelids: "I didn't expect you to be so sensitive."

"Of course, after all, the Qilin sword has connected with me. As a sword spirit, I can feel any movement!"

Zhang Xibao snorted twice: "Be honest!"

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