Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 358 The House Was Stolen

There is nothing to explain. As you might guess, I did recall a few things from my last retreat. "Zhan Nian said leisurely.

"Oh, what is Shenting? Why did those so-called gods take Zhang Zhizi, my old lady, to Shenting?"

Zhang Xibao is still full of doubts now, he feels that this chess game is really too big, if he doesn't want to be a chess piece, he must have the strength to overturn the chess board.

"Shenting, it's just a group of jumping clowns sitting and eating fruit and fruit, don't worry about it."

Zhan Nian waved his hand.

Zhang Xibao stared at him: "Don't worry, to put it simply, my old lady Dixian Peak has left with them, I just became a Human Immortal, so I don't think I should care..."

The reason why Zhang Xibao chose to return directly to the foreign land this time, instead of searching for Jianmu all over the mountains, is that his current strength is not enough, and the difference between immortals and gods in Mu Ge's mouth is comparable to that of Huang Jie The order is so big, Zhang Xibao went to deliver food.

In addition, according to Mu Ge, the old lady Zhang Zhizi was not captured, but left with the two gods. She left Mu Ge in Daxia City to deal with the desolate demon, which shows that there is something more serious than the desolate demon to be resolved.

Zhan Nian refused to speak any more, Zhang Xibao asked for a long time to no avail, there was no internet in the foreign land, Zhan Nian flew back to Qilin Sword in boredom.

Zhang Xibao thought that if Zhan Nian didn't say it now, he would have to say it sooner or later, maybe the time has not come, after all, he is just a little fairy now...

"Looks like you have to grab your confidence!"

Before the heavenly rank, the supernatural beings have to risk their lives to absorb the fresh energy. After the heavenly rank, if they want to advance to the heavenly rank, they must not only follow the fate, but also accumulate trust.

The phoenix flew at full speed all the way, and finally reached the gate of the foreign realm after half a month.

As soon as he left Kunlun, Zhang Xibao bumped into a familiar guy head-on.


Zhang Xibao yelled, and the huge husky ran towards him desperately.

"What's the situation, why are you here, Tail Fire Tiger?"

Zhang Xibao caressed the dog's head, and suddenly the pager worn by the husky's neck rang.


The video magic circle was activated, and a tired tail fire tiger appeared in the video.

"What happened?"

Zhang Xibao asked: "You asked Qiqi to wait for me at the gate of the foreign land?"

"Yes, Master Qilin, something happened to the Five Dragons Association, and there is not enough manpower. I will let Qiqi wait for you at the gate of Kunlun Alien Land."

With a flash of Tail Fire Tiger, Zhang Xibao saw the ruins and the members of the Wulong Society who were in a hurry.

The ruins seem to be the underground base of the Five Dragons Club...

"Is this an underground base?"

Zhang Xibao was a little confused: "Why did you become like this, where is Qinglong?"

The base of the Wulonghui not only has the stars sacrificed in the past as the guardian spirits, but also two statues of the heavenly rank, dedicated to slaying demons and demons to guard the base, and a mysterious stone pillar to maintain the operation of the large formation, not to mention the heavenly rank. The Qinglong fished there all day...

Zhang Xibao couldn't figure it out even though he was thinking about it, why did he enter the Kunlun strange land by himself, and the headquarters of the Five Dragons was blown up?

"Master Qinglong is seriously injured..."

Wei Huohu's face was ugly, Zhang Xibao saw that he had scars on his body.

"I'm going back to the imperial capital as fast as I can, and you're talking while I'm on my way!"

Zhang Xibao led Qiqi into the Phoenix and galloped towards the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

All kinds of information were sent to Zhang Xibao's account, coupled with Wei Huohu's dictation, Zhang Xibao quickly figured out what happened.

Wulong will be bombed!

This is a strict conspiracy, which can be said to be interlocking.

Externally, the preliminarily identified enemies include Sharma's Maurya people, and Qi Dongqiang's old father Qi Delong's side, while internally, the biggest enemy is Tianyi.

Sharma was fished out of the Nine Nethers by the Black Dragon Society and imprisoned in a cell on the third floor underground. Qi Dongqiang was also escorted from the Demon City and imprisoned in a mysterious cell not far from Sharma.

Therefore, the Maurya people and the escaped Qi Delong hit it off and planned this terrorist attack.

Of course, these two groups of people are clowns to the closely guarded Five Dragons Association. There is only one main person responsible for this disaster, that shriveled old man Tian 1 who was imprisoned in the deepest part of the ground!

Qinglong was seriously injured, his injury was not in his body, but in his soul.

According to the available information, Tianyi is the master who raised Qinglong. This old thing did not have any good intentions in raising Qinglong, but regarded Qinglong as a container to seize the house!

The old guy left behind Qinglong's soul, taking advantage of this prison robbery and Zhang Xibao's absence of the strongest combat power, Tian Yi seized the opportunity and quickly made a move, catching Qinglong by surprise!

When Zhang Xibao returned to the Five Dragons Club, the entire building had been turned into ruins, and the members of the Five Dragons Club suffered a huge number of casualties. It can be said that the turmoil hurt the vitality of the Five Dragons Club.

Wei Huohu led Zhang Xibao to the Bailonghui medical room, and saw the sleeping Qinglong.

"Master Qinglong beheaded Tianyi with serious injuries, and now he has fallen into a coma." Wei Huohu sighed.

Zhang Xibao checked Qinglong's injury, and found that it was indeed a damage to the soul. This kind of injury didn't even work with spiritual ginseng, so he had to rely on other means.

"Take me to see Tian 1's body!"

When Zhang Xi came to the morgue, he saw densely packed corpses, most of them belonged to prisoners with supernatural powers, and their death conditions were horrific.

According to intelligence, most of the supernatural prisoners were sucked dry by Tianyi who regained his freedom. People directly climbed to the sky level where they could fight against Qinglong!


Zhang Xibao grabbed Tian Yi's body: "Didn't you check it carefully, there is no psychic reaction at all!"

Tail Huohu looked blank: "I've checked it, and there's no psychic reaction. Senior Qin and the others think that Tian Yi should have been beaten to death by Lord Qinglong."

"No, not right!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "The three souls and seven souls in this corpse are not left at all. According to Qinglong's injuries, it is impossible to do this at all. It is the golden cicada that has escaped its shell!"

"You mean..."

Tail Fire Tiger's eyes widened suddenly: "Tian 1 ran away?!"

"Eighty percent possible."

Zhang Xibao glanced at the death list again, and squinted his eyes: "There is something strange, you said that Sharma, a big dog, died in the riots, how did Qi Dongqiang, a mysterious-level supernatural being, escape from the entire formation of the imperial capital?" out?"

The black compass in the hands of the Black Dragon Society can accurately locate the escaped prisoners, so except for the prisoners who were sucked dry by Tian Yi, the other prisoners were beheaded by the members of the Five Dragon Society, but Qi Dongqiang escaped, which is unreasonable!

"The dove occupies the magpie's nest!"

Zhang Xibao and Weihuohu looked at each other.

"Tian Yi may have gone into Qi Dongqiang's body..."


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