Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 362 It's Not Useful To Give You A Chance

"Where is the palm of the Tathagata?"

"Where is the Six Meridians Excalibur?"

"What about the palm technique that fell from the sky?"

At this time, Tian Yi, who was exhausted, was firmly pressed to the ground by the big hands of [Slay Monster] and [Exorcist Demon]. Zhang Xibao squatted in front of him, gently pinching his bald head.

"It's no use giving you a chance?"


"It's useless to give you a chance!"

Zhang Xibao stood up, molded a cage with divine power, and asked [Slaying Monsters] to stuff Tianyi into it and imprison him. The reason why he didn't destroy Tianyi's spirit was the same as the original Five Dragons Association. 1 I am somewhat interested in the more than fifty exercises in my mind.

After more than fifty exercises were squeezed out, Zhang Xibao was reluctant to let go of Tian Yi's spirit. After all, this old man is a rare genius in martial arts. He asked Zhan Nian to practice Tian Yi in the game and feed him moves every day to improve his strength. How wonderful!

"The sea of ​​consciousness stared at by the book spirit is much tighter than the underground base of the Five Dragons Club."

Zhang Xibao muttered and flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhang Xibao opened his eyes, only the vegetative Qi Dongqiang was left in front of him, Tian Yi had been detained in Jiange, Daxia's biggest enemy at present was eliminated.

"Vermilion Bird's injuries are easy to heal, Qinglong's injury is on Shenhun, it's not easy to heal..."

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, intending to find out which foreign land has the rare treasure or fairy grass to restore the soul.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Weihuohu: "Tian 1 Fuzhu, the crisis is over. 』

Back home, Zhang Xibao took out the Qilin sword and slammed it wildly, and the impatient Zhan Nian flew out again.

"Why do I feel that you are always avoiding me this time, did you do something wrong?" Zhang Xibao stared into Zhan Nian's eyes, intending to see a little flaw.

However, Zhang Xibao couldn't see the slightest hint of the cold face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"What can I do wrong? If I wanted to kill you, one of my fingers was enough..." Zhan Nianyouyou said.

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao scratched his head: "What about now?"

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao: "One is not enough, then add another..."

"Change the subject!"

Zhang Xibao sat down on the sofa, in stark contrast to Zhan Nian who was sitting upright.

"Zhan Nian, I met the clone of Old Man Tongtian on Hao Cang Island, that is, the clone of the original owner of Shuling, but this time I heard his name again in Kunlun Alien Land, the tribe where my wife and sister belonged It seems to have something to do with him, you said that these foreign lands were originally a whole, and then for some reason, bang, cracked like a tectonic plate?"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Zhan Nian glanced at him: "You are right."

"Ah, that's true!"

Zhang Xibao blinked: "Zhan Nian, what do you think of, tell me what you can say!"

"It's a long story..."

Zhan Nian paused for a moment, as if recalling.

"a long long time ago……"

Zhang Xibao suddenly said: "Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple in the mountain?"

"Don't interrupt."

There was a murderous look in Zhan Nian's eyes.

Zhang Xibao shrank his neck: "Hey, bro!"

Zhan Nian continued:

"The foreign land used to be a very big world, much bigger than the world you are in now. At that time, there were four major families: humans, alien beasts, demons, and gods."

"A person can become a cultivator through cultivation. A cultivator kills beasts to refine treasures, slays demons to advance, and can touch the gods. Alien beasts and monsters can eat people to grow, and they can also touch the gods. Everyone has a bright future..."

Zhang Xibao: "..."

"People are the source of faith for gods to raise in captivity. They can accept worship by killing demons and eliminating demons, and they can collect faith. The pool of faith is only that big, but there are more and more gods who are cultivators, alien beasts, and demons. , everyone's trust is not enough, what do you say?"

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao and raised this question, as if he wanted to test Zhang Xibao.

"Increasing income and reducing expenditure?" Zhang Xibao spat out four words.

"That's right."

Zhan Nian nodded: "Horizontally, powerful gods and powerful competitors divide up trust resources; vertically, weak gods are suppressed, and the advancement channels of cultivators, alien beasts, and demons are firmly controlled."

"I knock, I knock, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps..." Zhang Xibao was startled.

"So, whether it is a cultivator or a monster, cultivation is a dead end in the end!"

"And then?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Zhan Nian smiled: "The advancement channel of the gods is not a sewer, and it can be blocked with a plug. Naturally, many wild gods came out. Later, the orthodox gods killed the wild gods and were counterattacked. The two gangs fought back. Let the blood flow!"

"And then?" Zhang Xibao looked like a curious baby.

"And then this group of guys cracked the ground, leaked the sky, and brought in a group of even more vicious guys—the demons!"

Zhan Nian sneered: "The heavenly demons come from another dead world, and those who can survive in that environment are all weird and powerful people. After they enter the world of gods, they are like wolves entering the sheepfold, and they have a good time!"


Zhang Xibao had the expression of an old man on the subway: "Heavenly demons eat immortals? I'm a human immortal now..."

Zhang Xibao had already started imagining himself being fried, roasted, and rinsed, and he couldn't help but feel a chill.

"The local gods stopped fighting and began to fight against the demons together, but when they found that they couldn't fight, they blew up the world together, and everyone died together. Anyway, the godheads of the gods will not disappear, as long as they wait patiently for recovery."

"The foreign land is the fragments of the big world back then..."

After Zhan Nian finished speaking, Zhang Xibao was speechless for a long time.

"Zhan Nian, you really don't know Old Man Tong Tian?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"I don't know, probably a new god born in a large fragment after the world exploded?"

Zhan Nian shrugged his shoulders: "However, the Tongtian Dabaojian he made is quite interesting."

Zhang Xibao recalled that old man Tongtian claimed to be a demigod.

In other words, Zhan Nian is older than Old Man Tong Tian, ​​and his rank is higher.

Zhang Xibao looked at Zhan Nian suspiciously: "You said that the godhead will not disappear, and the gods will return? Zhan Nian, were you also a god back then? You are so kind to me, so you must be greedy for me, right? ..."

Zhang Xibao clutched his chest, half joking, half seriously asked Zhan Nian, although Zhan Nian is his own sword spirit now, but he is conscious!

It's okay if you don't listen to this story, but after listening to the story, Zhang Xibao felt a chill, thinking that Zhan Nian is so kind to him, what is he trying to do...

Picture him Zhang Xibao is handsome, good-tempered, flowers bloom, and loves to take a bath?

"Of course I have plans, but it's not you. As I said, if I help you now, you will naturally help me in the future." Zhan Nian narrowed his eyes.

"How can I help you, can you tell me?" Zhang Xibao asked tentatively.

Zhan Nian asked: "Why don't you help me get the body of a golden fairy first? I want the body of a dragon..."

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao: "Hi, brother, goodbye, brother...

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