"The body of the golden fairy must belong to the dragon clan?"

Zhang Xibao touched the tip of his nose with a guilty conscience, and smiled: "It's not bad if I go to the Golden Immortal to deliver food, we're still petty, take your time..."

Zhan Nian snorted, but didn't delve into this topic.

"This Tianyi is indeed a kung fu prodigy. You didn't kill his soul because you plan to dig out his kung fu?"

Gandi Zhannian obviously became interested in Tianyi's spirit. If Zhang Xibao had no special requirements, he would like to refine Tianyi's spirit into his favorite work "Sword Man 6.0".


Zhang Xibao smiled: "There are more than 50 high-level exercises alone, let alone intermediate and lower-level exercises, how many merit points will be exchanged!"

"Merit points are secondary. I have a better idea, do you want to take a look?"

Zhan Nian tapped the Qingqi pager a few times, and showed Zhang Xibao a diagram he made himself.

"Mom, what is this thing? And Zhan Nian, when did you learn how to draw and model..." Zhang Xibao widened his eyes and looked at the schematic diagram a few times, only to feel dazzled.

"This is a big project. It took me a long time just to make this picture. As for the finished product, I, Shuling Laboratory Building and you need to jointly develop it!" Zhan Nian showed a smug expression for the first time.

"What the hell is this, a map?" Hearing what Zhan Nian said, Zhang Xibao was even more curious.

"This is the map of Swordman Plus!"

Zhan Nian waved his palm, and the layers were instantly divided into hundreds of sheets, which were clearly displayed in front of Zhang Xibao.

"This is the map I drew based on the original world. After proportional reduction and optimization, there are 128 maps in total. I divided it into four areas: heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow, which are suitable for four levels of abilities. to explore."

Zhan Nian's theory was raised, but Zhang Xibao looked confused.

The original "Swordman" was limited to a castle or a sword pavilion. Now Zhan Nian directly started to build a free and open world?

"Zhan Nian, if you want to make a game, let He Xiansheng and Wang Xiao do it, why do you still have my business? Improving your strength is the kingly way!" Zhang Xibao scratched his head.

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao angrily, and waved his hand to retract the magic circle screen.

"You think I have nothing to do when I'm free, don't I do this for your better confidence?"

Zhan Nian snapped his fingers: "Where do you think the world of this game will be opened?"

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao to think, Zhan Nian asked himself and answered: "In the small world in your sea of ​​consciousness!"

Zhang Xibao slowly opened his mouth wide, his face even more confused.

"My sea of ​​consciousness?!"

"I realize that a sword pavilion in the sea is enough to be crowded. How can it fit more than a hundred pieces of terrain in the free world?"

"Isn't it going to explode my sea of ​​consciousness!"

Zhang Xibao said a lot, and Zhan Nian impatiently picked out his ears: "Just say whether you want to gain confidence or not!"

"Of course I want to!" Zhang Xibao shut his mouth, intending to listen to Zhan Nian's thoughts first.

"The sea of ​​consciousness is infinite. The problem is that the small world you build yourself is not big enough to fit all the terrain. This is the second thing I plan to tell you."

Zhan Nian stretched out two slender fingers: "Your sister mentioned the map left by the old man Tongtian. There are five treasures recorded on the map, corresponding to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Do you still remember the five elements? form the basis of the world?"


Zhang Xibao suddenly realized: "You mean that collecting all the treasures of the five elements can expand the world in the sea of ​​consciousness, right?!"

"Almost, but not that simple."

Zhan Nian nodded, then shook his head again: "You need to find them and refine them, Taiyi fine gold is the foundation of gold, Jianmu is the ancestor of wood, Tianyi Zhenshui is the source of all water, Sifangtianhuo is the fire seed, Nine Heavens Breath Soil is the mother of soil, none of them are easy to refine, and you can only refine them to make the basis of the whole project!"

Zhang Xibao: ...

"Let's talk about the benefits of doing this first?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"The power of faith, the inexhaustible power of faith, can at least help you become a god!"

The generality of Zhan Nian said, in order to make it easier for Zhang Xibao to understand, he explained: "After making this large-scale game, it also lays the foundation for Daxia's "Everyone is a supernatural being" plan. Didn't you start cultivating it on Haocang Island? Are there any snow lotus seeds? By then, there will be a large increase of supernatural beings, and these people will be the players of this game!"

"Players are free to explore in the four areas of heaven, earth, xuan, and huang. The exercises picked up from the soul of Tianyi are rewards. They can not only improve the level of supernatural beings, increase the overall strength of Daxia, but also help you Provide a steady stream of faith power, you must know that the higher the level of believers, the stronger the power of faith provided!"

Zhan Nian smiled strangely: "Do you know why the gods like to sit in rows and eat fruit? The low-level gods gather trust from the believers, while the high-level gods directly share the benefits from the servant gods and plunder from the wild gods!"

"There is a sentence recorded in Tongtian Baojian. The old man Tongtian said that the end of the Dharma is coming. This prophecy has already begun to come true when the world began to recover. Time is running out, Zhang Xibao..."

Zhan Nian likes to say strange things recently... Zhang Xibao shuddered.

"Okay, isn't it just to find and refine the treasure of the Five Elements, I'm fucked!"

Zhang Xibao didn't even sleep, and went straight to the laboratory building.

"He Xiansheng, are the thousand attack planes I want ready?"

He Xiansheng came out of the laboratory with panda eyes on his face, holding a square inch bracelet in his hand.

"Attack Aircraft Type 1 is ready, and Type 2 is under design. Because a new square inch stone has been added, how to maximize its effect still needs to be considered."

Zhang Xibao took the square-inch bracelet, stuffed a thousand attack planes inside into Tongtian Treasure, and asked Shu Ling to bind the attack planes, so that Zhang Xibao could use his consciousness to control them.

"Leave the attack plane to Wang Xiao to watch, I have more important tasks for you."

Zhang Xibao talked about the development of the game, and He Xiansheng frowned: "Why is Master Bao suddenly interested in games? To make a large-scale game, it is not as simple as designing an attack aircraft. It needs to be familiar with various engines and development labor." intelligent……"

Zhang Xibao patted He Xiansheng: "You don't have to worry about game development, and you don't have to worry about artificial intelligence. You just need to be responsible for developing the client, and someone will contact you at that time!"

Artificial intelligence has a book spirit, game development has Gandi Zhannian, and Zhang Xibao personally provides "hardware" services. This so-called "Swordman plus" is stable!

Zhang Xibao gave some instructions and left the laboratory building.

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