"Tianyi True Water Art?"

Yuan Jingang asked curiously: "Is it very powerful?"

"Of course it's great!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and twisted a small drop of real water out of the air on the spot: "Big Xia's current exercises are divided into low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade exercises, but Tianyi Zhenshui Jue surpasses the existence of high-grade exercises, and is a true fairy magic!"

"Did you see, I can condense water vapor from the air, but this mantra can condense even more powerful Tianyizhen Water from the water vapor, this water has a super healing effect!"

"Open your mouth!"

Zhang Xibao flicked the small drop of Tianyi Zhenshui into Yuan Jingang's mouth.


"It's so refreshing that my scalp tingles!"

Yuan Jingang's eyes were bright, and he ran around with his head in his arms, as if he had eaten an old popsicle in the summertime.

"I don't know if it will be cured or not, but this real water tastes really good! As long as I learn the formula, I can refine it myself?"

Yuan Jingang blinked his eyes, as if he was weighing whether it was worthwhile to form a contract.

"Yes, practice as much as you want!" Zhang Xibao nodded with a smile.

"Damn it, I'll make a deal with you!"

Yuan Jingang gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and formed a bond with Zhang Xibao on the spot.

Zhang Xibao taught the Tianyi Zhenshui Jue to Yuan Jingang, and patted Spirit Ape's head: "In the future, you will be the seventh child, you must be obedient, you know? Practice Tianyi Zhenshui Jue well, and in the future you may become Wukong What about a big man like Zhi Qi!"

Yuan Jingang was immersed in the joy of obtaining the magic spell, and nodded impatiently.

"That's right!"

Zhang Xibao said again: "This is the real water of the day, it can't be preserved after being refined, in the future you can use it to water the seeds of strange treasures, you know?"

Yuan Jingang nodded again.

"My lord, what did you just say?"

Three seconds later, Yuan Jingang came to his senses and stared at Zhang Xibao with wide eyes.

"Tianyi Zhenshui cannot be preserved..." Zhang Xibao said.

"The last sentence?"

Zhang Xibao repeated: "If you practice too much, you can use it to water the seeds of strange treasures!"

"Oh no!"

Yuan Jingang shook his big head: "I drank it all!"

"But if you drink too much, you will feel cold in your stomach..." Zhang Xibao said quietly.

Yuan Jingang: ...

"I knew there was a trick!!!"

As a bonded alien beast, Yuan Jingang had been entangled with Zhang Xibao for the rest of his life. Zhang Xibao did ideological work for it and promised some benefits, so the spirit ape agreed to be the gardener of the exotic treasure seeds.

"Okay, you two work hard, and the future benefits will be indispensable to you!"

Before Zhang Xibao left, he repeatedly warned: "The breeding plan of this rare treasure seed is not only related to the improvement of Daxia's overall strength, but also related to a major event that Master Bao will do, and even more related to the future survival of Daxia as a whole!"

"Brother Bao, we must get this matter done!" Qian Chengjin slapped his chest.

After Zhang Xibao left, Yuan Jingang set off a string of firecrackers with gongs and drums to celebrate...

"I'm going home first. It will take a long time to enter the Kunlun Alien Land to find the other three treasures. I have to prepare well and accumulate a wave of confidence..."

Zhang Xibao sat cross-legged on Phoenix's back, closed his eyes and felt the power accumulated in his body. Boss Wang's entertainment headline offensive really gave Zhang Xibao a lot of confidence. There has been a big wave, but the speed of accumulating confidence has slowed down recently, and these methods are not a long-term solution after all.

"Right now, Yuan Jingang is more like humans than beasts. "Spiritual Deed" can form a bond with apes, but can they bond with supernatural beings?"

Zhang Xibao is now full of tricks in his mind, wanting to throw jade and attract bricks.

"Try it..."

With that said, Zhang Xibao opened the live broadcast room of "Different".

"I knock, I knock, the missing persons return, Grandpa, the anchor you followed is finally on the air again!" 』

"Grandpa received it! 』

"I *@ on the second floor! x*』

"XXX has been banned by the administrator..."

"A major event happened in the imperial capital. I didn't see Master Bao on the video. Did you go on a mission? 』

"I heard that a powerful supernatural person escaped from the base of the Wulonghui, I'm afraid..."

"what? No way, no way? With Master Qinglong guarding the imperial capital, how can he be run away by that guy? What grade? 』

"Master Qinglong is a celestial rank, what rank is the one that escaped, everyone can imagine..."

Zhang Xibao noticed this barrage. It seems that among his fans, there are quite a few supernatural beings, and there are also a few supernatural beings with celestial hands and eyes. This kind of inside information can also be obtained.

In order to avoid panic, Zhang Xibao explained: "Fans and friends don't have to worry at all, because just last night, the escaped prisoner with supernatural abilities was beheaded by Master Bao!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room, and a wave of confidence was directly credited to the account in an instant.

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, ah, this...you can gain confidence even by pretending to be better in the live broadcast room? !

In an instant, Zhang Xibao felt his mood brighten up.

"Since everyone is interested, Lord Bao will talk to you about how to kill this prisoner. If it was in the past, the killing process would definitely be an SSS-level secret. Today, Lord Bao will stop pretending!"

In fact, Tianyi took Qi Dongqiang home, and went to the Jiange in Zhang Xibao's consciousness and was beaten severely, but he was not beheaded at all.

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Xibao started bragging about how he fought against Tian 1 for 500 rounds. The sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark. True and false information were mixed together, which made the audience in the live broadcast room stunned.

After all, this is the battle process dictated by Master Ansheng himself! Who dares to question?

"Oh my god, it's so thrilling, it's worthy of a battle above the heavens!" 』

"Master Dark Saint has worked hard! 』

『I declare that Lord Dark Saint is now my number one idol, surpassing Master Qinglong! 』

"Master Dark Saint, accept my worship!" 』

The credit began to flow into the account continuously, and Zhang Xibao felt secretly refreshed.

Bragging can make you stronger, but it's okay!

It's a pity that the story is finished, and the speed of gathering confidence has slowed down...

"Wall Crack suggests Master Bao to publish a memoir, it will definitely sell well!" 』

"Yes, yes, yes, if you can say it, just say more, it's best to publish a book!" 』

"Bao Ye speaks better than cross talk!" 』

Seeing the barrage, Zhang Xibao was instantly inspired, yes, I can choose to talk about my previous battle experience!

On the spot, Zhang Xibao told everyone a story about his 300-round battle against Mrs. Bone in the Skull Cave, the sea of ​​corpses, and the audience was hooked.

In addition, there is also the story of punching Sharma and kicking the holy son Martin and finally subduing Sharma's four wives and wives. The audience couldn't stop hearing it...

Wave after wave of credit came to the account, Zhang Xibao was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear.

It turns out that this is also okay!

Zhang Xibao thought that in the future, the battle should be broadcast live. It would not only allow the audience to act as nurses to provide him with a steady stream of confidence, but also allow the audience to enjoy their eyes and increase the loyalty of fans!


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