Yesterday's live broadcast earned Zhang Xibao a lot of confidence, so he was thinking about how to make another wave, so that he could accumulate enough strength to find the remaining three treasures before he entered the Kunlun Alien Land.

In fact, as long as Zhang Xibao wants to tell the story, he can tell the story for three days and three nights, but this will cause fatigue to the audience and fans, which will greatly affect the credibility provided, so he has to come up with some new tricks.

When Zhang Xibao was thinking about the theme of today's live broadcast, Bai Weiwei called.

"Moses, Moses?" Zhang Xibao answered the phone.

Bai Weiwei's voice sounded: "You are the Lord Dark Saint, don't be so exaggerated, okay?" 』

"Okay. Xiaowei, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Xibao asked again with a businesslike look.

Bai Weiwei was silent for a moment, and replied: "An animal disaster occurred in M ​​city, and the Black Dragon Society stationed in M ​​city is short of manpower, so I asked for help from the headquarters of the imperial capital." 』

Zhang Xibao picked his nose: "Then support me, and ask me for instructions?"

Bai Weiwei on the other side of the phone caressed her chest, feeling that every time she talked with Zhang Xibao, she wanted to strangle him to death, and she never remembered that he was still the Dark Saint Qilin!

"Master Qinglong fell into a coma, and Master Xuanwu was busy rebuilding the headquarters. At present, the entire Five Dragons Association is headed by you. Your suggestions and opinions are very important to the Black Dragon Association!" 』

With Bai Weiwei's explanation, Zhang Xibao understood that since Qinglong fell into a coma, the group of dragons in the Five Dragons Club had no leader.

Now Zhang Xibao is the boss, whoever he wants to fight, let everyone go west, and absolutely no one dares to go east.

"I see……"

It is related to the safety of ordinary people in City M. Of course, this kind of thing must not be careless. Zhang Xibao immediately entered the state, cleared his throat and asked, "Report the specific situation first!"

"Yes! 』

Bai Weiwei was stunned for a moment, and then began to report all kinds of information quickly and accurately.

"Last night, a beast disaster broke out fifty kilometers north of M city. The alien beasts that caused the beast disaster were mainly mutant rats. The size of the rats was at least one meter, and the number was extremely large. The initial estimate was over a million!" 』

"Mice? They're all mutated mice."

Zhang Xibao asked: "What is the reason for the mutation of the rats? Why didn't there be any signs of such a large-scale beast swarm before, and prevent it in advance?"

Bai Weiwei replied: "Qi revived, a rat king appeared among the rats, and the speed of breeding offspring was a hundred times that of ordinary rats!" The batch of mutated rats that caused the beast tide were born from a country north of M City, crossed the border and entered the territory of Daxia. M City's animal husbandry industry is well developed, and the rats are attracted by the food to hunt for food! 』

"Emotions are rats?"

Zhang Xibao nodded: "In addition to solving the beast horde, we have to kill this mouse king, otherwise the symptoms will not be cured. What are the levels of the mouse and the mouse king?"

"Ordinary Rats are Yellow Class A, and Rat Kings are preliminarily estimated to be Earth Class C." 』

After Bai Weiwei's report was finished, Zhang Xibao pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "First, move the people of City M to a shelter in the city. Second, pass on my Qilin order to call M City and nearby supernatural beings to support the M City Black Dragon Association. The registered supernatural beings distribute weapons. Third, the scale of the rat wave is too large, allowing the use of large-scale destructive treasures and weapons. Fourth, I will personally go to this mission!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Bai Weiwei passed on the order one by one. When she heard the fourth order, she asked repeatedly: "Do you want to go in person?" 』

"Yes, I will go myself!"

Zhang Xibao thought to himself, isn't this the opportunity to increase his trustworthiness? Today's live broadcast is about Killing the Rat King!

After hanging up the communication, Zhang Xibao opened the live broadcast room.

"No way, no way, Lord Bao broadcast live for two days in a row? I'm not dreaming, I thought the year of the monkey and the month of the monkey will be the next live broadcast! 』

"Bao Ye, what are you talking about today? 』

"I have a friend who has a big baby and wants to show Master Bao. 』

"Jianbao is not in a hurry, let's continue listening to the story today, good boy..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hands: "Everyone, we don't appraise treasures or tell stories today, we are going on a mission today!"

"A mission? Is this something someone like me who doesn't spend money can watch? 』

"It's good to set out the task, let's also see how the dignified Dark Saint Qilin sets out the task!" 』

"According to the information, there is a rat swarm in M ​​city, the number is more than a million. Among them, the rat king is a Class C, which is enough to cause an irreversible disaster to a city, so we must kill the rat king in time to protect the safety of the people of M city! "

Before Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the phoenix had already taken to the sky.

"Everyone, today we will kill the Rat King!"

"Earth-level Mouse King, let me knock, it's higher than mine, but it must be a piece of cake for Master Bao!" 』

"At least a million alien beasts! It's a pity that they are all mice. If they are other beasts, they can still be used as raw materials or reserve meat for treasure pills. It's a pity, a pity...』

"Ordinary rats are not of high rank, the key is that there are many. Even powerful supernatural beings may not be able to benefit from the rat tide. Be careful, Baoye!" 』

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Thank you for your concern, friend Bao. Although there are many mutant rats in Rat Tide, Lord Bao has a secret weapon."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xibao took out the Flaming Crow Flag, waved the big flag, and shouted: "Crow!"

The dense flame crows came out of the flame crow flag like small helicopters, quacking and screaming around the phoenix, and the shadow cast by the phoenix on the ground instantly increased tenfold, like a black and red tornado flying across the sky.

"I forgot about Master Bao's beast pet!" 』

"They are all flame crows of the first grade of the Xuan rank. There are so many, there must be more than a thousand of them, right?" 』

Zhang Xibao shook his finger: "There are already more than two thousand."

"Two thousand to one million is not enough..." a friend Bao asked weakly.

Zhang Xibao smiled mysteriously and waved his hand: "The machine is here!"

Buzz buzz!

Attack planes flew out of the Tongtian Treasure House one after another, hovering beside Zhang Xibao like sharp knives.

"The latest achievement of the experimental building is the unmanned attack aircraft, which is powered by Qingqi. The Qingqi pager can be controlled and can drop destructive talisman bombs. There are 2,000 attack aircraft and a total of 20,000 talisman bombs. I will share with you today. Let's set off some big fireworks!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the barrage instantly exploded.

"Good guy, I'm direct good guy, this is a collection of technology and clean air!" 』

"I have always had a dream of Yujian, and now I can finally realize it, Yuji can also do it!" 』

"A silent question, is this machine for sale..."

Zhang Xibao replied: "It has not been sold to the outside world yet, wait for the follow-up discussion of the Five Dragons Association, and friends who want to order will have to wait!"

Zhang Xibao was chatting with Baoyou fans, Phoenix has flown into the jurisdiction of M City

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