Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 367: Divine Fire Rat Extermination Tide

"According to intelligence, the beast horde is in the northern part of City M and is rapidly approaching City M. Let's go directly to the north!"

Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix and flew north, behind him were densely packed attack planes and screaming crow boys.

To the north of M City, the Black Dragon Society assembled nearby supernatural beings to quickly establish a defense line. The rat wave was rapidly approaching, and the scalps of the people standing on the defense line were a little numb.

As that friend said, ants kill elephants more often. Although the ranks of ordinary alien rats are yellow ranks, the key is that there are so many of them. Even ground-level supernatural beings dare not stand in the black tide of alien rats Do that reef.

"Send me the order, prepare to fire!" 』A certain member of the Black Dragon Society roared.

brush la la...

People with large-scale damage to strange treasures began to adjust the clean energy in their bodies, and those without strange treasures set up the new ink teeth artillery and fire snake heavy machine guns and began to shoot.

creak creak...

creak creak...


The little rats ran across the ground and made a sound like thunder.

"Fire! 』

"Fire! 』

The roars of the supernatural beings sounded from the defense line.

Da da da da da...

bang bang bang!

Artillery and heavy machine guns fired.

These heavy weapons capable of smashing ground-level beasts did not exert much power in front of the little rats, like stones thrown into the sea, only produced a small ripple before being suppressed.

No matter how many stones are thrown in the sea, it cannot be filled!

"The one with the rare treasure comes up!" 』

With a loud roar, various elemental spells began to bombard in the black tide of rats.

Fire, flood, earth burial, lightning strike...

All kinds of attack methods hit the different rats, but the effect was not great.

The dead rats were eaten up by their own kind!

"Hold it! 』

"Don't be reluctant to eat Baodan, after the war, the Five Dragons will supply you ten times more! 』

People on the front cheered each other up, controlling the tide of weapons and treasures to attack the rats again and again.

"Phoenix! 』

"Dark Saint Qilin is here! 』

In the sky behind, flame crows surrounded by phoenix roared towards them.

Zhang Xibao felt that the confidence in his body was growing rapidly. This confidence not only came from the supernatural beings on the front line, but also from the people in the refuge!

Everyone is paying attention to Bao Ye's live broadcast room.

"Little ones, let's eat buffet!"

Zhang Xibao roared: "Open it up today, and afterward, every drop of Tianyi Zhenshui, a hundred Qi and Blood Pills!"

"Quack, good job! 』

"Eat meat!" 』

The flame crows screamed and stretched out their sharp claws, constantly catching different rats of the same rank from the rat tide, throwing them into the sky, and then eating them with their mouths wide open.

The flame jays directly regarded the battlefield as a cafeteria, and the plump rats became an appetizer.

"My friends, get ready to set off fireworks!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and two thousand attack planes rushed out like flying swords.

"Saturation bombing, the first wave!"

The bomb bay was opened, and one after another the talisman bombs fell on the rat wave, directly blasting a vacuum in the rat wave.

"The second wave explodes!"

"The third wave..."

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and thunder rumbled.

A total of ten waves of talisman bombs were blown up, at least one tenth of the rat wave was wiped out.

But there are still nine tenths of the rat wave left!

"There's still a lot to go, can M City survive? 』

For a while, the bullet screens decreased a lot, and everyone was worried about the battle situation and Lord Bao.

Confidence began to gather in Zhang Xibao's body continuously.

Zhang Xibao took out the Qilin sword, with divine power accumulated in the sword, he slashed towards the ground.


The Qilin sword cut a gap in front of the battle line, many mice died, and more mice fell into the gap and disappeared, but after a while, the corpses of the mice filled the gap, and the remaining mice continued to move forward. The battle line is approaching.

"The sword chop is powerful, but the range is not enough, and the large-scale damage has to be the ability of the five elements!"

"Then let's fire, I haven't tried using divine power to use strange fire yet."


A purple-black flame condensed directly from Zhang Xibao's palm.

"Purple black strange fire? I have never seen it! 』

"How much is this, Master Bao? 』

"Can this little flame kill the rat tide? 』

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself: "The fire is estimated to be tens of thousands of degrees. Don't look at it as small, I feel like it's too hot now... As for whether it can kill the rat tide, we will wait and see!"

Zhang Xibao slashed his sword again, relieving the pressure on the battle line, and then controlled the Phoenix to fly to the center of the battlefield.

A small purple-black flame flew down from Zhang Xibao's palm, like a small lotus flower, but its color was full of strangeness.

"Purple Black Lotus" fell into the rat tide, and in the silence, more lotus flowers grew out.

Puff puff!

The flames were burning quietly, but the rats in the rat swarm were screaming.

One lotus, two lotus, thousands, tens of thousands...

The rat wave turned purple!

One mouse stuck to the lotus, it screamed and ran, and after touching other different mice, lotus flowers grew on the bodies of ten or hundreds of different mice.

The strange fire created a chain reaction in the Rat Tide!

In an instant, half of the rat wave was reduced to ashes, and the remaining half was also burning in the strange fire.

"Weili looks good?" Zhang Xibao muttered to himself looking at the fire under his feet.

"My good fellow, not only will this fire not go out, but it can grow! 』

"This is the strength of Master Bao, adoration! 』

"A weak question, Master Bao, this fire can't be burned out, how can it be extinguished..."

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that the strange fire produced by divine power is so powerful, so the water produced by divine power should be able to extinguish the strange fire, right?

"By the way, Tianyi Zhenshui..."

Zhang Xibao opened his hands, the water vapor in the air condensed quickly, and the Tianyizhen Water, the source of all water, was condensed out.

Zhang Xibao flicked Tianyi Zhenshui to the ground, and the strange fire was quickly extinguished, and the ashes of the different rats melted into the ground.

"It's gone, it's really gone!" 』

"The soil in this place will be very fertile next year..."

"The tide of millions of rats was wiped out by Lord Bao's strange fire, and Qilin, the Dark Saint of Great Xia, is so terrifying! 』

"By the way, where is the Mouse King? 』

Just after Baoyou finished asking, everyone heard two crows.

Looking from a distance, Zhang Xibao saw a big golden crow flying back clutching a mouse king the size of a cow.

"Master, this rat king is very fat, give it to the crows as a snack!" 』

Zhang Xibao nodded and said yes, Crow King Xiaoni flew into the Flame Crow Banner with the dead Mouse King in his mouth, and the other Flame Crows who were full of food also flew back to the flag to digest their food.

The attack planes that had run out of talisman bombs disappeared into the air one by one, waiting to return to the laboratory building to reload.

"Dark Saint is mighty! 』

"Master Qilin is mighty! 』

"Your Majesty is mighty! 』

The supernatural beings on the front line shouted in unison, and the treasure friends in the live broadcast room also started to send barrage crazily, and a lot of trust power poured into Zhang Xibao's body continuously.

Zhang Xibao was ecstatic in his heart, he had enough confidence to enter the Kunlun Alien Land

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