Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 368 Returning To The Kunlun Alien Land

If the previous divine power was enough for Zhang Xibao to strike out ten swords and eight swords, now Zhang Xibao's divine power is enough for Zhang Xibao to throw out a hundred and eighty swords for free, and there is still room left to use the five elements power.

Zhang Xibao felt that entering the Kunlun Alien Land was safe.

Before entering the foreign land, Zhang Xibao came to the laboratory building.

The purpose of coming here is not only to replace the Type 1 attack aircraft with a larger capacity Type 2, but also to come here to meet Xuanwu Qin Dachuan.

"You really moved the headquarters here?"

Zhang Xibao looked at the members who were busy underground in the laboratory building, and looked at Qin Dachuan strangely.

Qin Dachuan chuckled, unscrewed the small jug and took a sip, and replied: "Isn't this a ready-made place? It's all from my own family. It's not for nothing. Even if nothing like this happens, the future laboratory building will surpass the headquarters sooner or later." !"

"Okay, I have another thing to say."

Zhang Xibao nodded the table: "Qinglong is in a coma, Vermilion Bird and Baihu have not yet come out after entering the Kunlun Alien Land, and the headquarters is still under construction, so it's a waste of time."

Xuanwu nodded in agreement, and smacked his lips, feeling a bit bitter and sweet at the same time.

"I want to return to the Kunlun Alien Realm. Before entering the Alien Realm, I have some suggestions for the headquarters."

After Zhang Xibao said this, Xuanwu understood that he would give instructions next, he put down the jug, sat up straight, and nodded: "Say it."

"This rat wave is definitely not an accident. I'm not saying it's man-made, but that the disadvantages brought about by the revival of Qi have begun to appear."

"Qingqi is a double-edged sword. While changing the global technology tree, it also brings great changes to the lives of the people. This environment is like a duck to water for supernatural beings, but it is fatal for ordinary people."

"So, before I leave, there is one more thing I must tell you. Be sure to keep an eye on those mutated animals. Clear Qi not only grants the supernatural powers to the supernatural beings, but also allows the animals to gain powerful power. This power is enough to Shaking the ancestors who managed to climb to the top of the food chain, I don't want to see human beings become food in the mouth of demons one day!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Xuanwu Qin Dachuan took a deep breath: "Actually, the matter that the Dark Sanctuary is worried about is also what the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club has been paying attention to. Some mountains and no-man's lands have enough fresh air, and spiritual wisdom has appeared." The taller alien beasts were all eliminated in time by members of the Black Dragon Society, but recently the speed of these mutant animals has been getting faster and faster, and both the branch and the headquarters are already understaffed."


Zhang Xibao spat out three words.

Qin Dachuan was a little confused: "What?"


Zhang Xibao explained: "Everyone on the M city front has done a good job this time. They outsourced the task of exterminating the alien beasts to a company or a team that employs supernatural beings, so as to solve the lack of manpower of the Five Dragons Association."

"I know that this kind of situation has always existed, but how to standardize the outsourcing tasks requires the comrades of the Red Dragon Society and the Yellow Dragon Society to have a headache."

Zhang Xibao thought that Hao Cangdao's seed breeding plan and awareness of domestic game development would be announced when he came out of the foreign land. It's too early to bring it up now, and besides, there are not all five sages.

"The Qinglong soul is damaged, how to repair it is still a problem..."

Qin Dachuan has also been under a lot of pressure recently. After returning from the northern border, not only did he not live a leisurely retirement life, but he took on the task of rebuilding the Five Dragons Club.

Qinglong is in a coma, Zhang Xibao is about to enter a foreign land again, and the Wulonghui lacks pillars. It's okay to let Qin Dachuan fight, but it's really awkward to let him do management.

"Well, I searched the ancient books and found a fairy grass called the Resurrection Flower. I don't know exactly which foreign land has this kind of flower, because the place names in the ancient books are completely different from the names of the current foreign lands. Let's talk about it after I come out of Kunlun Alien Land!"

Zhang Xibao left the laboratory building and went straight to the gate of Kunlun Alien Land in Beishi City.

"It's been a long time since White Tiger and Vermilion Bird went in. If they didn't get lost, they should have reached the Great Xia Tribe."

The phoenix flew in the sky at the fastest speed, and with the blessing of divine power, it was much faster than the transport method Qin Li and the others were riding on.

On the way to the Great Xia Tribe, Zhang Xibao was not idle. Apart from refining the flying sword with divine power, he also took the time to refine a lot of Tianyi Zhenshui rewards promised to the Flaming Crows.

The five elements of the flame crows belong to fire, but drinking a little Tianyi Zhenshui is also beneficial. Zhang Xibao gave out rewards according to the amount of one crow and one drop.

Zhan Nian didn't move at all, probably hiding in Qilin's sword and playing games, Shu Ling became Zhan Nian's little assistant, so Zhang Xibao didn't bother these two guys.

Two weeks later, Zhang Xibao crossed the mountains and saw black scorched earth from a distance.

The last time I came here, it was still a large corn field, counting the time with my fingers, the corn should have been harvested long ago.

Why did the farmland turn into scorched earth? It didn't look like it was burning, because there were holes in the field that were blown up. Zhang Xibao thought that these big holes were caused by talisman bombs.

Zhang Xibao flew towards Daxia City, and the huge phoenix came over the city, causing quite a commotion, but the magic circle in Daxia City did not respond, so everyone was relieved.

The magic circle did not respond, not because the magic circle was broken, but because the person on Phoenix's back was his own.

Before leaving last time, Mu Ge gave Zhang Xibao a spirit measuring ball, which is connected to the magic circle, so the phoenix will not be attacked even if it flies above the city.

When the phoenix appeared, the people in the imperial palace naturally got the news immediately.

So just as Zhang Xibao crossed the city wall, a woman in white clothes flew into the sky in the imperial palace. Behind the woman were two other women flying with swords. In front was Zhang Xibao's sister, the empress Zhang Muge. It was Vermilion Bird Qin Li and West White Tiger Tang Yinghuang.

"Are you still coming to greet me in person?"

Zhang Xibao chuckled, Zhang Moge jumped over and hugged him, Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang watched with smiles, a happy scene.

"What happened to the scorched earth in the field, did you use talisman bombs?"

Zhang Xibao was asking both Zhang Muge and Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang.

"Let's go back to the imperial palace first, let's talk as we walk!"

With Phoenix around, Mu Ge and the others naturally refused to control the sword, and everyone sat comfortably on Phoenix's back.

"Farmlands under attack."

Mu Ge looked at Qin Li and the two: "Fortunately, Sister Li'er and Sister Yinghuang came in time, those talisman bombs are very useful. But let Sister Li'er and the two of them talk about the specific situation!"

Zhang Xibao looked at Qin Li and the two of them.

Qin Li said: "When we first arrived on the transport ship, Daxia City was rushing to harvest corn, because the desolate monster came to attack, so I just took out the talisman bomb and the flaming heavy machine gun that we carried, and the effect was good. The physique of a demon is no stronger than that of a strange beast."


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