Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 374 The Flame Spirit Tribe Arrives Again

Combined with Zhang Xibao's initial absorption of the divine light left by the immortal, the divine power entered his body, and the pain was unbearable. I did not expect Xi Baihu to be able to remain silent while absorbing the divine power.

Zhang Xibao gave a thumbs up to Tang Yinghuang who was sitting cross-legged on the bed: "Strong man, I admire you!"

Tang Yinghuang was in so much pain that she couldn't make a sound, she glanced at Zhang Xibao with indignant eyes, and let out a breath of cold air.

"Alright, you get used to it first, I'm going to find Mu Ge."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand and walked out of the room.

On Zhang Muge's side, he was looking over the memorials that had been piled up during the past few days.

Zhang Xibao knocked on the door, Zhang Muge put down the memorial, ran over and pulled Zhang Xibao to sit down.

"Brother, did Yinghuang sister absorb the godhead successfully?"

Zhang Xibao nodded: "Successful, but she has no godhead right now, and she hasn't gathered her divine power yet. I left a little bit for her and told her to get used to this feeling."

Zhang Moge clutched his chest and said with lingering fear: "It's good that I'm fine, when my mother put the godhead in my body, it hurt me to death..."

Zhang Xibao glanced at the memorial on the table: "Is there a lot of things to do? If you're busy, I won't bother you."

Mu Ge quickly waved his hand: "Not busy, it's all trivial matters, except..."

Seeing Mu Ge's eyes on a memorial, Zhang Xibao picked it up to look at it, and asked, "The Yanling tribe?"


Mu Ge nodded: "When my mother was here, the Yanling tribe didn't dare to fart. After my mother left, they began to covet my Daxia city."

"Well, what is the strength of the Yanling tribe?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

Mu Ge replied: "It is also a large tribe, but it is different from the Great Xia City. They are a structure of dozens of small cities defending the royal city. The number of people is more than that of the Great Xia City. The patriarch is the peak of the immortal."

"Do you dare to covet Daxia City at the peak of human immortality, ha ha..." Zhang Xibao sneered.

"I heard from Sister Yinghuang that they sent envoys when we were away, and they were eyeing the weapons that Brother asked the two sisters to bring in. They wanted to exchange them for Yan Lingshi."

Zhang Moge snorted and said, "No weapon will be given, but the Yan Lingshi can be exchanged for something else."

"What is Yan Lingshi?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously.

There is no information about the flame stone in Tongtian Baojian, but there is a thing called "Dragon Flame Stone", which is a top-quality refining material, and the refined weapons can be combined with fire-type abilities and even feed back their abilities Those who increase the rank of the supernatural person.

"Here, it's this kind of stone. It's very precious. One stone can be exchanged for a lot of food. The Yanling tribe made a fortune by relying on this stone."

Zhang Muge took out a fiery red stone from his square inch treasure and handed it to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, he took the stone and looked at it: "It really is the Dragon Flame Stone!"

This Dragon Flame Stone is the size of a fist, but it is extremely heavy, which shows that the stone is very dense and extremely hard.

On the surface of the stone, there are traces of scales that are naturally formed. The stone is hot from the beginning, and there is a steady stream of heat radiating from the inside.

"Extreme refining material!"

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes, playing with the stone in his hand.

"How is the yield of this stone?"

"How many mines does the Yanling tribe have, and where are they located?"


Zhang Xibao asked continuously, and Mu Ge patiently answered one by one. After a while, Zhang Xibao got a general idea of ​​the situation of the Yanling tribe and the ore.

"Brother, why are you asking this?" Mu Ge asked with blinking eyes.

"Oh, it's okay, just ask..."

Zhang Xibao smiled.

According to Mu Ge, the Yanling tribe has monopolized dozens of mine veins, and each mine vein is surrounded by a small city of the Yanling tribe, and the mine veins are heavily guarded.

"The special products of our Daxia City are all kinds of crops. Every year, the Yanling tribe takes away a lot of food. It's really distressing!"

Mu Ge started to complain to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao had a thoughtful expression.

"elder brother?"

"elder brother!"

Zhang Muge waved his hands in front of Zhang Xibao: "Brother, what are you thinking?"

"Brother is thinking how nice it is to have a mine at home..."

While the two were talking, a female guard came in to report: "Empress, the Yanling Tribe has sent another envoy, this time it is Yan Tianwei, the eldest son of the Yanling Patriarch."

"No see!" Hearing this name, Mu Ge waved his hand in disgust.

"Why didn't you see me?" Zhang Xibao asked his sister.

Zhang Muge replied angrily: "Yan Tianwei is very annoying, he looks as ugly as his father, and he also likes to be arty, and he looks at me with a smile, I have seen him at the tribal meeting before. "

"That's it..."

Zhang Xibao thought for a while: "Since you don't want to see him, then I'll go see him!"

After all, Zhang Xibao kneaded his face a few times, and it became like his younger sister Mu Ge.

Although Zhang Muge is relatively young, he is tall and tall, only half a head behind Zhang Xibao.

The bones on Zhang Xibao's body creaked, and after a while, his height plummeted by more than ten centimeters, and even his chest protruded a little.

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Muge and the female guard looked at Zhang Xibao dumbfounded, Zhang Xibao was another Muge except for his clothes, no matter in height or appearance, they were exactly the same.

"Brother, where are you..."

Zhang Xibao quickly waved his hands: "It hasn't changed!"

"All right."

Zhang Muge asked the female guard to bring Zhang Xibao a set of her own clothes: "Since you want to see brother, then you go, I'll go see how sister Yinghuang is doing."

"it is good!"

Zhang Xibao took the clothes and went back to the room to change.

What Mu Ge gave him was not ordinary clothes, but court clothes. He was dressed in bright red, with a golden crown on his body, which made him look very majestic.

Zhang Xibao tucked the clothes on his chest and muttered: "I'm not used to this kind of clothes, Mu Ge's expression should be like this..."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xibao walked towards the imperial palace with a cold look on his face.

"Sister Mu Ge, long time no see!"

Zhang Xibao stepped into the hall, before he could see who was coming, he heard a nasty greeting.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyes and saw a guy in a dark red robe walking towards him. As Mu Ge said, this guy's appearance is really unflattering.

Zhang Xibao said coldly: "Young Master Yantianwei, please pay attention to your words, now your identity is the envoy of the Yanling Tribe, and I am the Empress of Daxia City."

"Yes, yes, meet the empress!"

Yan Tianwei bowed to Zhang Xibao, his face was full of flattery.

"Speak up if you have something to say!"

Zhang Xibao sat on the big chair and looked at Yan Tianwei.

Yan Tianwei swept Zhang Xibao back and forth with staring eyes, and after recovering, he replied: "I didn't see the empress last time when the envoy came. Xia Chengchi’s weapon for fighting against the desolate monster this time is said to be a powerful new weapon, and our Yanling Tribe hopes to exchange some of it with Yanling stones!”

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