Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 373 Great Xia's Second Famous Immortal

"I have to take this godhead away, and I will refine the divine power. We are half of each other, right?"

Zhang Xibao looked at his younger sister Mu Ge.

Zhang Muge shook his head: "Brother, you killed this big bug, and I will give you all the loot, I don't want it!"

"You also have a share in beheading the big bug, half of you are involved!"

Unexpectedly, Mu Ge's attitude was firm, she said: "Get rid of the desolate monster and the big worm, and it is enough to restore the peace of Daxia City. If there is no suggestion from you, I never thought of going out of the city to kill the big worm. Impossible to kill it alone, so I don't want loot!"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, not knowing how to persuade his younger sister, he thought for a while and said: "Okay, anyway, the remaining divine power of the big bug is not too much, and it is really not enough for us to share, so how about it, I will give you a batch." The Qingqi pager brought from the outside, and a base station leading to the outside world will be laid for you, and then you can broadcast live on "Different", and I will teach you how to win the trust of fans!"

"Okay, okay, I've wanted to see the outside world for a long time!" Mu Ge smiled happily.

"The big bug has been killed, shall we go back?" Zhang Moge blinked.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, he controlled the Phoenix to fly down.

"This worm corpse can't be wasted, after all, it is also an existence above the heavenly rank..."

Zhang Xibao asked Mu Ge to get off Phoenix's back. In Mu Ge's surprised eyes, Phoenix suddenly changed into a strange transparent gel. Fang Rui showed his original shape and began to devour the insect corpses.

"Brother, this strange treasure of yours is actually alive?!"

Mu Ge opened his mouth wide in surprise, and Zhang Xibao gave him a sloppy eye: "Well, it's sort of..."

Fang Rui devoured the insect corpses extremely fast, and soon the insect corpses that were a little bigger than the volcano were "eaten" clean, Zhang Xibao felt that Fang Rui had gained another ability.


Fang Rui climbed onto Zhang Xibao's body, and a layer of fiery red armor appeared on Zhang Xibao's body.

Mu Ge could tell that this fiery red armor was made of the same material as the armor that the big bug used to defend against the flying sword.

"I'll try its effect..."

Zhang Xibao first cut the armor with the Qilin sword, and the blade hit the armor with sparks. Although there was a shallow white mark on the armor, it will heal soon.


Afterwards, Zhang Xibao twisted out a small purple-black lotus fire to approach the armor, Fang Rui not only didn't feel any discomfort, but "ate" the lotus fire.

"Not only have I gained a super strong resistance to attack, but I have also improved the resistance to different fires, yes, yes..."

Zhang Xibao was very satisfied with Fang Rui's changes.

Relying on Fang Rui, a good treasure, and the divine power in his body that is different from that of ordinary human immortals, Zhang Xibao thought that he should be able to touch earth immortals now!

"Let's go, let's go back to the city!"

Fang Rui turned into a phoenix with a bang, and his body was even bigger than before. Zhang Xibao thought that even if the real phoenix appeared, he might not be able to defeat Fang Rui. Have you ever had a fire...

Brother and sister Zhang Xibao took a lot of effort to eradicate the gathering places of wild monsters when they came, but they returned very quickly, and they only took one day and one night to return to Daxia City.

West White Tiger Tang Yinghuang Yujian flew out to meet the two of them. This guy was very happy to see them back.

"You two are back, I'm almost bored to death, there is no internet here!"

Tang Yinghuang stroked her chest, feeling like she was going crazy. At first, it was a novelty for her to act as an empress, but she did the same thing every day. She didn't know how Zhang Muge persisted in such a boring environment. .

"Sister Yinghuang, hasn't anything happened in the city recently?" Mu Ge asked with a smile.

In the days when she was not an empress, Zhang Muge felt very relaxed accompanying big brother Zhang Xibao to kill the big bug, but it was because of sister Tang Yinghuang's suffering.

Tang Yinghuang replied: "It's nothing serious. During the period, an envoy named Yanling Tribe came and said that he was very interested in the weapons in Daxia City. I hope that the two tribes can communicate with each other and exchange them for Yanling Stones. "

"Ah, Yanling Tribe? Sister Yinghuang, did you agree?" Mu Ge asked impatiently.

Tang Yinghuang shrugged: "Of course I didn't agree. Although I guard the city on your behalf, how can I make the decision without authorization? I let that guy hang out for a while, and then left angrily!"

Zhang Muge's expression eased, and Zhang Xibao felt that the Yanling tribe and the Daxia tribe should not deal with it so much, otherwise my sister would not be so nervous.

Tang Yinghuang looked at Zhang Xibao: "How are things with you two, have you found the one above the heaven?"

"It's already been killed, but it's just a big bug!" Zhang Xibao replied with a nod.

"Bugs? Can bugs surpass the heavens?"

Tang Yinghuang's expression was strange. She was considered a talent in Daxia, but she couldn't cross the heavenly ranks to become a human immortal. Could it be that she is not as good as a bug?

"If you want to cross the heavenly ranks, you must have a godhead. Without a godhead, no matter how talented you are, it's useless."

Zhang Xibao seemed to have seen through Tang Yinghuang's thoughts, and spoke to persuade him.


Tang Yinghuang snorted twice: "Since you two are back, shall I go back to the headquarters first?"

"We still have to wait."

Zhang Xibao stopped Tang Yinghuang and asked her, "What rank are you now?"

Tang Yinghuang replied: "Thanks to you, ginseng essence has recovered my body very well, and with the treasure pills and exercises rewarded by the mission, I am now at the peak of the heavenly rank, what's wrong?"

"It's also at the peak of the heavenly rank..."

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, then looked at Tang Yinghuang: "Comrade Xibaihu Tang Yinghuang, are you willing to try to absorb the godhead, become above the heavenly rank, and become the second human immortal in Great Xia?"


Tang Yinghuang was a little surprised, she pointed to herself: "Are you sure you will give me the new godhead? Why don't you give it to Qin Li?"

Zhang Xibao asked back: "Qin Li is only the second rank of heaven, right? It's almost the same rank! What's so strange about this?"


Tang Yinghuang asked again: "Then why don't you give Xuanwu and Qinglong?"

"Qinglong's soul is damaged. Giving him the godhead is afraid that the divine soul will be completely destroyed by the divinity. Wouldn't it harm him? As for Xuanwu, it's not in sight, and besides, he has long been clamoring to retire..."

In fact, what Zhang Xibao thought was that if he gave Xuanwu his godhead, this guy would have to call himself a good son-in-law every day. Just thinking about Zhang Xibao made his scalp tingle.

"You are the master of the Four Sages. It is the best choice to improve your strength first!"


Tang Yinghuang turned and walked towards her room: "Then come on, I don't need to prepare!"

"Why don't you feel happy to give you a godhead?"

Zhang Xibao muttered, thinking that a woman's heart is really a needle in the sea, I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out...


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