"good to eat! 』

"More strange fires! 』

The big bug uttered words, and rushed towards Zhang Xibao.

"Well done, I'll strike a sword first to see how good the bug is!"

Zhang Xibao poured a little divine power into the Qilin sword, and slashed towards the huge insect that was charging.

With a bang, the thick armor on the worm's body was chopped into pieces, but it quickly recovered.

A pair of golden wings suddenly appeared from Zhang Xibao's back, and the dodging speed was a bit faster than that of the big bug. Seeing this scene, Mu Ge's eyes lit up again, and she thought to herself that the big brother had quite a lot of strange treasures.

The worm passed by with its mouth open, and Zhang Xibao came to a conclusion: "The armor on this big worm is quite hard, and it can be repaired with divine power. It will take some effort to take it off."

"Big brother be careful!"

Just as Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Mu Ge roared.

The big worm that passed by Zhang Xibao gave a sudden stop, and rushed towards Zhang Xibao in the opposite direction.

"The maneuverability is good, how can it fly backwards?"

Zhang Xibao looked at the big worm suspiciously, and saw a scene that surprised him. The big worm had two heads, one on the front and one on the butt!

"Ah, this..."

Before Zhang Xibao was surprised, his mouth was full of blood, and he had no time to dodge, so he raised his Qilin sword and thrust it towards Chongshou's forehead. The Chongshou's head was also covered with a thick layer of armor, and the impact sent Zhang Xibao flying go out.

"Which end do you usually use to eat, and which end do you use to excrete? My brothers have a strange shape, why didn't they fight?" Zhang Xibao couldn't help but complain while the man was still flying upside down in mid-air.

Seeing that Zhang Xibao flew upside down, Big Chongzi flew towards the nearest Zhang Muge.

Zhang Muge retreated violently, and at the same time drew out the Xuebai Feijian to slash at the insect's head. She specially attacked the weak places such as the eyes and mouth of the insect.


Hearing the painful cry from the big bug, Mu Ge's face was a little joyful.

"Brother, we have one head at a time!"

Zhang Muge called out to Zhang Xibao who was in the distance.

"Okay, I want to see where this bug is going?"

Brother and sister Zhang Xibao and Zhang Moge attacked both ends of the big worm at the same time.

The two worm capitals of the big worm have intelligence, seeing that there are enemies in front of him, the two worm capitals want to dominate the body, but the body is pulled and clicks.

"Brother, this worm doesn't seem to have a high level of intelligence. The two worms are about to fight, hahaha!"

Zhang Muge laughed, but Zhang Xibao frowned.

If the intelligence of the big worm is really so low, then where does it get the wisdom to hide behind the desolate monsters, accepting offerings and gathering divine power, while coveting tribes and cities?

Things don't seem so simple...

After hundreds of rounds, Zhang Xibao and Zhang Muge shot back and forth, leaving sword marks all over the big bug's body. At this time, the recovery speed of the big bug became much slower.

"Brother, this bug is really hard!"

Zhang Moge wiped the sweat from her brow, she thought it would be a hard fight to kill the existence behind Huang Yao, but she didn't expect it to be physical labor.

"Drag it!"

Zhang Xibao sent a message to his sister: "I feel that this bug has already started to retreat. It doesn't know that we have destroyed all the statues in the wild monster gathering place, so when it runs out of divine power but has no replenishment, it will A chance to kill him with one blow!"

Sure enough, as Zhang Xibao predicted, after adding a few more scars, the big bug suddenly turned around and flew towards the desert.

The sacrificial statue in the desert has the "blood bag" of the big bug inside, and it is going to use those divine powers to heal its wounds.

Zhang Xibao controlled Phoenix to hang leisurely behind Big Chongzi, while recovering his physical strength.

"How much divine power do you have left?" Zhang Xibao asked Mu Ge when he felt that he had consumed less than one-tenth of his divine power.

Mu Ge replied: "My divine power is less than half."

"That's it, then you can take a rest first, I will use the sand spring golden stick to attack the big bug..."

Through comparison, Zhang Xibao temporarily understood the amount of divine power in his body.

Divine power is the basis for the battle of beings above the heavenly ranks. If the stock of divine power of younger sister Zhang Muge is 1, then Zhang Xibao's stock of divine power is greater than 10 at this time.

Being both immortals, the gap between Zhang Muge and Zhang Xibao is not insignificant.

"Aww! 』

The big bug roared angrily.

Zhang Xibao laughed, and held up the sand spring golden stick to transform the endless sand into a big palm and slapped the big bug.

"This big bug is going to die of anger when he finds out that all his divine power supplies have been taken away!"

Zhang Xibao looked at the impotent and furious big bug jokingly, and at the same time expressed the doubt in his heart to Zhang Muge.

"Although this big bug has intelligence, it doesn't look very tall, so it's not enough to support it to make trouble behind the desolate monster?"

"Sister, have you noticed that a bug with low intelligence can become a human immortal, which is abnormal in itself!"

Zhang Xibao discussed with his sister for a while, but he didn't have a clue.

Zhang Muge shook his head: "This big bug seems to have existed for a long time. Is there someone behind it? But it's not right. If we besiege it like this, it's impossible for the people behind it not to come out to save it?"

"Also, if there is really someone behind it, it is impossible not to appear..."

Zhang Xibao couldn't figure it out, so he lifted the Qilin sword and looked at the big insect who was running for his life.

The big worm is about to die. Under the consumption of Shaquan Golden Rod, this guy's injuries have been difficult to heal. In addition, without the supplement of divine power, the sword wound on his body has begun to ooze blood. The blood of the worm is fiery red. because of the beast.

"It's time to give it a good time!"

Zhang Xibao stood tall on the back of the phoenix, pointed his toes, spread his wings, and flew towards the big bug in front of him.

A golden light flashed across Qilin's sword. Zhang Xibao had poured a lot of divine power into this sword, and he wanted to kill it with one blow.

"It is reasonable to say that the killing blow should cut the vitals. Is this guy's head and butt both vital?"

Zhang Xibao murmured while concentrating the momentum of the sword: "Damn, why not cut the sword vertically..."


Zhang Xibao flew to the sky above the big worm, and raised the Qilin sword high.

The big bug seemed to sense the threat of death, and it tried its best to incite its four pairs of wings to fly, but Zhang Xibao couldn't dodge Zhang Xibao's charged sword.


There was a bang.

The big bug flying in mid-air suddenly stopped, and then its huge body separated into two halves from left to right and fell towards the ground.

Zhang Xibao's sword sliced ​​the big bug vertically.

A ball of golden light flew out from the corpse, and was about to escape, but was blocked by Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand, and grabbed the godhead who was wrapped in divine power in mid-air.

The godhead that flew away from Big Chongzi is a treasure, but it is useless to Zhang Xibao, what he needs is the remaining divine power wrapped in the godhead, but the godhead can be given to the four saints who need to surpass the heavenly rank.

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