Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 376 Danger Is Approaching

"The Yanling tribe will stay for three days at most during this visit, and Yan Tianwei hasn't returned from the imperial palace, so his subordinates must come to find someone. We can't hide the fact that Yan Tianwei was abolished."

"The patriarch of the Yanling Tribe has two sons. The eldest son is Yan Tianwei, and the second son is named Yan Tianliu. It is said that the patriarch loves the eldest son very much. This can also be seen from the fact that he gave the eldest son the godhead."

Zhang Muge gave the general situation and discussed with Zhang Xibao and Tang Yinghuang who were beside him.

Zhang Xibao had already returned to his original appearance, he took some blood from the unconscious Yan Tianwei and let Fang Rui devour it, then looked at the two of them: "How about I go to the Yanling Tribe?"

"The patriarch of the Yanling Tribe is the pinnacle of immortality. Since these guys are coveting Daxia City, let's act first and I'll assassinate him!" Zhang Xibao expressed his thoughts.



Unexpectedly, Mu Ge and Tang Yinghuang objected at the same time.

"Brother, the patriarch of the Yanling tribe is different from the big bug. This guy is old and mature, and he can develop the Yanling tribe, which was not worth mentioning, into a tribe that surpasses Daxia City, which shows that this guy is not so easy to kill. .”

Zhang Muge added: "Also, the Yanling Tribe enshrines the God of Flame, and the guardian formation is only stronger than the formation in Daxia City, so it's not so easy to sneak in."

"That's it..."

Zhang Xibao scratched his head: "Then we can only start a war. Although it is a matter of time before the war starts, Yan Tianwei also brought us information, so we must make good use of this time difference!"

"The Yanling Tribe wants to attack Daxia City, but they still want to buy enough food from the city first, what a shame!"

Tang Yinghuang, who was silent next to him, spoke. Xibaihu has always been jealous.

"Great Xia City has just harvested food. There is plenty of food, and the shortage is weapons..."

Just after Zhang Muge finished speaking, Zhang Xibao looked at Tang Yinghuang: "I have to trouble you to go there, and bring in the weapons again, so that this group of foreign natives can see how powerful we are!"

"Okay, I'm ready to go!"

Tang Yinghuang turned around and walked out of the main hall, no matter it was night, she wanted to seize the time to bring in the weapons and equipment.

"We don't have to worry about the city defense battle. The only person we need to be wary of is the patriarch of the Yanling Tribe. If he dares to behead him, the two of us will work together to keep him!"

Zhang Xibao comforted Mu Ge, then turned and walked outside.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Zhang Muge asked.

"Me, since the Yanling Tribe can't go, let's go to their mine veins. After all, the weapons and equipment of the Five Dragons Club are not free. I will buy some Yanling stones for you as a reward!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "You first send people to arrest Yan Tianwei's subordinates, and then call your guards to seal the city, Daxia city is ready for war!"

After speaking, Zhang Xibao flew out of the city in a phoenix, and disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

Zhang Xibao already knew the locations of more than a dozen ore veins in the Yanling Tribe, and taking advantage of the time gap, Zhang Xibao planned to give them all.

There are more than a dozen ore veins, Zhang Xibao didn't intend to search for them one by one, he took out the flame crow flag, the flame crows automatically divided into a dozen small groups, and flew towards different mine veins.

The matter of collecting the Yan Lingshi is left to the younger brothers. Zhang Xibao only needs to go to each mine and put the collected Yan Lingshi into the Tongtian Treasure.

"I planned to return to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Association as soon as possible to find a way to find the Resurrection Flower for Qinglong, but I have to keep an eye on my sister, lest she be snatched by some ugly monster as a wife. I will ask Tang Yinghuang and the others when they come back. Let's look for the situation..."

Sitting on Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao thought of the unconscious Qinglong.

This guy has guarded the imperial capital for so many years. Although he usually likes to touch fish in the office, but before Tian Yi died, this guy's nerves were always tense.

Now that Qinglong is in a coma, it can be considered a vacation to some extent...

Zhang Xibao shook his head, and searched for one ore vein after another. The crow boys had already robbed all the ore veins.

"Report to the boss, except for the ones that have not been dug out from the ground, all the flame stones produced here have been collected! Crow King Xiaoni ran over and said flatteringly.


Zhang Xibao clattered all the Yan Lingshi into the Tongtian Treasure House.

The highest person in the Yanling Tribe who guards the mine veins is the peak of the earth. Facing the hordes of crows led by Crow King Xiaoni, they don't even have a chance to resist.

Because Zhang Xibao had told him earlier that the crow boys didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, they just controlled the guards.

The guards were controlled, and no one dared to move the miners of the vein.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"This is the mine vein of the Yanling tribe, do you know? You are dead!"

"This is the ore enshrined to the Flame God, you can't take it away!"

Seeing that no one died, the guards of the mine began to speak rudely.

Zhang Xibao twitched his lips, thinking that it was you Yanling tribe who would snatch it away!

Before Zhang Xibao could make a sound, the crow boys rushed forward and knocked out the noisy guards.

"Obviously we have equipped you with weapons, why do you like to use folding stools?" Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining as he watched the crow boys gang up on the defenders.

"Okay, it's done, let's go!"

Zhang Xibao jumped onto the phoenix and flew away with a large group of crow brothers.

Taking advantage of this time gap, Zhang Xibao robbed the Yanling tribe of Yanling stone mines for a year's output, and Daxia City entered a tense state of alert.

Although the Yanling Tribe didn't know who robbed them, seeing how the Daxia City was on guard, they naturally put the blame on the Daxia City.

Three days later, none of the envoys who were supposed to return to the Yanling Tribe returned.

"Smelly bastard, get out of here!" 』

That evening, when Zhang Xibao was discussing with his younger sister Mu Ge about dealing with the Yanling tribe, a roar resounded through Daxia City.

Zhang Muge raised his brows immediately: "Brother, it's the patriarch of the Yanling Tribe, Yan Tianheng, who is here!"

"Go, go meet him!"

Zhang Xibao and Zhang Muge boarded the city wall with their swords.

In mid-air, a middle-aged man in a red battle armor was standing on the head of a beast that looked like a dragon but not a dragon.

Zhang Xibao stared at him, thinking that it's no wonder Yan Tianheng likes Yan Tianwei the most, the two are almost carved out of the same mold, they are so ugly and distinctive!

"Give me back my son!" Yan Tian roared.

Zhang Xibao hooked his hands, and a female guard brought the disabled Yan Tianwei over.

Yan Tian's eyes were about to burst, and he yelled: "My son, what did you do to him? How dare you attack him!"

"Thanks to Mr. Ling, otherwise we wouldn't know the Yanling Tribe's plan!" Zhang Muge said in a strange way.

"Zhang Muge! I thought you just robbed the mine, but I didn't expect you to dare to attack me, Weier, and I will kill you!"

Yan Tian outside the circle was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, he sent a signal to the sky, and a large cloud of smoke rose on the horizon.

Zhang Xibao squinted and saw that there were countless warriors from the Yanling Tribe riding strange beasts.

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