Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 377: The Great War Begins

"Sure enough, the Yanling Tribe has already started to covet Daxia City. Judging by your posture, I am afraid that you have united with several nearby tribes and want to eat my city in one go?"

Zhang Muge controlled the Qi to transmit the sound, and the sound spread throughout the city.

"The Yanling Tribe not only wants to attack my Daxia city, but also wants to buy food and weapons for my city. If you are so shameless, don't blame me for acting first!"

Yan Tianheng in mid-air began to curse again, not only greeting Zhang Muge, but also her mother Zhang Zhizi.

Zhang Xibao looked into the air with cold eyes.

"I abolished your son, and I also robbed the mine!"

As soon as Zhang Xibao opened his mouth, Yan Tianheng shut his mouth abruptly, and looked at Zhang Xibao beside Zhang Moge with unkind eyes.

"Are you this stinky bastard's concubine?"

Yan Tianheng's eyes swept over Zhang Xibao. Although he was angry, he could feel that Zhang Xibao was also above the heavenly rank.

"I am your father, no, you are ugly, I don't have a son as ugly as you..."

"I feel like I've suffered a lot by scolding you."

Zhang Xibao shook his head, took out the Flame Crow Flag and waved it, a large group of Crow Brothers flew out.

"Don't you want to scold, they scold with you..."

The little crows began to stand at the top of the city, cursing Yan Tianheng's eight generations of ancestors.

As a native of a foreign land, Yan Tianheng only has a few words to swear, so of course he is no match for the younger brothers who have been playing the Internet for many years.

"Come on, guys spray him!" Quack..." Crow King Xiaoni screamed excitedly.

"Ah, ah, I want your lives!"

Seeing that he couldn't scold Yan Tian, ​​he rushed to the top of the wall in anger.

With a buzzing sound, the city formation started to operate, blocking Yan Tian outside the city.

Seeing this situation, the little crows smiled even brighter.

"Quack quack, I just like the helpless expression on your face when you can't hit me!" 』

"Incapable and furious, stinky brother! 』

"Brother stinky, don't let me catch you. If I catch you, I will order you to eat juice!" 』

"Kill kill kill!"

Yan Tian stood tall on the head of the alien beast, and the golden light condensed on his fist.

Zhang Muge saw that Yan Tianheng wanted to attack the magic circle, so he ordered: "The magic circle runs at full power!"

Next to him, Zhang Xibao took out a strange treasure from the Tongtian Treasure House. The treasure could be split from the middle, and there were six metal balls with beautiful patterns in the middle of the treasure.

"Look at me breaking your turtle shell!"

Yan Tian roared, and punched the magic circle in mid-air.


Before the fist touched the magic circle, the Moya 4 hand cannon in Zhang Xibao's hand rang first.

Zhang Muge was taken aback, and found that the strange treasure in the hands of the big brother was similar to those large flame-tongue heavy machine guns, it was a firearm that could fire talisman bullets.

The modified talisman bullet came to Yan Tian Hengmian's door in the blink of an eye, the guy's face flashed golden, he held the bullet hard, and his fist landed on the magic circle.

"Sure enough, the talisman bullets can't hurt those above the heavenly rank..." Zhang Xibao muttered.


There was another explosion, but this time the sound spread throughout the entire city, after all, the magic circle enveloped the sky above the city.

The hundreds of high-grade spirit stones that provided fresh energy to the magic circle suddenly dimmed, and the guards in charge of operating the magic circle quickly replaced a batch of new spirit stones.

"I'll see how long you can resist!"

At this time, Yan Tianheng's subordinates had already arrived at the edge of the city on flying beasts.

Yan Tianheng waved his hand and ordered to his subordinates: "Break this turtle shell for me!"

"Once the turtle shell breaks, you two will die!"

Yan Tian squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Xibao and Zhang Muge, he needed to save his divine power to deal with these two immortals, just break open the city magic circle and let his subordinates come.

The operation of the magic circle requires a lot of spirit stones, and it is only a matter of time before the magic circle is broken.

The first batch of enemies riding the flying strange treasure rushed forward. Zhang Xibao raised his hand and shot the three guys. The talisman bullets fired by the Moya 4 hand cannon could not break the defense of the immortals, but they could smash the strange beasts and the above with one shot. people!

"The Flame Tongue heavy machine gun can be taken out. There are not many bullets left. It is specially used to deal with the sky ones. The talisman bombs are also ready. Wait for the ground ones to be brought closer!"

Zhang Xibao reminded, looked up at Yan Tianheng who was in mid-air, and said to his sister: "Leave the city to you, I'll come for this guy for a while!"

If Tang Yinghuang transported weapons, it would take more than two weeks at a time. After only three days, the Yanling tribe realized that they planned to take down Daxia City quickly.

The magic circle won't last long. Once the magic circle fails, hand-to-hand combat will follow. After dealing with the desolate monster last time, there is not much ammunition left, and if the remaining ammunition is used up, there will be a large number of casualties in the city.

Seeing Zhang Xibao fluttering his wings and flying from the top of the city, Yan Tianheng laughed loudly: "Boy, how dare you come out of the turtle shell, are you so eager to seek death?!"

"Your son follows you, he likes beeping so much..."

Zhang Xibao took out the Qilin sword from the Tongtian Treasure House.

"You took away my son's godhead, I want you to live or die!"

After saying that, Yan Tianheng rushed forward with a smirk, a golden light flashed on his hand, and a pair of dazzling fiery red gloves appeared on his hand.

This glove is different from ordinary treasures. You don't need to look at it with the Tongtian pupil, it is shining in the field of vision of the naked eye. Although I don't know what level it is, it is only higher than the sky level.

Zhang Xibao was extremely vigilant, the opponent was slightly higher than himself, and the strange treasure in his hand was also very strange...

"Let's test the water with a sword first..."

Without further ado, Zhang Xibao poured divine power into the Qilin sword, and Zhang Xibao slashed towards Yan Tian in mid-air.

The flying beast under Yantian Heng's seat didn't even scream, and instantly split into two pieces and fell to the ground, but Yan Tianheng on the beast's back disappeared.

Zhang Xibao raised his head suddenly, Yan Tianheng descended from the sky, this guy did not know when he flew over Zhang Xibao's head!

It really is an old fox among immortals, this guy has some kind of strange treasure that can flash his figure!


Yan Tianheng's fists smashed down like meteors, and two streaks of light streaked across the gradually darkening evening sky.


Fang Rui's battle armor was automatically generated on Zhang Xibao's body.

Zhang Xibao raised his sword to meet Yan Tianheng's fist.


An invisible shock wave blew across the sky, and several flying beasts flew upside down. Fortunately, there was a magic circle on the side of Daxia City, otherwise the people resisting at the top of the city would have been shaken off the city wall.

The fallen Zhang Xibao stopped when he was close to the ground, and his temples, which were not protected by Fang Rui's armor, were slightly burnt.

Yan Tianheng's glove has a strong fire attribute, the moment he touches the Qilin sword, it seems that the fire that can melt everything hits Zhang Xibao's face.

Fang Rui's battle armor absorbed most of the flames, and Zhang Xibao was not injured except for two curled hairs.

Yan Tian squinted his eyes, and saw that there was a slash mark on his glove, he was shocked, what material was the black sword in the young man's hand, it was harder than the glove refined by Yan Lingshi?


Yan Tian smiled instead of anger.

"This flying sword is made of good material. Flame God likes to collect such rare treasures the most. If you enshrine this black sword, maybe you will bestow another godhead."

"One for my son, one for this boy, one for Zhang Muge, and at least four more immortals from the Yanling Tribe!"

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