Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 378: Yan Tian Runs Away

In just a few breaths, Zhang Xibao and Yan Tianheng had fought for hundreds of rounds, and the speed of the two was so fast that neither the guards on the city wall nor the enemies attacking the city could clearly see what was happening in mid-air.

The two were attacking and defending each other, Zhang Xibao was suspended in the air, and checked the Qilin sword.

The Qilin sword was unscathed, not to mention the level of the flying sword, the sturdiness of the big black sword was completely worthy of its own material and Zhang Xibao's long refining process.

Yan Tianheng's glove was not so complete, it was full of cut marks from Qilin's sword.

Yan Tian stared at the scar on the glove, the confidence brought to him by the peak of the heavenly rank was slightly reduced, he panted heavily, wondering in his heart.

The black-robed boy in front of him is obviously only a first-level immortal, so why hasn't his divine power been used up yet?

It has been decades since Yan Tianheng became a human immortal, and most of the divine power gathered in these decades has been consumed, but the black robe boy's divine power has not yet bottomed out.

This is not normal!

Yan Tianheng's expression became serious.

Zhang Xibao is also thinking about it. Yan Tianheng is the highest-level enemy he has seen so far - the peak of human immortality. There are two ways to defeat this guy. directly crushed with a stronger force.

If I let Zhan Nian take action, it will be easy to solve it, but I can't rely on Zhan Nian to defeat the enemy every time. It is the last word that I am strong! Zhang Xibao thought so.

If you procrastinate, most of the divine power you have finally accumulated will be consumed. Why don't you take out some cards and try your real combat power.

Yan Tianheng secretly touched the ring on his finger, this ring is the strange treasure that helped him flash, the maximum flashing distance of the strange treasure is ten feet, this requires a lot of divine power, and it is also Yan Tianheng's ultimate move against Zhang Xibao.

I can't drag it on any longer, this kid is too weird, his divine power is bottomless, he must be killed with one blow!

Yan Tian squinted his eyes horizontally, observing the distance between Zhang Xibao and him.

As long as the ability of the ring is activated, he can instantly flash behind the enemy, break the enemy's spine, and smash the enemy's heart!

The direction of the city wall has already been fought, and the enemies riding the flying beasts began to attack the city, and the magic circle resisted the burst attack.

The flaming heavy machine guns on the city wall had already been set up, Zhang Muge gave an order, and several specially selected guards began to aim at the strange beasts in the sky.


da da da da...

The fire tongue heavy machine gun began to spit out a line of fire composed of talisman bullets.

Zhang Xibao took a quick glance and felt relieved when he saw that the city magic circle was still holding on.

This momentary opportunity was captured by Yan Tianheng, and the flashing ring was activated instantly.

"Where are you looking?"

Yan Tianheng's voice sounded from behind Zhang Xibao, and at the same time, he punched Zhang Xibao's back with the most powerful punch.


Fang Rui's transformed wings covered Zhang Xibao's back, and Zhang Xibao was sent flying by the huge reaction force.

"Wow, Lao Yinbi, your flashing treasure can move so far. Tell me, how many people have you died with this trick?"

Zhang Xibao in mid-air patted his chest and stuffed a handful of ginseng roots into his mouth. Although Fang Rui withstood the flames and most of the impact, this hard punch still hurt his body.


There was a crack in Yan Tianheng's ring that was difficult to repair, and he felt a pain in his heart. This is a rare treasure bestowed by Yan God!

The strange treasure was damaged, and the punch that consumed a lot of divine power failed, Yan Tianheng felt a little bad.

Seeing that Yan Tianheng was silent, Zhang Xibao grinned: "Have you exhausted most of your divine power?"

Streaks of golden light appeared beside Zhang Xibao. This move was a combination of Fang Rui's simulated wing attack and Zhang Xibao's sword control technique.

Fang Rui's separated wing feathers have turned into flying swords, and each flying sword carries a ray of divine light.

"Try my big sword attack..."

Zhang Xibao swung his arms forward, and the golden flying swords rushed towards Yan Tian.

"Is that all?"

Yan Tianheng flashed to dodge the flying sword attack, and said something disdainful, at the same time the ring in his hand shattered into powder.

Zhang Xibao chuckled, hooked his fingers, and those flying swords that missed Yan Tianheng turned back.

"Sorry, my flying sword is "live", and it comes with tracking..."

Boom boom boom!

Feijian smashed Yan Tian horizontally, killing a group of native enemies on the ground.

Zhang Xibao chased after him holding the Qilin sword. He didn't intend to let Yan Tianheng go. On the one hand, it was for the sake of Daxia City. .


Dazzling golden light shines from the big pit that Yan Tian horizontally smashed, and when Zhang Xibao chased after him with his sword, there was no one in the big pit.

"Ah, this... unexpectedly escaped?"

Zhang Xibao put away the Qilin sword, a ripple like water appeared in the air, and Type 2 attack planes flew out.

Now that Yan Tianheng, the leader of the bandits, has run away, the remaining miscellaneous soldiers are naturally not worthy of Zhang Xibao's wasting of divine power. To kill these guys, only talisman bullets and talisman bombs are enough.

The magic circle in Daxia City has not been broken from the beginning to the end. The flaming heavy machine gun killed many enemies riding alien beasts in the air. The attack planes on Zhang Xibao's side harvested the enemies on the ground like mowing grass. The remaining enemies began to recede.

A cry of victory came from above the city wall, Zhang Xibao flew up, looked at the retreating enemies in the distance, and asked Zhang Muge, "Do you think they dare to come?"

Zhang Muge snorted coldly: "This guy Yan Tianheng will never let it go, although the big brother beat him away today, but this guy has gathered the power of several nearby tribes, this time I'm afraid it's just a test. "

"Looking for help?"

Zhang Xibao nodded: "Understood, I have Yan Tianwei's godhead in my hand, we can increase the number of human immortals to four at most, when the weapons and equipment from the Five Dragons Association arrive, I will show you what suppression is. "

"Are the weapons in the outside world really that powerful, but the leaders of those tribes are all human immortals..." Zhang Muge couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry, technology is the primary productive force. The technology that combines foreign knowledge and clean energy is even more terrifying. Remember the French ship used to transport it last time. Your brother and my experimental building are building a larger attacking French ship. , I have seen the blueprints for this thing, it is simply a flying aircraft carrier!"

"The two guys, He Xiansheng and Wang Xiao, also loaded cannons powered by Qingqi on the French boat, and there were more than one cannon. It's exciting to think about it!"

Zhang Xibao grinned: "And it has a very powerful name—the Killing God..."

Zhang Muge didn't understand what Zhang Xibao was talking about, so he nodded blankly, anyway, if my brother said don't panic, then he must have the confidence to defeat Yan Tian and them.

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