Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 379: Support Has Arrived

Enemies are gathering.

Sure enough, as Zhang Muge said, the last time was just Yan Tianheng's temptation, and now there are more enemies.

There are many army camps of enemy tribes densely stationed on the horizon, and there are often flying beasts approaching Daxia City to investigate.

Zhang Xibao used the Moya hand cannon to beat those guys down a few times, but the last few times the enemy couldn't be hurt by the talisman bullets, it should be the immortal reinforcements that Yan Tian called out.

Daxia City is shrouded in fear. After all, the highest combat power on the city side is only two human immortals, and the enemy has at least four, and the number of enemies is three times that of Daxia City's defenders.

Zhang Muge was lying when he said not to panic, after all there are millions of people in the city, Zhang Xibao didn't care, he pinched his fingers and counted the time for Xi Baihu's return, thinking that if the support was too late, at worst he would bring people from Daxia City inside In the mountains, there are people and land, but all people and land exist...

one evening.

The whining horn sounded.

The black shadow on the horizon began to move slowly.

Zhang Muge hurriedly found Zhang Xibao: "Brother, the opponent has started to attack!"

"We're going to fight at night..."

Zhang Xibao asked: "Are there enough spirit stones to power the city magic circle? I still have some here. You can take them!"

"Spiritual stones are enough, but the ability of the magic circle is also limited. If several human immortals attack together, the magic circle will definitely not be able to withstand it!"

Zhang Muge said with some concern: "The number of enemies is three times that of ours. If any of those guys from Xia Tian break in, it will be a devastating blow to Da Xia City. We may not be able to stop it!"

"Are there any talisman bullets and bombs left?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"Not much..." Zhang Muge nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to top it first."

After speaking, Zhang Xibao walked towards the top of the city.

Fortunately, before the departure this time, the attack aircraft type 2 had been successfully equipped, and there were still a large number of talisman bombs in the attack aircraft he carried.

When they came to the top of the city, a guard boldly asked Zhang Xibao: "My lord, do you still have bullets for this kind of hidden weapon...the bullets are much better than swords!"

"I still have some here, you take it away and distribute it, there may be a fierce battle tonight, save some, and aim at the enemy in the sky!"

Zhang Xibao took out the weapons and equipment he had exchanged for meritorious service points and distributed them to the guards, and summoned the Crow Brothers to order them to assist him in defending the city.

The crow boys are very excited. They have played the game of defending the city before, but this is the first time for them to actually fight.

Zhang Xibao released the puppet bone dragon again, and the huge dragon bone puppet appeared under the city, causing bursts of exclamation.

Under Zhang Xibao's order, the bone dragon widened the trenches and moats of Daxia City, and let it hollow out the ground where the enemy advanced.

"This should stop the enemy's footsteps and delay the time..."

Zhang Xibao calculated that it would take at least two days for Tang Yinghuang to return. If the war broke out now, the defenders of Daxia City would probably suffer heavy casualties.

"Enemy attack!"

A guard roared, his eyes fixed on the sky above the magic circle, and the heavy machine gun in his hand was raised.


Before the enemies on the ground arrived, the enemies in the sky had already attacked on flying beasts. These natives living in foreign lands seemed to know how to use explosions, but their explosives were not gunpowder, but some kind of refined disposable Alien treasure.

A large number of explosive treasures were thrown down by the enemies on the backs of the flying beasts, and explosions continued to occur over the magic circle in the city, and the clean energy of the magic circle was quickly consumed.

"They want to blow up the magic circle, attack, attack quickly!"

The heavy machine gun roared loudly.

Zhang Xibao controlled the attack plane and began to counterattack. Just as he was clearing away the enemies in mid-air, a huge dragon beast flew towards the city.

It can be seen that the leaders who besieged the city wanted to deal a fatal blow to the magic circle and completely destroy the foundation of the magic circle, so that the Daxia city became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Of course Zhang Xibao didn't agree, he took out the Dragon Tongue Arrow from the Tongtian Treasure House and aimed at the strange beast in midair.

This bow and arrow can't kill the human immortal on the back of the alien beast, but it is more than enough to kill the alien beast, as long as the enemy human immortals are not allowed to approach.


There was an explosion in the sky above the city, and the dragon tongue arrow pulled out a white line in the darkness, and flew directly towards the belly of the strange beast.


The Jiaolong beast was blown into two pieces, and the human immortal on the beast's back cursed and flew towards his camp.


There was another explosion.

This time it wasn't the magic circle that was attacked, but the enemy on the ground was attacked by the talisman bomb.

The hollow dug by the bone dragon caused a large number of enemies to fall into it. Coupled with the previously placed talisman bombs, the collapsed cave directly became the enemy's grave.

The enemy began to recede like a tide again.

"They think they've settled for Daxia City, don't they?"

Zhang Xibao turned his head and said to his sister who was on the top of the wall: "These guys seem to want to drag the city to death. They don't know that we just need time to wait for reinforcements. How funny."

The battle that lasted in the middle of the night ended without any danger, but when the second half of the night approached dawn, the enemy began to attack again.

The enemy's strategy is very simple, that is to exhaust the city of Daxia, exhaust the weapons in the city, and exhaust the energy of the defenders.

"It's so annoying. These guys are like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. Wave after wave. After so many people die, they still don't stop. Is this the siege method inside the foreign land?"

Zhang Xibao was terribly annoyed, the group of immortals didn't go up by themselves, they just sent their subordinates to harass him wave after wave, it really made him feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Moge sighed: "That's how the tribes fight each other. Attack against attack, and prevent against attack. There are even tribes that have fought for several years without a winner..."

"Brother, what is the style of war outside the foreign land?" Seeing that Zhang Xibao was upset, Zhang Muge decided to change the subject.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, and replied: "Throwing two cannonballs will kill all the enemies..."

"So simple?" Zhang Muge was a little surprised.

"It's that simple..."

Zhang Xibao suddenly looked at the sky behind the city, and muttered to himself: "It's finally here, hehehe, sister, have you heard of Blitzkrieg?"

Zhang Muge also raised his head to look at the sky, and saw a Dharma ship the size of half a city flying fast, behind the huge attack Dharma ship were three transport Dharma ships.

"Is it big?"

Zhang Xibao excitedly pointed at the attacking French ship that looked like a flying aircraft carrier and asked Mu Ge: "This is your brother's ship, the God Slayer!"

"Dark Saint Qilin, please reply if you hear it"

The French boat might have come in carrying the Qingqi pedestal, and Zhang Xibao's Qingqi pager was connected by Tang Yinghuang.

"You can hear it! 』Zhang Xibao replied with a smile.

"The Killing God is in place, please give instructions! 』

Tang Yinghuang's voice sounded again, and the gun barrels on the huge attack ship began to protrude.

Zhang Xibao looked towards the horizon with a sneer, and stretched out his finger: "Aim at the enemies on the horizon and blow them up!" 』

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