Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 380 Sacrificial Backlash

"Sister, prepare to watch shooting stars!"

Zhang Xibao reminded, Zhang Muge looked up to the sky suspiciously.

Boom boom boom!

It seemed that thousands of troops and horses ran over from the sky, and hundreds of gun barrels on the attacking French ship fired in salvo.

Cannonballs engraved with talismans were shot out of the barrel. Due to time constraints, these cannonballs were just enlarged versions of the Moya Cannon, but their power was not something ordinary supernatural beings and beasts could resist.

Although it was approaching dawn, the sun had not yet risen, and hundreds of talisman shells streaked across the sky, like shooting stars specially arranged by the Creator.

The sky was illuminated, and all the natives in the foreign land stared blankly at the sky. They had never seen such a miracle.

Countless tents on the horizon were reduced to fly ash in violent explosions and flames.

Zhang Xibao didn't feel pity, the invaders would have to pay the price in blood!

"Is it pretty?" Zhang Xibao turned to ask his sister.

The shells split the dawn glow into countless cracks, and the rising sun shone brightly on the clouds.

Zhang Muge's mouth was so wide that she could no longer speak. Now she began to understand what her mother Zhang Zhizi said about the world-destroying technological power.

The battle situation that has been anxious for more than ten days has been resolved in just a few minutes. What a terrifying power!

"Let's go, let's strike while the iron is hot!"

Zhang Xibao took his sister on the Phoenix and flew towards the horizon.

The talisman shells wiped out ordinary native enemies, but the four immortals including Yan Tianheng definitely did not die so easily.

If shells can easily kill those above the heavenly ranks, then they are not worthy of being called "immortals"!

Zhang Xibao took out his Qingqi pager and contacted Tang Yinghuang on the French boat.

"Cover us!" 』

"clear! 』

The phoenix flew to the horizon at a high speed, Zhang Muge looked down at the ground, the flat land was already covered with potholes, both the supernatural beings and the strange beasts had been wiped out.


Zhang Xibao saw a wriggling human figure in the ruins.

The phoenix landed, and the two came to the human figure.

Zhang Muge concluded: "It should be the leader of a certain tribe. His face has been blown up, but he is indeed a fairy."

Zhang Xibao squatted down and inspected the dying human figure: "This unlucky guy was probably hit directly by a shell, but he is not dead yet, Yan Tian forced them to dig out his godhead and steal his divine power, hehe... "

"Are they even killing their own people?" Zhang Muge looked at the charred figure with pity.

"Give him a good time."

Zhang Xibao stood up, a strange fire fell on the guy, and the human figure disappeared in an instant.

"Three ran away, but will they make a comeback?" Zhang Muge muttered to himself.

"Cut the grass and roots, don't worry about them coming again, because we are going to hunt them down!"

Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix, and carried Mu Ge to the largest attack ship.

To Zhang Xibao's surprise, not only Tang Yinghuang who went back to rescue the soldiers was there, but also Wang Xiao and He Xiansheng who had been bored in the laboratory!

"I understand that Wang Xiao is here, but I really didn't expect He Xiansheng to come out!" Zhang Xibao lamented that it was not easy.

He Xiansheng pushed his glasses: "I want to get the first-hand data of Fachuan and go back to check for omissions!"

"The French ship is fine, but the more powerful the guns, the better!"

Zhang Xibao made an exaggerated comparison, and then intentionally provoked Xiansheng to say: "Just now a guy took a hard shot, so he didn't die!"

Wang Xiao couldn't help complaining: "Master Bao, don't be fooled, the guy you mentioned is probably stronger than Tianjie, right?"

"Hahahaha, what about above the heavenly ranks? Try to create a guy who can kill the gods as soon as possible!"

Zhang Xibao patted He Xiansheng on the shoulder, cheering up.

"what is that?"

Tang Yinghuang squinted her eyes and looked into the distance. Her movements attracted everyone, and Zhang Xibao also lay on the side of the boat and looked into the distance.

In the distance, there is a particularly faint golden dot, like a candle in the dark, which can be blown out by a slight gust of wind.

"It's too far away, I can't see clearly, it must be Yan Tian's trick, I'll ride a phoenix to have a look!"

Although the speed of the French boat was not slow, it was still much worse than that of the Phoenix. Without waiting for Mu Ge's objection, Zhang Xibao directly stepped onto the Phoenix and flew away.

The French boat quickly fell behind, and Zhang Xibao flew towards the little golden dot.

As the distance got closer and closer, Zhang Xibao gradually saw the whole picture of the golden dot clearly, it was a huge circular magic circle radiating golden light.

Inside the circular circle, Yan Tianheng and two other tribal chiefs sat cross-legged in a triangle, and in the center of the circle was a sacrifice - the godhead dug out from the dead leader!

Zhang Xibao couldn't hear what Yan Tianheng was yelling, but he could tell that the things these guys sacrificed were not good!

The godhead of the dead leader seemed to be swallowed up, disappearing into the transparent air, replaced by a mass of pure red flames.

This is definitely not Fanhuo!

The pure red flame was like the sun, just staring at it made Zhang Xibao's mouth feel parched.

A guy sitting cross-legged in the circle suddenly yelled, and his skin suddenly burned!

The guy's clothes were unscathed, and the pure red flame only burned the flesh.

"No, it should be burning divine power!" Zhang Xibao concluded.

Seeing Zhang Xibao approaching, Yan Tian was not surprised but delighted, he pointed in Zhang Xibao's direction and shouted: "Master Yanshen, that guy, please grant a miracle and punish him!"

The pure red flame flashed for a moment, and then the pride of Yan Tianheng and the others suddenly turned into panic.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is Lord Yanshen doing?"

In addition to the person who burned before, sparks also appeared on Yan Tianheng's body.

The pure red flame is absorbing the divine power of the three of them!

In a short while, the three of Yan Tianheng turned into coke, and the fist-sized flame grew into a humanoid fireman more than three meters high.

Pyro is made up of pure flames, and Zhang Xibao has no idea what this guy is.

Could it be the Yan God that Yan Tianheng and the others talked about?

"You are the guy who killed Huo Zhi?"

Suddenly, Pyro spoke.

Zhang Xibao was taken aback, he didn't expect that the burning man could still talk?

"What Huo Zhi, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Zhang Xibao couldn't see where the other party came from, so he was a little cautious.

"The worm behind the desolate monster, my beast pet, you took away its godhead."

Pyro doesn't have eyes, but Zhang Xibao can feel that Pyro is staring at him.

"It's not me, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first, and there will be no date!"

Before the fire man could react, Zhang Xibao turned around and ran, Phoenix speeded up to the extreme.

Beast pets are all human immortals, how powerful is this fire man, hit with a hammer, a hero will not suffer from immediate losses!

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