"Give it away, give it all away, not a single one of the 68,800 rare treasure seeds will be kept!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and the barrage in the live broadcast room became agitated.

Qian Chengjin said worriedly from the side: "Brother Bao, this is not good, it's too bad!"

"If you lose, you lose. My Master Bao is going to give benefits to my friends today!"

Zhang Xibao slapped his hands: "Come on, not only will you give away the exotic treasure seeds for free, but you will also give away jobs to treasure friends! As long as you join the Five Dragons Club, you will get all five insurances and two funds!"

"Hey, Lord Ganqing is helping the Five Dragons Association to recruit people! 』

"The condition for obtaining the rare treasure seeds is to join the Five Dragons Club? 』

"I don't care what you think, anyway, as long as you can give me a rare treasure seed, I will work for the Five Dragons Association. Are you happy to be ordinary people who have been protected for a lifetime?" 』

"What the upstairs said is that what Master Bao sent out is indeed welfare, five insurances and two golds, most of Bao's friends can't get it, right? Joining the Five Dragons Club, isn't it safer than a lone wolf with supernatural powers exploring foreign lands? No matter what, it's an iron rice bowl! 』

"How to sign up, Lord Bao, count me in!" 』

"If you hesitate, you will lose. Those who are yin and yang can withdraw. Although there are more than 80,000 strange treasure seeds, there are hundreds of millions of treasure friends in the live broadcast room. If you don't want to add them, give the opportunity to others!" 』

Seeing that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was good, Zhang Xibao thought for a moment, and said to the Bao friends in the live broadcast room: "Everyone, do you know that there are twenty-eight stars under the Four Sages? Ever since Bao Ye became the Dark Sage, he has always been a polished commander. Grandpa is now openly recruiting subordinates in the live broadcast room, those who successfully apply will not only get the establishment of the Five Dragons Club, but also personally funded by Master Bao to equip them with various treasures and weapons!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"I, I, I, work under Master Bao, I can do it!" 』

"Baoye is now the number one combat force in Daxia, so I guess Zhen has a level requirement as well, right?" 』

"The benefits are so good, everyone naturally has to squeeze their heads to apply, but you also have to weigh your own strength!" 』

"This treasure friend is right. Working with Master Bao is more dangerous than the work of ordinary members of the Black Dragon Association, so this is also for the benefit of treasure friends. If the level is too low, it will not only lead to mission failure, but also cause unnecessary trouble. casualties!"

Zhang Xibao explained a bit, and all the treasure friends expressed their understanding.

"Then, ordinary members of the Five Dragons Association will temporarily recruit 60,000 people, and there are 8,800 remaining places. Master Bao will recruit supernatural beings above the Xuan level. Weapons are paid more than ordinary members, but the tasks that need to be accepted are heavier and more dangerous!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the camera: "If you are a hidden person and want to work under Master Bao, you can sign up directly on the public screen, and at the same time send a private message to Master Bao, and Master Bao will distribute all the things you agree to. With the face of all treasure friends!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xibao waved the flame crow flag, and the flame crows flew out one by one, landed beside Zhang Xibao and screamed.

"See, the couriers are ready, as long as you dare to join, you can get everything you want immediately!"

The bullet screen was silent for a moment. After all, most treasure friends are ordinary people. Even if there are people with supernatural powers, those who can reach the earth level are even rarer.

However, Zhang Xibao guessed that among the supernatural beings hidden outside the system of the Five Dragons Association, there must be earth ranks, because the Qing Qi reaction became more and more intense, and the four saints had already become heaven ranks or even human immortals. Those who were unwilling to join the Five Dragons Association at the beginning Those at the top of the Mysterious Rank must have risen to the Earth Rank.

After waiting for a while, suddenly a guy named [one person, one sword, one world] typed on the public screen:

"My dear friends, I'm not pretending anymore. It's time for a showdown. I'm a ground-ranker. I just got promoted to the third level of the ground-rank. It's considered that I have met the conditions of Lord Bao!" 』

"At first I wasn't interested in joining the Five Dragons Club. After all, the earthly ranks can do well in foreign lands, but I'm happy to work with Master Bao!" 』

Afterwards, this treasure friend privately messaged Zhang Xibao, and sent his detailed address and personal information in the private message.

"it is good!"

Zhang Xibao smiled happily. After all, a good start is half the battle. As long as there is a leader, his team will grow bigger and bigger!

The barrage was quiet, and everyone seemed to be waiting to see if Master Bao would keep his promise.

"Yuan Jingang, go get the rare treasure seeds!"

Zhang Xibao opened his hand, the Tongtian Treasure House opened, and eighteen kinds of weapons fell out. These weapons were all collected from Lady Bone's cave.

"Swords, guns, halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks are all mysterious treasures of Grade A!"

Zhang Xibao looked at the camera, he knew that the friend Dijie Bao on the opposite side was watching the live broadcast room, so he asked, "What is your best weapon?"

A line of words is printed on the public screen:

"Big sword, I like that big sword! 』

Everyone looked towards the weapon pile, and there was a gleaming golden sword in the weapon, and there was a finely carved long dragon winding on the blade.

"Taste, I give you the dragon-slaying sword!"

Zhang Xibao picked up the golden sword, and took a rare treasure seed that Yuan Jingang had brought.

"The exotic treasure seeds, weapon exotic treasures, and matching Qingqi pager are all ready. As for the treasure pill, you can go to the local treasure appraisal bureau to get it!"

Zhang Xibao put all the things into a square inch ring, and called a little crow to make it hold the rare treasure seed in its mouth.

Afterwards, Zhang Xibao silently recited the formula of "Sealing the Spirit Deed", and a golden talisman composed of divine power appeared on the wing of Little Crow. He said to the camera: "Just put your hand on the back of the Flaming Crow, and the contract will be automatically formed, free from the pressure of the flame crow. After that, you will go to the Five Dragons Association to undergo various review procedures."

After arranging everything, Brother Crow took off with the square inch ring in his mouth, and flew towards the city of that treasure friend.

"That's it? It's that simple? 』

"I thought that I would have to accept all kinds of inspections. Eighteen generations of ancestors had to check it out before they could work with the Dark Sage. I didn't expect to sign a contract and just touch the flame crow? 』

"Ahem...Actually, I'm also an earthly class!" 』

"A big boss appeared upstairs! 』

"Low-key, low-key, who is not a low-key?" 』

Everyone saw that Master Bao really kept his promise, and many hidden supernatural powers stepped forward and asked Master Bao to form a bond.

"Okay, everyone come one by one!"

Zhang Xibao sent the equipment chosen by everyone to the crow brothers one by one.

At the same time, Qian Chengjin began to harvest snow lotus seeds, and the glowing exotic treasure seeds were placed in front of the camera, full of temptation.

"Don't worry about treasure friends who are not at the earth level. All you need to do is click on the link below Baoye's live broadcast room, and then go to the website of the laboratory building to register information. The flame crows will quickly deliver the goods and help you complete the contract!"

One after another, the flame crows were sent out, and at the same time, the divine power consumed by forming a bond began to increase.

"Consume a little divine power today, and gain countless divine power tomorrow!"

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly, thinking that this was the most profitable and win-win deal he had ever done

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