Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 385 Divine Power Explodes

The first level power user who agreed to form a bond with Zhang Xibao was somewhere in Nanshi, so it was not far from Beishi, and at the speed of Little Crow, he flew there in a short while.

As soon as Little Crow arrived, that friend Bao took the initiative to apply for a connection with Zhang Xibao.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the young friend Bao stretched out his arm and let Little Crow stand on his arm.

"I, Zhou Qing, voluntarily join the Dark Holy Throne! 』

After all, Baoyou put his hand on the wings of Little Crow, and the talisman composed of divine power flew into Baoyou's hand, and Baoyou pressed his finger to the center of his eyebrows.

It's done!

"The bond is successful, I can already sense you in the dark!"

Zhang Xibao smiled at Baoyou who was facing him. This feeling was amazing. Being able to ignore space and regions, Zhang Xibao was the one who could sense the bond with him!

"Get your stuff, Quack! 』

Brother Crow yelled, and the square inch ring fell into Zhou Qing's hands.

Zhou Qing looked at the screen in astonishment: "Master Bao, are you also giving away a square inch treasure?!"


Zhang Xibao nodded: "The treasure friends at the ground level all have matching equipment, including square-inch rings. If you want a square-inch bracelet with more space, hehe, get more tasks and contribute to the Wulonghui!"

"Okay, I will definitely live up to Master Bao's expectations, no, it's time to call you Lord Ansheng!"

Zhou Qing put the square-inch strange treasure on his hand, took out the golden sword and danced it in his hand, his face was full of joy, this sword was much higher than his existing strange treasure!

Zhou Qing was checking the equipment, while Zhang Xibao was checking the credibility provided by Zhou Qing.

The confidence from Zhou Qing has been rising steadily. Although it is lower than Qin Li's confidence, it can make a lot more money than telling stories in the live broadcast room and making troubles in the entertainment industry!

With 68,800 seeds, so many supernatural beings can be produced. These supernatural beings directly bond with Zhang Xibao and become more loyal believers than fans.

"Very good, according to this rhythm, I can break through the peak of human immortals in one fell swoop, enter earth immortals, and even touch immortals is not impossible!"

It turns out that becoming stronger can be that simple!

After Zhang Xibao gave a few instructions, Zhou Qing disconnected the connection, and then other earth-level treasure friends also connected to complete the bond on the spot.

Wang Xiao suddenly called.

"Bao Ye, what's going on, the mailbox of our website is about to explode, and suddenly there are many people's messages! 』

Zhang Xibao laughed heartily, thinking that the trick he played really worked.

"You don't need to worry about this, collect everyone's information and send it to my account!"

More than 100,000 people signed up for the bond that day!

Zhang Xibao can only select the best for admission, and then comfort those who are not selected not to be discouraged, because the next batch of exotic treasure seeds is being cultivated. After all, besides Haocang Island, exotic lands such as Mi Kirishima are also cultivating exotic treasure seeds.

The number of crow boys has multiplied to more than 3,000. With these guys as postmen, the strange treasure seeds and weapons and strange treasures have all safely arrived in the hands of different treasure friends. The person who made a contract with Zhang Xibao.

"Hahahaha, it's so cool!"

Zhang Xibao has never been so happy as he is today. Through this bond, he can not only gain a steady stream of trust, but also relieve the shortage of five dragons. How many arrows are carved!

Three Thousand Crows spent two days and two nights distributing all 68,800 rare treasure seeds, wave after wave of confidence grew in Zhang Xibao's consciousness.

Now, the divine power in Zhang Xibao's body has exploded. If the world inside Zhang Xibao's body wasn't big enough, ordinary immortals would probably be blown away by this power!

Even Zhan Nian, who had been staying inside Qilin's sword, couldn't help but fly out to see what happened.

After Zhang Xibao told Zhan Nian about the burning operation, Zhan Nian was silent for a long time.

Zhang Xibao was taken aback by Zhan Nian, Zhan Nian shook his head, and sighed with emotion: "Why didn't I think of this method back then, alas, the technology is not up to the mark, the conditions are not allowed, and I don't have such rich financial resources..."

Zhan Nian told Zhang Xibao: "Even in the original big world, those big sects can't keep up with your financial resources. It's the first time I've seen you give away rare treasure seeds as benefits. I have to say, it's eye-opening..."

Zhan Nian flew back to the Qilin Sword Liver game again, and when he was about to fly back, he urged: "The map of "Swordman Plus" is almost exhausted, you have a lot of power now, it's time to start looking for the remaining three five-element treasures Already!"

"I'll go. How long has it been? Have you exhausted hundreds of large maps?"

Zhang Xibao expressed shock.

"Zhan Nian, do you have a person growing on your liver?"

"Stop talking nonsense, make this game as soon as possible, and you will gain more confidence than today!"

Zhan Nian snorted coldly, and flew back to Qilin Sword.

After chuckling, Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and thought.

"The remaining three five-element treasures are Jianmu, Taiyi Jingjin, and Sifang Tianhuo. Jianmu is the ladder leading to Shenting. Sifang Tianhuo is in the hands of the fire man in Shenting. As for Taiyi Jingjin, you can ask my old lady ask..."

After signing contracts with all the applicants, Zhang Xibao pondered whether to re-enter Kunlun's foreign land or find the resurrection flower for Qinglong.

"For Shenting's words, it's not advisable to contact them now. My sister hasn't transferred all the people away yet. It would be a bad thing if some god vented her anger and poked her finger to death..."

Zhang Xibao chose to delay entering the Kunlun Alien Land, first find the Resurrection Flower, and then wake up the Qinglong.

Xibaihu and Beixuanwu can fight, but they don’t know anything about managing the Wulonghui. After all, Vermilion Bird’s words are still immature. Her focus should be to raise her strength to the top of the heavens as soon as possible, rather than busy with the trivial matters of the Wulonghui .

"Qinglong has been fishing for so long, it's time to get up and work, otherwise all the heavy burdens are on me alone, I'm so tired..."

Zhang Xibao thought for a while and made up his mind that he must go to the Nine Nethers and wake up Qinglong.

"I'm willing to go all out for fishing!"

Zhang Xibao rode a phoenix and flew towards Wulonghui. He was going to Wulonghui to get the spirit candle. This candle was the key to unlocking the Nine Serenities.

After arriving at the Five Dragons Club, Zhang Xibao fetched candles from the ground.

"That's all there is left. Mr. Qin has to think of a way to fix the gate of the Nine Nethers Alien Realm somewhere. Otherwise, if the candles are used up, this foreign realm will be useless."

Zhang Xibao left a message for Xuanwu, telling him to keep an eye on this matter, while he lit a candle and rode a phoenix into a foreign land.

Familiar darkness envelops the phoenix soaring among the dark clouds of a foreign land.

"The direction to get the keel and the rare treasure seeds last time was opposite the gate, this time I will go in the opposite direction!"

Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix to make a big turn and flew in the opposite direction.

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