Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 386 Return To Nine Netherworlds


"The sky has nine levels, and the earth has nine seclusions. The land of nine seclusions literally means the deepest part of the earth."

On Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao muttered softly.

This is the second time he has entered the Nine Nethers. The mountain in the foreign land is a bone mountain. Naturally, there can be no vegetation, the ground is a dead place, and there is no normal form of life at all.

The environment and scenery here are not as good as the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​bones. At least there are "cute" flying corpses and bone generals there, and there are only large areas of miasma and demonic energy here.

"The broken stone inscription only mentions the soul-returning flower, but it doesn't record where the flower grows. It's okay for me to look for it!"

Zhang Xibao flew aimlessly for a day and a night, and the unchanging scenery made him a little irritable.

"Little Mouse, have you found anything?"

Zhang Xibao lowered his head and asked Chinchilla.

After Zhang Xibao came out of the Kunlun Alien Land, the Chinchilla fell into a deep sleep again. It is estimated that the old man of Tongtian fed it the nine-turn feeding elixir and it took effect. After waking up, this guy has risen to a higher level, and now he is Zhenger Ba. The classic earth-level alien beast.

"I don't know, there are strange treasure reactions in the front and right front..."

Chinchilla turned his head suspiciously, as if he smelled a treasure.

"Why, did you find two strange places?"

Zhang Xibao activated Tongtian Tong, but found nothing unusual, he asked curiously, "How did you find out?"

Chinchilla replied: "Since I ascended to the ground level, a treasure hunting exercise has automatically appeared in my mind, and now I have practiced half of it."


Zhang Xibao was even more surprised.

"Is it a skill that popped up automatically in my mind? I guess it's due to the awakening of the blood after ascending to the ground level. After all, your ancestor is the famous Tongtian rat!"

"Can I practice your exercise?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"I don't know, although humans and animals are different, but you can try!"

The Chinchilla immediately told Zhang Xibao the formula, and the two guys began to sit cross-legged on Phoenix's back to practice with their eyes closed.

After practicing for half a day, Zhang Xibao said to himself: "Why do I feel that this exercise is so similar to Tongtiantong? Could it be that Tongtiantong was adapted by Tongtian old man based on the inheritance of Tongtianshu's bloodline?"

With Tongtian Tong as the foundation, Zhang Xibao's practice of the new kung fu was obviously faster than that of Chinchilla, and he had fully mastered the kung fu in less than half a day.

"Let me see which direction is abnormal!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes shone with a golden light, and his sight was transmitted to an extremely far place.

"The angle of view is very strange. Could it be that Tongtianshu used this method to find treasures?"

In Zhang Xibao's field of vision, the world of Nine Serenities is a gloomy chaos.

Zhang Xibao once controlled the phoenix to fly high, but found that there was nothing on it, nothing in the real sense, there was nothingness there.

According to Zhan Nian, these foreign lands are the broken fragments of a certain big world, and nothingness is the edge of these fragments.

As the Chinchilla said, there were two unusual places in the gray chaos, one in the front and the other in the right front.

The color of the front right here is slightly lighter cyan, and the color of the front right is a large area of ​​blood red.

Zhang Xibao thought about it, then controlled the Phoenix to fly straight ahead.

"If it's a heteroplant, the color can't be so heavy. The area in front of the right is too big, bigger than Bone Mountain!"

Zhang Xibao flew for another day and night, and finally got close to the blue range.

It was a huge canyon, and Zhang Xibao found a clump of blue-black plants in the deepest part of the canyon. Three flower buds bloomed on the plant, similar to the soul-returning flowers recorded in the stone carvings.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to fish a flower bone.


The moment the first flower bud came into contact with Zhang Xibao's finger, it suddenly turned into fly ash.

Zhang Xibao suddenly froze.


There was an explosion in my mind.

Zhang Xibao felt as if his brain had been beaten into a paste, and then poured back into his skull.

His consciousness began to drift involuntarily, flying upwards, flying into the boundless chaos.

When Zhang Xibao regained consciousness, he saw a golden man standing in front of him.


I've been attacked?

Or is it the effect of the Soul Resurrection Flower?

Zhang Xibao looked at the golden man, and found that the golden man had no face, and the position of the face was just a blurred light cluster. In fact, the whole body of the golden man was very blurred, as if shrouded in a layer of mist.

"Hey, who are you?"

Zhang Xibao asked, but the golden man didn't respond.

Afterwards, Zhang Xibao tentatively stretched out his finger to touch the golden man, and the golden man also stretched out his arm to touch Zhang Xibao.

Jin Guang's fingers touched Zhang Xibao's substantive fingers.

With a bang, Zhang Xibao was sent flying.

After regaining consciousness, Zhang Xibao found himself standing in front of the Resurrection Flower, and there were only two flower buds left on this strange plant.

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head.

"Why is one flower missing, and what happened to that strange golden man?"

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to continue picking the flowers, he suddenly withdrew his fingers. He clearly remembered the process of the flower disappearing just now when it touched his fingers.

"If you can't touch it with your hands, how can you pick it off?"

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered that Sun Wukong was picking ginseng fruit. He thought for a while, inserted his hand into the ground, and then controlled the soil ability to create a rock glove for his palm.

"Is that all right?"

Zhang Xibao reached out to pick the Resurrection Flower, and with a bang, his mind rang again.

Again? !

Before Zhang Xibao could utter an exclamation, his consciousness returned to standing in front of the golden man again.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Just as Zhang Xibao wanted to observe around the golden man, the golden man suddenly turned into a ball of golden light and got into Zhang Xibao's consciousness.

Afterwards, Zhang Xibao's consciousness returned to his body.

Sure enough, there was only one Resurrection Flower left.

"I can't play any more, there is only one flower left, if I continue to play, Qinglong is hopeless..."

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes, looked at the last flower and said.

"Nine Serenity Strange Land is the deepest part of the earth..."

Zhang Xibao calmly analyzed while pinching his chin.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao slapped his hands: "This thing didn't grow on the ground, but on a mountain of bones, so just use the bones to dig it up!"

Zhang Xibao threw the jade box that had been prepared into the Tongtian Treasure House, and then obtained local materials to build a bone box and a bone shovel on the bone mountain at his feet.

Holding a bone shovel in his hand, Zhang Xibao dug out the Resurrection Flower a few times, and before the flower fell to the ground, he hurriedly picked it up with a bone box.

"The Resurrection Flower is here!"

Zhang Xibao threw the bone box into the Tongtian Treasure House, then rode on the phoenix, and searched for the dark red mark just now.

Since the pupil technique responds to that place, there should be some kind of treasure in that place.

As the distance got closer and closer, Zhang Xibao saw more and more reds, and he also looked forward to it in his heart. The range of reds is so large, I don't know how many treasures there should be!

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