
Zhang Xibao frowned suspiciously.

He is now in the dark red area, but he didn't find anything.

"Tiantian Pupils open!"

Zhang Xibao activated the pupil technique and found a large area of ​​red light around him.

"The location is right, is it underground?"

Zhang Xibao punched a crack in the ground, but found nothing.

"Little mouse, what do you think?"

Chinchilla sniffed with a serious expression, and replied, "I can sense that there is something, and it's a terrible thing, but those things are not in this place."

"You mean how did you find the wrong one?" Zhang Xibao asked the Chin Maoshu.

"No, I'm not wrong. Something is here, but it's not in this world. I think there should be some kind of formation that split this world."

Zhang Xibao understood when Chinmouse said this, it was like poking a point on a piece of paper, the point was on the same position on the front and back of the paper, but not in the same space.

"The magic circle should have eyes and pivots, but Tongtian Tong couldn't find it?"

Zhang Xibao became more and more curious about what the red light represented.

Zhang Xibaozai searched a large circle carefully, but did not find the surge of clean energy, but saw the existence of a lot of devil energy.

"Could it be that this magic circle relies on magic energy to operate?"

Zhang Xibao took out the Qilin sword and swung it towards the air. This sword was imbued with a lot of divine power, so it was very powerful.

The air suddenly moved like flowing water, and the originally transparent air suddenly darkened, Zhang Xibao's eyes widened.

There is a show!

Divine power has a great influence on demonic energy, and it can be said to restrain the existence of demonic energy. If the magic circle is really controlled by demonic energy, then Zhang Xibao can rely on divine power to break through ten thousand spells!


Zhang Xibao slashed with another sword, this one is even more powerful!

A black sword mark appeared in the transparent air, Zhang Xibao nodded.

"It really worked. It is estimated that this sword broke through the barrier created by the magic circle."

"I chop, chop, chop, chop!"

Zhang Xibao slashed wildly, and the Qilin sword imbued with divine power smashed the opposite barrier into pieces. Anyway, the divine power was beyond the charts, so ten swords and eight swords could not affect Zhang Xibao's strength.

A large black hole appeared in the air. Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand out of the hole and found that there was nothing on the other side of the air.

"Sure enough, it's empty..."

Zhang Xibao gestured at the size of the hole, and found that it was just big enough for him to enter. He took out his shiny cane, held up the cane, and burrowed into the big hole.

"What the hell is this place? It looks like a man-made building."

In front of Zhang Xibao is a cave, the cave is located on the top of the mountain, the few swords just broke the magic circle at the gate of the cave.

Zhang Xibao raised his legs and stepped into the cave. In front of his eyes was a large expanse of dense darkness. The shiny cane played a very good role, but it illuminated the surroundings clearly.

"Is this someone hollowing out the whole mountain?"

Zhang Xibao was talking to himself, and his voice echoed in the cave.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao stopped, and he saw a corpse sitting cross-legged.

Zhang Xibao slowly leaned over, and the remains suddenly turned into dust.

The remains have been placed for an unknown period of time, so they have become quite fragile. The slight air current generated by Zhang Xibao's walking can destroy the remains.

Zhang Xibao ignored the small pile of dust and continued walking inside.

Puff puff!

The corpses sitting cross-legged turned into piles of dust, like big mushrooms drilled out of the ground.


Zhang Xibao seemed to have discovered something suddenly, and ran deeper on tiptoe.

The scene in front of him stunned him.

The mountain has indeed been hollowed out.

And this is not a cave, but a cemetery, or an altar.

The mountain was hollowed out, and the inner wall was covered with numerous cavities. In each cavity, hundreds of remains sat cross-legged. Because of Zhang Xibao's arrival, these remains had a chain reaction and turned into dust continuously.

The mountain is roughly estimated to be thousands of meters long. Zhang Xibao is as small as an ant in this mountain, but this mountain is full of remains!

Shock turned into shock, Zhang Xibao was more puzzled.

These remains were very ordinary, so the owners of the remains should not have been of high rank during their lifetime, so Zhang Xibao was more puzzled.

Zhang Xibao continued to walk inward, there was a big dark hole under his feet, he hesitated for a moment, then flapped his wings and flew down.

He flew for a long time before reaching the ground. There was a huge platform on the ground with strange patterns carved in stone.

"Is this supposed to be a symbol of a certain sect?"

Zhang Xibao swept around with his shiny cane, and suddenly found the handwriting on the table.

Controlling his breath to wipe off the dust, Zhang Xibao began to read the things recorded on it.

Although the handwriting is not in Daxia language, but with the Tongtian Great Treasure Book, Zhang Xibao can understand what it says fluently.

This sect is a demon sect. When the demons invaded this big world, they didn't care whether the gods "eaten" belonged to immortals or demons, humans or beasts.

So this demon sect used the power of the sect to open up a new hiding place, which is the cave behind the magic circle, trying to avoid the disaster brought by the demon.

But the demon has no shadow and no form, so once it is targeted, even if it escapes to the Nine Heavens or the Land of the Nine Nethers, it cannot escape. The suzerain and the heavenly demon were imprisoned here...

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao jumped out like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He flapped his wings violently, trying to fly out from the tunnel at the top of the mountain.

Makabaka's, Tianmo Guan said it earlier here, he had to babble a lot in front!

"If I had known that there were evil things in here, labor and capital would not come in, bad luck!"

Zhang Xibao was talking to himself, flapping his wings and flying to a high place.

"The child is an earth fairy. He is too immature. Those ancient gods have become the food of the heavenly demon. Isn't my kind a pre-dinner dessert?"

Zhang Xibao was flying upwards with all his might, when he suddenly noticed a dark figure not far away from him. He took a light with his shiny cane and saw a dark figure also in midair.

"I go!"

Zhang Xibao immediately took out his Qilin sword, and slashed at the pitch-black figure.


Huge sword marks appeared on the stone wall, and the black shadow in midair was shattered.

Zhang Xibao continued to fly upwards, and after a while the black shadow appeared again!

This time, the shadow became clearer.

Zhang Xibao raised his sword and struck.


The black shadow disappeared.

But something happened that annoyed Zhang Xibao. Within three seconds, the black figure appeared again. This time, the black figure had clear facial features, and that face looked exactly like Zhang Xibao's!

Soi Ying was grinning happily, but Zhang Xibao had a serious face.


Zhang Xibao didn't attack any more, he knew in his heart that the attack would be useless, he might as well hurry up and leave this weird place first.

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