Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 388 Killing The Heavenly Demon


Dashan was directly knocked out of a big hole by Zhang Xibao, and he rushed straight towards the big hole in the magic circle.

After Zhang Xibao got out of the magic circle, the phoenix screamed, appeared under him, and flew towards the distance at the fastest speed.

The black shadow didn't follow, Zhang Xibao was slightly relieved.

"Did you get rid of it?"

Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla looked at each other in dismay: "Little mouse, you saw it just now, there is a black shadow with my face on it!"

"I saw it, I saw it, I scared the rat to death!" Chin Maoshu stroked his chest with two small paws.

"The thing that can't be killed is too weird, and the divine power can only slow down its regeneration speed a little bit. Could it be the legendary demon?"

Zhang Xibao was chatting with Chinchilla with lingering fear, but suddenly stopped.

He saw an extra chinchilla on Phoenix's back...

"I am special!"

Zhang Xibao pulled out the Qilin sword in a panic, and put the sword between himself and the two chinchillas.

The two chrysanthemum rats looked at each other in bewilderment, then looked at Zhang Xibao in bewilderment, and said at the same time, "Master, I'm real!"

"Your uncle, I am the real one, you are the demon in disguise!" the Chinchilla on the left roared.

"You are the Heavenly Demon, and your whole family are Heavenly Demons!" the Chinchilla on the right cursed.

As he spoke, the two little mice wrestled together.



The two Chinchillas popped out the small hidden swords on their paws one after another, and if there was any disagreement, they would fight to the death.


Zhang Xibao stretched the Qilin sword forward to stop the two guys who were about to fight, he was afraid that the real little mouse would be injured.

The rattled Chinchillas stopped their movements and looked at Zhang Xibao eagerly, with the expression that you are in charge.

Zhang Xibao swept the two chinchillas back and forth with an expression of uncertainty. The two mice were exactly the same, not only in size, coat color, but also in small features!

The most important thing is that the two Chinchillas have some kind of connection with Zhang Xibao, and Zhang Xibao can't tell the difference by relying on the intuition of forming a bond!

Since it can't be seen from the outside, let's ask a question. Zhang Xibao thought that the Chin Maoshu had been with him for so long, so he definitely knew more about it than the demon.

Zhang Xibao hung his sword over the heads of the two Chinchillas: "You two guys, one mouse says something that only Chinchilla and I know, and whoever can't tell it, I'll chop it off with my sword!"

"I'll come first!" The Chinchilla on the left raised his hand.

"Okay, you come!" Zhang Xibao pointed at it with his sword.

Zuo Shu replied: "When I met the master for the first time, I secretly drank the wine of Zuixian Gourd, and lost the inheritance of Tongtian Dabaojian!"

The Right Mouse snorted coldly, and couldn't wait to say: "My Lord Bao and I have caught mutant giant rats, fished dragon carp in the reservoir, and caught big birds in the park!"

The two Chinchillas told each other about their experiences along the way with Zhang Xibao, and Zhang Xibao frowned.

The two chinchillas were right, but one of them must be a demon in disguise.

What the hell is this demon, who can read minds and simulate the connection between himself and Chinchilla?

Zhang Xibao held his chin and remained silent, looking at the two little mice at war, Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered, don't I have a sharp weapon to deal with demons!

Fang Rui!

The old man Tongtian said that he had searched for Fang Rui on Haocang Island for hundreds of years to deal with the Heavenly Demon.

Zhang Xibao patted Fenghuang, a slime-like thing emerged from Fenghuang's back, with blurred facial features on it.

"Master, what do you want from me?" Fang Rui asked.

"Come and see, of these two Chinchillas, which one is real and which one is fake?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Fang Rui didn't even look at it, and pointed to the golden mouse on the left: "This is real!"


Qilin's sword slashed across, and the fake Chinchilla was split in two. Before it could heal, Zhang Xibao kicked it and swept it off Phoenix's back.

The body of the fake chrysanthemum plummeted straight down from a high altitude.

"Fortunately there is Fang Rui, otherwise there is really no way to tell them apart!"

Zhang Xibao sighed, the Heavenly Demon is too weird.

After getting rid of the thing that simulated itself, it got entangled with Chinchilla again, it's hard to guard against!

It's no wonder that the demon sect in the cave hid in another realm, and was also discovered by the demon.

Zhang Xibao sat on the back of the phoenix and flew towards the gate of the Nine Serenities.

Zhan Nian flew out suddenly, and asked with a serious face: "I just felt a familiar breath, what happened?"

Zhang Xibao told about his going to Mozong's cave, and also about the real and fake Chinchilla, and Zhan Nian stretched out his hand to poke between Zhang Xibao's brows.

Zhan Nian first asked in surprise: "When did you condense your golden body, I don't even know?"

Before Zhang Xibao asked what the golden body was, Zhan Nian reminded Zhang Xibao: "You have been entangled by the demon..."


Zhang Xibao asked suspiciously: "I've already got rid of the two heavenly demons!"

"There are no two Omens, there is always one Omen. The one who imitates you and the one who plays Chinchilla are the same Omen. It can read your memories and play different roles."

Zhan Nian pointed to the center of Zhang Xibao's eyebrows: "It's already parasitic in your consciousness."


Zhang Xibao rubbed his head: "How to get it out, I don't want to be eaten by the demon!"


Zhan Nian sat cross-legged in front of Zhang Xibao, making a tactic with both hands, a colorless sword energy was generated between Zhan Nian and Zhang Xibao.

"Cut it!"

Zhan Nian manipulated the sword energy, and the sword energy entered Zhang Xibao's mind instantly.

Zhang Xibao only felt a tingling pain between his brows, and he closed his eyes abruptly.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there is a golden man in Zhang Xibao's own small world, and a black humanoid object stands opposite the golden man.

The sword energy flew into the sea of ​​consciousness, and it became ten times and a hundred times larger in an instant, and the huge sword energy slashed towards the black human figure.


The demon was cut into pieces, and some black fragments flew towards the golden man, leaving traces on the golden man, which were like mud spots splashed on the body in a rainy day.

When Zhang Xibao opened his eyes, Phoenix had already landed, and Zhan Nian was checking the sea of ​​consciousness for him.

"What's the matter, did you cut it off?"

Zhan Nian didn't answer, but asked Zhang Xibao to release his golden body.

"I don't know, what is the golden body?"

Zhan Nian stroked his forehead: "The golden body is the golden body of Dharma that appears after your divine power has condensed to a certain level. You must have encountered some adventure, right?"

Zhang Xibao thought of the Resurrection Flower that suddenly turned into smoke and dust under his fingers, and felt that this flower must have helped him condense his golden body.

"Well, I found a different plant, but how to release the golden body, let me try?"

Under the guidance of Zhan Nian, Zhang Xibao released his golden body, and a golden statuette appeared in front of the two of them.

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