"It turns out that this thing is my Dharma Aspect Golden Body, why do I think so!"

Zhang Xibao patted the golden man's chest and laughed.

The divine power of this golden man was condensed like a substance, and Zhan Nian told Zhang Xibao that in the future, the Dharma-seeking golden man can assist his master in fighting by increasing his divine power.

Zhan Nian studied Zhang Xibao's golden figure for a while, his eyes fell on those small dots polluted by the celestial demon fragments, his expression was serious.

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Xibao also noticed the abnormality here. He pointed to the small stain and asked, "Why is it still dirty? It wasn't like this last time!"

Zhan Nian replied: "This is a manifestation of being polluted by the demon. My sword just now failed to completely eliminate the demon. In the words of the Internet, it is a temporary solution but not the root cause."

"Why can't you root?"

When Zhang Xibao heard that the celestial demon was still there and ran to his Dharma Xiang Jin, he was a little anxious for a while.

"Don't worry!"

Zhan Nian comforted Zhang Xibao: "Although you only cut the mark, it won't affect you for a while. As for the root cause, the problem still lies with yourself!"

"Me?" Zhang Xibao pointed to himself.

"Come on, let me tell you more about the Heavenly Demon and the power of this kind of thing!"

Zhan Nian sat down with Zhang Xibao, Zhan Nian pointed to the black spots on the golden man and said, "I told you earlier that the demons come from another realm. These guys are not afraid of gods, and they also like to eat divine power."

"The reason why celestial demons are called celestial demons is not only because they come from outside the sky, but also because they can occupy the sea of ​​consciousness of the host. As long as the host still has the five poisons, six desires, seven emotions, and eight bitternesses, then they are like gangrene attached to the bone. will disappear."

"Those gods are not real gods after all. Only when they accept the trust of believers can they be strong, and the demons can find them through this relationship."

"The sword I just killed can kill the demon once, but as long as you are still alive and have desires, it will grow again like a leek, immortal!"

After Zhan Nian finished speaking, Zhang Xibao was dumbfounded.

"Then what should I do? How can a person live without desires? Human existence itself is desires!"

Zhang Xibao felt that the Heavenly Demon was a little puzzled.

"Wait, I remember the old man Tongtian said that Fang Rui is the treasure to defeat the demons. Do you know how to use Fang Rui?"

Zhang Xibao beckoned, and the phoenix turned back into a slime shape.

"Fang Rui? I haven't seen this thing before, how would I know?"

Zhan Nian took Fang Rui over, flattened and rounded it, and began to study it.

Zhang Xibao said: "Fang Rui can accurately identify what the demon is pretending to be. I asked it how it works, but it couldn't explain it. It just said it could feel it."

"Heavenly demon eats consciousness, Fang Ruitun entity, do you think it is possible that they come from the same world?" Zhan Nian suddenly asked.

Zhang Xibao frowned: "I think what you said makes sense!"

"Let Fang Rui try to see if he can separate the Heavenly Demon from Faxiangjin!"

Zhang Xibao controlled Fang Rui to fly towards the golden man, and then Fang Rui wrapped the golden man completely, and the golden man gradually turned into a solid body.

"I'm going, why did Fang Rui go to my Dharma face?"

Under the puzzled and shocked gazes of Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian, Zhang Xibao's dharma form turned into a black-gold entity.

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao scratched his head: "Zhan Nian, do you feel that my Faxiang is a little bigger?"

"Well, could it be that Fang Rui ate the Heavenly Demon and your Dharma image together, and then became your Dharma image?"

"Zhan Nian, are you talking about tongue twisters?"

Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian discussed for a while, but did not come up with any useful results.

Zhang Xibao had no choice but to communicate with Fang Rui.

"No problem, Fang Rui is still the same Fang Rui, and the Faxiang is still the Faxiang, but I can't take it back..."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Zhan Nian nodded: "I can't feel the existence of the Heavenly Demon anymore, and there is a high possibility that Fang Rui has really eaten it, but it's really hard to say what kind of connection Fang Rui has with Fa Xiang."

"That said, Fang Rui can eat the Heavenly Demon. After eating the Heavenly Demon, he can feed back my Dharma Aspect, but my Dharma Aspect can't be taken back. Since Fang Rui can change in ever-changing ways, it doesn't matter whether I take it back or not. The main thing is me. Don’t be afraid of Heavenly Demon anymore, hahahaha, then I’m still afraid of a der!”

Zhang Xibao almost grinned, this demon not only didn't cause any damage to him, but also made his Dharma image stronger.

"Zhan Nian, how about I use Fang Rui's avatar to pinch a body for you, isn't that better than a fairy's relic, you can change whatever you want?"

Zhan Nian actually thought about Zhang Xibao's suggestion for the first time, and nodded: "Yes, but I don't need it now. It's convenient for me to live in Qilin Sword. I can play games at any time. When I'm done with this job, I can try Fang Rui to make it out." body of!"

"Okay, then I'll ask Fang Rui to eat more this time, so that he can grow fat and make up for his body."

The two chatted a few more words, Zhan Nian flew back to Qilin Jian, while Zhang Xibao stared at Fa Xiang Fang Rui, the two guys stared at each other.

Zhang Xibao began to experiment.

In the past, Fang Rui could only swallow the body or blood of the alien beast, but now Zhang Xibao discovered that it could eat its own divine power.


Zhang Xibao fed Fang Rui a little bit of divine power, and Faxiang's body quickly grew in size. Zhang Xibao kept feeding the divine power, and after a while, Faxiang turned into a ten-meter-tall giant.

"Come, come, come, before leaving the Nine Nethers, hit Gushan with a punch!"

With a thought in Zhang Xibao's mind, Faxiang Fang Rui slammed his fist on the bone mountain next to him, punching a big hole in the bone mountain.

"It's powerful, it's too late for me to smash it with a thorn stick. Take advantage of this opportunity to get more keel bones, and use them to refine rare treasures for Mr. Qin!"

Zhang Xibao fed Dharma Xiang Fang Rui a lot of divine power, which directly promoted Dharma Xiang to nearly 100 meters.

Boom boom boom!

The huge dharma image smashed the bone mountain, and then moved it into Zhang Xibao's Tongtian Treasure House.

"Very good, much faster than I hit with a stick!"

Fa Xiang Fang Rui moved his fingers like an arm, Zhang Xibao felt that the connection between himself and Fa Xiang Fang Rui had deepened, and the difference with Fang Rui before was equivalent to the difference between ordinary signals and Qingqi signals.

After smashing the mountain of bones, Zhang Xibao developed a new skill of Faxiang Fangrui - doppelgänger!

In the past, Fang Rui could also have clones, but they were all by-products without intelligence, but now it is different. Zhang Xibao can directly control those clones, and the limit number has reached hundreds.

Looking at the densely packed little Dharma Aspects around him, Zhang Xibao felt that his brain was not enough, because manipulating the Dharma Aspect clones felt like controlling a hundred of himself at the same time!

"Too brain-intensive!"

Zhang Xibao tapped his aching temple, allowing the avatars to reintegrate into one.

"It's time to go out."

Fa Xiang Fang Rui turned into a phoenix again, and flew towards the exit with Zhang Xibao.

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