Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 390 Azure Dragon Awakens

When Zhang Xibao flew out of the Nine Nethers, he bumped into Qin Li.

Zhang Xibao asked her, "Why are you here?"

Qin Li replied: "I sensed that you are coming back soon, so I am waiting for you here."

The spirit contract can make the bonded people feel each other. Qin Li's level of supernatural being is higher than that of all the people who bonded with Zhang Xibao, so this feeling is particularly strong.

"Ah, let me tell you, the closer you get to the gate of the foreign realm, the faster your divine power recovers. It turned out to be you."

Zhang Xibao exhausted most of his divine power when he was experimenting with dharma signs in a different territory. The reason why he dared to do this was because the people who made the contract would provide him with continuous trust.

"Why are you waiting for me here?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"I have three good news for you!"

Qin Li smiled and replied: "The first thing is, all the people in Daxia City have moved out, and the base on Haocang Island has been built smoothly. Sister Mu Ge has gone to Haocang Island to keep an eye on it. So I returned to the Five Dragons Club."

"The second good thing is that I have also advanced to the peak of the heavenly rank. In order to thank me, my sister Mu Ge gave me a fire elixir that increases the fire attribute aptitude. After I took it, I resonated with the remnant soul of Vermilion Bird. Up two small steps in a row!"

"The third thing is that Baihu and my father have used the seeds you left to recruit a large number of supernatural beings. According to my father, he has gathered a lot of divine power. The two of them are now veritable immortals. Above the heavens!"


Zhang Xibao was sincerely happy for Qin Li, he grinned: "Actually, it's three blessings, because I found the Huihunhua, Qinglong is saved!"

Zhang Xibao took out the bone box and asked Qin Li to take a look at the blue flowers inside.

"Then let's go to Qinglong!"

"it is good!"

The two hurried towards the medical department in charge of the White Dragon Club.

The two came to the medical department of the White Dragon Society, and Qin Dachuan and Tang Yinghuang who got the news also rushed over.

"Really found the Resurrection Flower? Show me!"

As he said that, Qin Dachuan was about to stretch out his hand to take a look at the flower bone, Zhang Xibao hurriedly shouted: "Wait!"

Qin Dachuan's hand was still in the air, and he looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously.

"This flower, you can't touch it with your hands, it will turn into fly ash if you touch it, you can only use bone products to pick it up!"

As he spoke, Zhang Xibao took out a clip made of bones from the Tongtian Treasure House, and took out the flowers for several people to appreciate.

Suddenly, Tang Yinghuang noticed something suspicious, she asked Zhang Xibao: "This flower can't be touched with your hands, how did you know?"

"Ahem, of course I touched it..."

Zhang Xibao changed the subject and said, "Okay, okay, let's go and save Qinglong, this guy has been asleep for long enough!"

The four of them came to the room where Qinglong was sleeping.

"According to what you said, this flower will turn into flying ash when touched, how can it be used for Qinglong?" Qin Dachuan hadn't turned the corner yet.

Zhang Xibao glanced at him: "Of course Qinglong is good at touching it..."

"Ah, such a usage!"

Xuanwu walked to the bed, held Qinglong's hand, Zhang Xibao held the flower with a bone clamp and touched Qinglong's hand.


A miraculous scene happened. The moment the blue flower touched Qinglong's finger, it turned into flying ash, and at the same time, a wisp of green smoke flew into Qinglong's mouth and nose as if alive.

"Hey, wake up, wake up!"

Qin Dachuan shouted excitedly.

Qinglong's eyelids moved slightly, and then he slowly opened them.

The bright light made Qinglong squint his eyes, and then he saw four pairs of eyes staring at him.

"It's three o'clock, wake up!"

Zhang Xibao knocked on the head of the bed, Qin Dachuan and others laughed.

Qinglong sat up cross-legged, and asked with a serious face: "How long have I been asleep, how is Tianyi?"

"You've been asleep for almost three months. Tianyi has already been beheaded by me. You don't have to worry."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Qinglong's expression softened a little.

"Three months, have I slept for so long..." Qinglong muttered to himself.

"Yeah, these three months have been the most changed three months, you can't believe what happened!"

Qin Dachuan had the loudest voice, which made the ears of a group of people hurt.

"I'll say it, I'll say it!"

Zhang Xibao told the general situation.

Why do humans exist in a foreign land?

There is a divine court in the sky of Kunlun Alien, and the guys inside are all above the level of earth immortals.

The rare treasure seeds of Haocang Island have been successfully cultivated, and the project [Everyone is a Supernatural Being] has been successfully launched.

Qinglong was dumbfounded when he heard that.

"Have you all risen above the heavenly rank?"

Qinglong was the strongest among the four saints before he fell into a coma, but he didn't expect that after sleeping for three months, he became the bottom one.

"As for Vermilion Bird, she hasn't had time to absorb the godhead yet. She is now at the peak of the heavenly ranks like you, but she will be promoted to immortal soon. Because you have just recovered from a serious illness, it is not suitable to absorb the godhead now. It will take a while ..."

"Hahahaha, good!"

Qinglong laughed suddenly: "I'm really happy to see that you have made so much progress. Tianyi was beheaded, but forget it. I have wished for so many years. After being the head of the four saints for so many years, I can finally relax Already!"

"Come on, when you absorb the godhead, you will still be the head of the four sages, and the five dragons will be a big plate for you!" Tang Yinghuang finally said.

"Yes, yes, you don't know. After the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club was destroyed, I didn't exhaust myself to set up a new headquarters. Fortunately, there is the laboratory building of the Dark Saint. I can change it and use it directly hahaha!"

Qin Dachuan laughed loudly, seeing Zhang Xibao's eyes full of resentment, he quickly closed his mouth, suddenly he said as if something had happened, "By the way, Qinglong, you don't know how wonderful the dark sage is, this The guy uses the spirit seal contract to contract supernatural beings, which not only adds new strength to our Five Dragons Association, but also helps us practice!"

"Okay, okay, hahaha!"

Qinglong jumped up from the bed, he insisted on visiting the new base of the Five Dragons Club.

Tang Yinghuang and Qin Dachuan accompanied Qinglong to visit the base, while Zhang Xibao took Qin Li to merge with the godhead.

Half a day later, Qin Li was successfully promoted to Human Immortal.

"Use the remaining seeds to contract supernatural beings as soon as possible to improve your strength!" Zhang Xibao exhorted.

"Well, I have already contracted Winged Fire Snake and the others in advance!"

As she spoke, Qin Li opened her fingers, and golden light condensed on her fingertips.

"Not bad, you got started very quickly!"

Zhang Xibao sighed in admiration.

"Hey, it's actually Sister Mu Ge who taught me about the use of divine power in private. I think this thing is similar to Qingqi."

After merging into the godhead, Zhang Xibao and Qin Li came to the conference room.

Accompanied by Tang Yinghuang and Qin Dachuan, Qinglong visited the base, focusing on the laboratory that attacked the French ship.

After the combination of the attacking French ship and the unmanned attack aircraft, it has completely become a big killer.

Qinglong has woken up, and the five sages gathered together to discuss the next step of the Wulonghui.

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