
The closer Zhang Xibao got to the ice palace, the colder Zhang Xibao felt.

Although Zhang Xibao himself is very cold-resistant, the cold air emanating from the Ice Palace is bone-piercing, but because he is afraid of being exposed, Zhang Xibao dare not use pure energy or divine power to drive away the cold.

"Dangdangdangdang, the blue dragon will equip all the secret cold-resistant cloaks, put on the cold-resistant cloak, and no longer be afraid of losing the warmth..."

Zhang Xibao wrapped a black anti-cold cloak around his body, and the self-circulating magic circle inside the cloak radiated heat slightly, and Zhang Xibao's chill suddenly became less pressing.

"The guys from the Blue Dragon Club have finally come up with a piece of practical equipment, and they will give each of them a black lotus tree when they go back!"

Wrapped in a cloak, Zhang Xibao muttered softly.

"I don't know who the guys living in the shrine are. In this environment, I'm freezing to death..."

"what is that……"

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and saw a small black dot flying out of the ice palace.

"A flying boat..."

Zhang Xibao leaned over, the black cloak blending him with the surrounding environment.

This was the first time Zhang Xibao saw a living person in this black ice mountain range.

The flying boat is not big, only more than ten meters long, but it is very fast, flying from the ice palace to the sky above the ice vein in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands and let out a breath of cold air, he felt that the opportunity had come.

Walking towards the Ice Palace in a big way, people are afraid that they will be discovered before they get close to the Ice Palace. If they can sneak into the airship, things will be easy.

"I just don't know how the ranks of people on this flying boat are. They are higher than the ranks of earth immortals, so let's find another way..."

Zhang Xibao predicted the flight path of the flying boat and planned to fly up to have a look, but what he didn't expect was that the flying boat flew straight down.

"Hey, does someone give you a pillow when you're sleepy!"

Zhang Xibao was secretly happy.

The airship flew straight down, and then landed on a huge ice block.

Zhang Xibao stared at the flying boat, wanting to see what rank the passengers in the flying boat were.


"Hey hey..."

There was a burst of laughter.

Zhang Xibao saw three beautiful women like icebergs jumping off the flying boat.

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the passengers on the flying boat were women. The rank of these three women was not high. Zhang Xibao felt that his plan was stable.

The three women were two tall and one short, and the tall slender woman on the left was the highest. According to the divine power aura emanating from her body, Zhang Xibao guessed that she should have the strength of an Earth Immortal.

The woman on the far right is more plump, and her strength is slightly inferior to that of the tall and slender woman. She should be a newcomer to the Earth Immortal.

As for the woman who seemed to be the youngest and shortest, she had the lowest rank, that is, the rank of a human immortal.

Zhang Xibao grinned sneeringly: "The persimmons are soft, you're the one..."

After the three women got off the flying boat, they started looking for something.

Suddenly the shortest girl yelled in surprise: "Ah, Sister Lin'er, Sister Xuan'er, come and see, someone stole our Bing Danlian!"

Zhang Xibao in the distance was nervous for a while, he thought to himself that he had already covered up the traces, why did this girl still find out that she had picked the ice lotus?

I just heard the girl say: "Last time I remembered that there was an ice lotus plant in this location with a very beautiful posture. I planned to pick it first this time, but it disappeared. When I dug up the soil, I found the roots left behind. Someone stole the lotus!" "

Zhang Xibao grinned in the distance, Makabaka, why are you so busy remembering Lotus!

Of course, Zhang Xibao also knew in his heart that it might be that he had squeezed the lotus a little too hard these days, and he picked all the ice lotuses around him.

The women named Lin'er and Xuan'er hurried over to check, and the woman on the right said bitterly, "It must be those bastards from Muxing Mountain!"

The tall slender woman on the left nodded in agreement, comforted the short girl and said, "Don't be sad, Yu'er, next time senior sister meets those guys, she must make them suffer!"


An ice pick hit the stone in front of Zhang Xibao, and Zhang Xibao's cold sweat broke out. He thought he had been exposed, but he didn't expect it was the tall slender woman's act of venting her anger.

Nirvana, almost got headshot!

"Sister Lin'er is so kind!"

The short girl rubbed her face against the tall woman's arm.

"Let's go, let's go, let's look elsewhere, move quickly, or we'll be reprimanded for being playful again..." the woman named Xuan'er urged.

The three women scattered and began to look for Binglian.

"Did those bastards steal all the ice cream lotus?" Xuan'er cursed angrily.

"Let's search separately, this time we have to go back at the stipulated time!"

After the tall slender woman finished speaking, the three of them started to spread out to look for Binglian.

Seeing the three of them dispersed, Zhang Xibao was secretly happy.

The girl named Yu'er looked very playful, she didn't look for the ice lotus at all, but rummaged under the ice to find something.

"Fang Rui..."

Zhang Xibao's heart moved, Fang Rui split off a small part of the clone, and the clone turned into a seven-color silkworm.

This kind of beautiful silkworm grows in ice lotus, Zhang Xibao has seen it when picking ice lotus, if he guessed correctly, the girl should be looking for small insects.

Fang Rui's avatar transformed into a small silkworm began to twist its body, like the bright bait on the head of an anglerfish. Zhang Xibao lowered his body tightly, hiding under the black cloak, like a cold-blooded predator.


The girl's face was filled with joy, and she ran towards the colorful silkworm bouncing around.

She was holding an exquisite ice crystal cage in her hand, which seemed to be specially used to hold silkworms.

"Colorful silkworm, colorful silkworm, come live in the hut I made!"

The girl muttered, squatted down, and reached out to grab Fang Rui's clone.


Zhang Xibao pounced on a hungry tiger, and his movements were extremely fast, he could even see his own distorted face reflected in the girl's bewildered pupils.


The moment Zhang Xibao touched the girl, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his arm, and he noticed that his fingers began to turn into ice crystals.


Protective magic weapon!

Zhang Xibao felt a chill in his heart, he had calculated everything, but he didn't expect this!

But the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

If he fails, he will be besieged by three people, and even hunted down by the entire Ice Palace and God Court.

"Fang Rui!"

Fang Rui's avatar twisted for a while, and instantly turned into a huge black hood, facing the girl as a hood.

At this time, Zhang Xibao couldn't care less about pity for flowers and jade, he slashed the girl's neck with a knife, and the girl rolled her eyes and passed out.

The girl was restrained by Fang Rui's avatar and disguised as a piece of black ice. Zhang Xibao's figure twisted and turned into a girl's appearance. He still didn't forget to take off the square-inch bracelet on the girl's wrist.

Sure enough, besides Baodan, there are many clothes in the bracelet...

Zhang Xibao changed his clothes, took out a few ice lotus plants from Tongtian Treasure House, picked up the girl's ice crystal insect cage, and walked towards the two girls.

"How's little sister Yu'er doing?" the tall slender woman asked.


Zhang Xibao clamped his throat and adjusted his tone: "I only picked a few plants, so there are so few ice lotuses this time..."

Xuan'er hummed: "You must be lazy again, right, I saw your insect cage!"

Zhang Xibao held up the worm cage and giggled. Inside the worm cage was Fang Rui, the Faxiang disguised as a colorful silkworm...

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