"Let's go, but don't be late!"

The two women held Zhang Xibao's hand, one on the left and one on the right, and led him aboard the flying boat.

The flying boat rose from the ground and flew straight towards the ice palace in the distance.

On the flying boat.

The women named Xuan'er and Lin'er were playing and teasing. Zhang Xibao didn't know these two people well, and he didn't know much about the fish he was playing.

"Fish, stop playing with silkworms, come here!"

Xuan'er pulled Zhang Xibao to come, Zhang Xibao's whole body was tense, but he didn't dare to struggle, so he just smirked like a marionette.

"Little girl, what's so interesting about bugs?"

"Ah, why are you so cold, did you forget to take the cold-proof pill?"

Lin'er touched Zhang Xibao's hand, feeling as cold as ice.

In fact, just now when Zhang Xibao subdued the girl named Yu'er, he accidentally triggered the magic weapon on her body, and his entire right arm went numb instantly, as if it had been frozen into an icicle.

In addition, Zhang Xibao took off his warm cloak and put on a gauze-like women's dress, and he was already too cold at this time.

This ice palace seems to have magic power, the closer it gets, the colder it gets, even Zhang Xibao's strong body is a bit hard to handle.

"Idiot, you're too busy playing, eat up the elixir!"

A bright yellow pill was stuffed into Zhang Xibao's mouth, and the warmth spread all over his body in an instant, even the injury on his right arm was relieved a lot.

Zhang Xibao was secretly happy, but he didn't show it.

"Fish, we're going to take a bath in the Shenquan in a while, are you going?"

The two women looked at Zhang Xibao with smiles.

Ah, this...

Zhang Xibao shook his head and replied, "I won't go now."

"Little Yu'er is too fond of playing and doesn't like to be clean anymore!"

The two women started laughing and joking again.

Zhang Xibao had a smirk on his face, but his whole body was tense.

Because, the Black Ice Palace has arrived...

The flying boat flew into the Ice Palace. Inside the Ice Palace were carved beams and paintings, but all the building materials were made of black ice. If the bright yellow pills hadn't played a role, Zhang Xibao felt that he would definitely be frozen into an ice sculpture.

After landing, the flying boat shrank from its size to the size of a palm in a short while. The woman named Lin'er put it away. This flying boat is some kind of flying treasure.

"Let's go and hand over the Bingdanlian!"

Xuan'er urged, and the three of them walked towards a certain part of the ice palace. There was a side hall there, which seemed to be the place to pay the ice lotus.

The whole ice palace was very deserted, and there was only one other older woman in the side hall. Seeing Zhang Xibao and the others come in, the woman said angrily, "Put it in the old place!"

The three handed over Binglian, and the woman asked again: "Is it laziness again this time? Why are there so few? Do you really think that I dare not punish you?"

"Binglian was stolen by those bastards from Muxing Mountain!"

Xuan'er retorted indignantly: "We searched all over the ice field and only found so many. Didn't we find that we came back early this time? If you dare to punish us, we will go to the Palace Master for judgment!"

Xuan'er's expression didn't seem fake, the woman remained expressionless for a moment, then waved her hand.

The two women murmured and dragged Zhang Xibao out of the side hall.

"Fish, don't you really want to take a bath?"

Xuan'er asked again.

Before Zhang Xibao could answer, Lin'er had an expression of enlightenment: "Oh, I see, Yu'er must be looking for that Zhang Zhizi again, and listen to her tell the story outside, right?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, Yuer, you have to be careful. Although Zhang Zhizi's story is interesting, it is like a dream to us. If the Palace Master finds out that you are approaching her, you may be punished!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes froze suddenly, thinking he guessed right!

Lin'er and Xuan'er looked as expected, they walked towards the back of the palace arm in arm, leaving Zhang Xibao alone.

Zhang Xibao touched in the opposite direction.

This ice palace is as unpopular as its environment. So far, in the huge ice palace, Zhang Xibao has only seen the three women before. He groped along the corridor, but found no one.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself, the old lady Zhang Zhizi was kidnapped into the court of God, so it is impossible for her to act freely like these women. Combined with Lin'er and Xuan'er's words, the Palace Master will not allow anyone to approach Zhang Zhizi at will, so Zhang Zhizi The son should have been imprisoned...

"Where is my mother locked up?"

Zhang Xibao searched around but couldn't find it, so he turned his attention to the woman in the side hall.

That woman is obviously not compatible with Lin'er and the others, her cultivation level is not as good as Lin'er's and the others, and she is alone, so it is easier to attack.

When Zhang Xibao returned to the side hall, the woman was making ice lotus.

Seeing "Yu'er" return, the woman asked, "Why are you back?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Take some cold-proof pills."

"Didn't it just be distributed to you, why do you want it again?" The woman's expression became unkind, and her hands kept moving, as if she didn't care about the fish at all.

After all, the Yu'er played by Zhang Xibao is not as good as this woman. Seeing Yu'er not leaving, the woman sneered: "Don't think about it, I won't give it to you. If you want to avoid the cold pill, we will talk about it next time when you release the pill!"

Suddenly, the woman looked at Zhang Xibao: "Oh, I see, did you secretly give the new guy your elixir, so you don't have any elixir?"

"Hehe, one story for one pill, right? You are so stupid, I can make up those stories too!"

The woman was talking to herself, Zhang Xibao rushed forward, and the Dharma Prime Minister Fang Rui in the insect cage wrapped around the woman.

The woman suddenly found that her divine power was rapidly draining.

"You... what are you doing?"

The divine power was taken away, and the woman wanted to resist, but found that she was tightly restrained by the fish.

"To shut up!"

Zhang Xibao restrained the woman from behind and asked her, "Where is Zhang Zhizi locked up? Take me there!"

The woman was first surprised at the male voice that came out of the fish's mouth, and then she was horrified to find that her body moved involuntarily.

The woman under Fang Rui's control acted like a puppet. The woman only needed to show the way, and her body would involuntarily lead Zhang Xibao the way.

After a while, Zhang Xibao came to a hidden cave.

There is a transparent barrier outside the cave, and inside the cave sits a woman in white clothes.

The woman looked to be only in her thirties, with delicate features, and upon closer inspection she had many similarities with Zhang Xibao and Zhang Muge.

"Ah, little fish, why are you here?"

Zhang Zhizi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ice bed, opened her eyes and saw the little fish played by Zhang Xibao with a bit of joy on her face, but when she saw the woman being held hostage, her face added a bit of doubt.

Zhang Xibao took out a bottle of Bihan Pill from Yu'er's square-inch bracelet and threw it to Zhang Zhizi.

Zhang Zhizi took it, took a bright yellow pill, and looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously.

She felt strange, Xiao Yu'er, who was usually timid and timid, was a little bit wrong at this time.

"Zhang Zhizi?" Zhang Xibao asked with a real voice

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