Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 397 I Really Want To Escape

"Zhang Zhizi?"

When the strange male voice asked this sentence, the eyebrows of the woman on the ice bed in the cave suddenly frowned, she flew to the barrier in an instant, and asked Zhang Xibao, "What did you do to Xiao Yuer?"

A fool can also tell that this little fish is a fake, because there is no way there is a man in the ice palace.

Zhang Xibao wanted to meet each other at first, but time was running out. He said coldly, "Class A secret, Zhang Zhizi, originally from Beishi, Daxia, entered the Kunlun Alien Land 21 years ago, left the Alien Land three years later, and gave birth to a newborn child." After the son, he returned to the foreign land again and established the Great Xia City..."

Following Zhang Xibao's words, Zhang Zhizi's face was full of astonishment, and she asked coldly, "Who the hell are you? What did you do to Mu Ge?"

Zhang Zhizi believed that only his own daughter Zhang Muge knew about this information, since the man said this, he must have got it from Muge.

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao to speak, Zhang Zhizi shook his head: "No, it's impossible for the people in Shenting to know this, who are you?!"

Zhang Xibao replied: "I am the Dark Sage of the Five Dragons Society. I came here to rescue you. The gate of the foreign realm has opened!"


Zhang Zhizi obviously couldn't believe it.

Even if the gate of the foreign land is opened, who can climb up Jianmu and catch those two giant birds.

Seeing Zhang Zhizi's situation, Zhang Xibao thought to himself that it was a good thing he didn't tell her that he was Zhang Xibao, otherwise this woman would not believe him even more.

People who are too smart like to question, and once they are in a dangerous situation, they only paranoidly believe in themselves.

Zhang Xibao is such a person, he thinks that his smart old lady must be such a person too.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while and said: "Tell me something that Zhang Muge doesn't know, but everyone in Daxia knows. Let me prove myself."

Zhang Zhizi rolled his eyes and asked: A car was driving on the road, suddenly there was a big ditch in front of it, and the light fell into it, why is the car fine?

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes: "Because the headlight fell into it, is it interesting to make a sharp turn? I thought you would ask something difficult!"

"I believe it!"

Zhang Zhizi looked at Zhang Xibao and nodded: "It's impossible for these guys in Shenting to know about cars and brain teasers. You are indeed from Daxia."

"Yes, don't gossip, I'll rescue you first." Zhang Xibao looked at the enchantment of the cave.

"Don't waste your time. Although I don't know how you came to God's Court, it's not so easy to save me. This enchantment was personally arranged by the master of the Ice Palace who is a fairy, and you can't open it!"

Zhang Zhizi waved his hand: "You go, this ice palace does not allow men to enter, but luckily the master of the ice palace went to the temple, otherwise you wouldn't be able to sneak in at all."

"So the so-called Palace Master is not here..."

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that his luck is really good, it would be wonderful if it can continue to be so good.

"How do you know if you can do it if you don't try? If you can't break this barrier, I will break this iceberg!"

The cave was opened under an iceberg, and the barrier was at the entrance of the cave. What Zhang Xibao wanted was to break through the iceberg regardless of the barrier.

Zhang Xibao slashed the woman beside him unconscious with a hand knife, and then Fang Rui fell to the ground and turned into a Dharma figure.

"Faxiang is useless, it's not that I haven't tried..." Zhang Zhizi muttered.

Zhang Xibao was a little speechless, as long as the old lady didn't cheer herself up, she was still talking sarcasticly by the side, who was locked up!

"You are a Dharma form of water, so naturally you can't overcome this ice, but my Dharma form has the nature of fire!"

Zhang Xibao snorted, and began to control the dharma form to grow bigger.

Zhang Zhizi muttered again: "Fire nature? Unless you're that bastard Zhu Yan, you really can't control the ice!"

"Okay, let me try again!"

Fa Xiang Fang Rui rose to 100 meters in an instant, and his figure was almost as high as the iceberg where the cave was located.

"Hey, such a big Dharma image?"

Zhang Zhizi was a little surprised, it was the first time she had seen such a huge Dharma image.


Faxiang Fang Rui picked up the Yanling giant sword, and a layer of raging flames appeared on the surface of the giant sword.

"Split this iceberg for me!"


Faxiang Fang Rui raised the Yanling giant sword high, and then slashed heavily towards the iceberg.


After a loud noise, a crack appeared in the iceberg, and this sword split the iceberg in half!

The huge fissure stretched from the top of the mountain to the cave, Zhang Zhizi stared wide-eyed: "It really split open! This Dharma Amulet has such great power, who is this person?"

"Follow me!"

Zhang Xibao roared: "The movement just now must have alarmed the guys in the temple, let's leave quickly!"

The dharma shrunk and turned into a phoenix, carrying Zhang Xibao and Zhang Zhizi to the outside of the ice palace.

In the distance, Zhang Xibao saw a bright light rising from the sky above the temple, presumably someone was already flying towards this side.

So Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix to fly in the opposite direction, trying to increase the distance between the two sides.

"Oh, by the way, where did you get Xiao Yu'er, didn't you hurt her?" Zhang Zhizi asked suddenly.

Zhang Xibao said angrily, "I can't keep myself, and you still care about others?"

"Xiao Yu'er is a good boy. She secretly gave me the Pill to avoid the cold. She is kind to me. Don't hurt her!" Zhang Zhizi frowned, with guilt on her face.


Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix to fly down, and picked up the trembling girl along the way, while he put on the black cloak and Qilin mask again.

Xiao Yu'er was so frightened that he burst into tears, and when he saw Zhang Zhizi beside him, he rushed over.

"Human Immortal, that's it? Why do I feel that although the ranks of the people in the court are high, they seem to be mentally retarded..."

While comforting Xiao Yuer, Zhang Zhizi replied: "The so-called God's Court is actually just another alien land isolated from the world, and the people here are all descendants of the original gods. They are extremely talented, but they don't know much about the world! "

"It turned out to be like this..."

Zhang Xibao controlled the phoenix to fly towards the exit, but unexpectedly found that the door when he entered the divine court was gone!

"Where's the door?" Zhang Xibao was confused.

Zhang Zhizi questioned speechlessly: "Did you prepare the sacrifice for the Summoning Gate?"

"Ah, still need sacrifices when you go out?"


The four eyes met, and then the two looked behind at the same time.

A dazzling white light came in an instant, and when the white light dissipated, Zhang Xibao saw a beautiful woman in a black palace dress floating in the air with a cold expression.

"Master of the Ice Palace, immortal rank?" Zhang Xibao asked Zhang Zhizi as he turned his head blankly.

Zhang Zhizi nodded slowly.

"Why didn't you run away?" The master of the Ice Palace, who was covered with frost, questioned, his voice was emotionless.

Zhang Zhizi raised her hand: "Surrender, we surrender..."

"Ah, this..." Zhang Xibao almost froze.

After all, Zhang Zhizi was at the peak of the Earth Immortal, and Zhang Xibao was also considered an Earth Immortal, so the two of them together couldn't have done two tricks with the Master of the Ice Palace?

It's too immoral for my old lady to surrender so quickly...

The lord of the Ice Palace landed on Fenghuang's back, Zhang Xibao tensed all over, but Zhang Zhizi grabbed the woman's arm in palace attire: "Sister Shuang, I don't dare to run away anymore..."

"What... what's going on?!"

Zhang Xibao feels a little messy in his head

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