Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 398 Can't Escape

"Go back and settle accounts with you!"

The Mistress of the Ice Palace glanced at Zhang Zhizi, then turned her gaze to Zhang Xibao, and asked, "Who is this?"

Zhang Xibao's whole body tensed up. Seeing the situation of his old lady and the palace lord, his mind went blank at first, and then he thought quickly.

According to Zhang Zhizi, there are no men in the Ice Palace. Assuming that the Ice Palace is a forbidden place for men, even if Zhang Xibao didn't attack Xiao Yu'er and pretend to be a woman in the palace, just because of his status as a man, he might be killed Life is in danger...

After thinking about all this, Zhang Xibao said with his throat closed: "Actually, this family is also from a woman..."

Now it was Zhang Zhizi's turn to look weird.

She thought that the compatriot from Daxia who rescued her was a serious guy, but she didn't expect to be a man who can bend and stretch!

It's so right!

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Zhang Zhizi stood in front of Zhang Xibao: "This is my compatriot, Sister Shuang, please save face and don't touch him."

"Compatriots? Outsiders? What kind of compatriots would risk their lives to come to this court to save people, and even split an iceberg of mine. Could it be your friend outside?"

The expression of the Mistress of the Ice Palace was even more indifferent, and her gorgeous face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

"Heaven and earth conscience, how can I have any lovers?!"

Zhang Zhizi held up three fingers: "I'll tell you, he's definitely not my good friend. Whoever said that splitting the mountain has to be a good friend, think of the little kid holding the lotus lantern in the story I told you back then. , didn’t he go to split the mountain to save his old lady?”

Zhang Xibao opened his mouth wide in surprise, thinking, old lady, you guessed so right, I really saved you, old lady, by splitting the mountain, isn't it a coincidence?

"Ahem, actually..."

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to speak, Zhang Zhizi waved his hand: "Don't say anything, you are willing to sacrifice your life to save me, I will repay this kindness."

Afterwards, Zhang Zhizi looked at the Mistress of the Ice Palace: "Shuang'er, kill him first and kill me!"

Zhang Xibao thought to himself, okay, it's very righteous, follow me...

Hey, something seems wrong...

The Mistress of the Ice Palace raised her hand, and a flying sword made purely of black ice appeared in her hand.

The cold blade lay across Zhang Zhizi's neck, and the palace lord said coldly: "Do you think I really dare not kill you?"

Zhang Zhizi closed his eyes.

When Zhang Xibao couldn't bear to pull out the Qilin sword from the Tongtian Treasure House, he suddenly noticed that the old lady's index finger was shaking behind her back.

What do you mean, don't act rashly?

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath and stood there without moving.


The Mistress of the Ice Palace put away the ice sword, and said angrily: "It really isn't an adulterer, otherwise I wouldn't be so indifferent..."

Your uncle, another temptation!

Zhang Xibao felt like he was going crazy, what happened to these two women?

The palace lord pulled Zhang Zhizi aside, stared at Zhang Xibao twice, and asked, "Earth Immortal?"

"Huh?" Zhang Xibao didn't understand what she meant.

The master of the Ice Palace said again: "Let me see your Dharma picture."

Zhang Xibao shook his head, then pointed to the phoenix under his seat: "The Faxiang is under our feet."

"Oh? The shape that can be transformed is interesting..."

The Mistress of the Ice Palace narrowed her eyes, as if she was thinking about something.

"That's right, it's interesting. The thing that split the mountain just now is the thing under my feet. This is the first time I have seen this kind of dharma."

Zhang Zhizi smiled and put her arm on the shoulder of the master of the ice palace.

Thinking of the matter of splitting the mountain, the palace master came back to his senses, and his face became serious again.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself, old lady, are you an enemy or an ally? Which pot can't be opened and which pot to carry!

"How did you get into the Ice Palace?"

The master of the Ice Palace looked at Xiao Yu'er again: "Hijacking my Ice Palace maid, sneaking into the Ice Palace, robbing Zhang Zhizi, and breaking the iceberg, any of these are capital crimes, you'd better answer honestly."

Zhang Zhizi gave Zhang Xibao an OK gesture behind the ice palace lord.

Zhang Xibao looked at the master of the Ice Palace and replied: "My aura can also assist me to play other people, men, women, old people, children, all are fine."

"Show it to me!"

At the request of the Master of the Ice Palace, the Qilin mask on Zhang Xibao's face was distorted for a while, and with the crackling sound of bones, he turned into the appearance of a little fish.


The real fish next to him exclaimed.

"Can the body shape also be changed?"

The eyes of the master of the Ice Palace sparkled, as if he wanted to see through Zhang Xibao's performance, and then Zhang Xibao noticed a smile on the corner of the woman's mouth.

"Not bad, really good..."

In the end, the master of the Ice Palace said to Zhang Xibao: "Change your face and come back to the Ice Palace with me. I will spare you."

The phoenix flew towards the ice palace, Zhang Zhizi sent a voice message to Zhang Xibao: "I'll explain to you later, she can hear our voice transmission..."

Zhang Xibao looked at the Mistress of the Ice Palace, and found that this woman was indeed staring at him and Zhang Zhizi.

This woman is too weird.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that it was fortunate that he hadn't revealed his true identity before, otherwise Zhang Zhizi couldn't have been so relaxed, and the palace lord probably wanted to chop him to death with a sword.

Phoenix flew back to the Ice Palace, only the Palace Master, Zhang Zhizi and Zhang Xibao were left in the main hall, the maid named Yu'er and the maid from the side hall pharmacy had been wiped out of memory by the Palace Master.

Zhang Zhizi and the Palace Master seemed to have a quarrel, and after a while they walked in together, Zhang Xibao couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

The palace lord said bluntly: "I want you to replace me, Shui Xingshan, to attend the battle of gods!"

"What's the difference between that and letting him die?"

Zhang Zhizi was a little unhappy, and objected to the palace lord's words.

"God War, what do you mean?"

Zhang Xibao raised his hand to signal: "Let's talk about it, I judge everything by myself, I don't like others to decide things for me."

"God War..."

Zhang Zhizi stood up: "Let me explain it!"

"Every ten years, the Divine Court will conduct a battle of gods to decide who from the Five Elements Mountain will collect believers and divine power through the lower realm of the gate of the Divine Court."

Zhang Zhizi explained to Zhang Xibao: "People in Shenting cannot pass through the gate of Shenting casually, so they can only go down to the realm once every ten years. The aborigines in Kunlun Alien Territory are precious sources of believers and builders of faith."


Zhang Xibao nodded: "Everyone wants to go out to collect divine power, but only one side can go down to the lower realm, so the people in Wuxing Mountain have to fight to choose which side it is?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

Zhang Zhizi added: "The rule is that the masters of the Five Elements Mountain are not allowed to fight, and can only send their own disciples from the mountain."

In fact, Zhang Xibao figured it out after a little thought. The masters of these five mountain ranges are all very powerful. If they really wanted to fight, the court would probably be in a mess. In order to avoid internal friction, they would send their most powerful disciples to join the battle. .

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Xibao immediately agreed: "Okay, I can join the battle!

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