Zhang Zhizi frowned: "You have to think clearly, what you have to face is the highest combat power among the disciples of the other four mountain ranges. Once the battle of gods starts, it cannot be stopped halfway. The death rate is very high!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the Palace Master of the Ice Palace, "If I refuse, I'm afraid I'll have to face the god Mistress Shuixingshan. Instead of facing the gods, it's better to fight a group of earth immortals. Besides, I also want to go out from this god's court. Wouldn't it be good if we could win?"

"You are very smart to have such an awareness." The Mistress of the Ice Palace smiled, with a little more appreciation for Zhang Xibao in her eyes.


Zhang Xibao stared at the Master of the Ice Palace: "Everything has its own fault."

"But what?" asked the Ice Palace Master.

"I have to pay more!"

Zhang Xibao had a rascal expression.

"I'm confident that I can win you with Shui Xingshan, but it's not enough to spare my life. You have to add more chips, otherwise I will lose too much!"

"You don't want your life for money?" The Master of the Ice Palace sneered.

"My head is not made of dough, you have to work hard to pick it off..."

The dharma image beside Zhang Xibao shone slightly. In mid-air, the opening of Tongtian Treasure House opened, and the puppet bone dragon stretched out half of its head. Through its dark eye sockets, there were hundreds of unmanned attack aircraft ready to take off. .

"I may not be able to beat you, but it's more than enough to destroy the entire Shuixing Mountain. By then, there will only be four of the Five Elements Mountains. You will also have a headache, right?"

"This is the first time I've been threatened by someone..." The Immortal aura of the Ice Palace Master spread instantly.

"No, she was the one who threatened you first."

Zhang Xibao pointed at Zhang Zhizi and decisively sold his wife.

Anyway, the relationship between these two women is unusual, Zhang Xibao thought that he could only wrong his wife.

The Ice Palace Master's aura froze, Zhang Zhizi shrank his neck: "It's none of my business..."

"it is good!"

The Mistress of the Ice Palace dispelled the coercion, and said two words to Zhang Xibao: "Deal!"

Zhang Xibao agreed without asking what he wanted, Zhang Xibao thought that this woman was quite arrogant.

"What do you want?" The Palace Master of the Divine Palace finally asked.

Zhang Xibao replied: "Taiyi pure gold and Sifang Tianhuo!"

"Taiyi fine gold, I can go to the master of Jinxing Mountain to change it, but this Sifang Tianhuo, this is the heart of that guy Zhu Yan, and Huo Xingshan has always been incompatible with my Water Xingshan, this Sifang Tianhuo can't do it!"

The Palace Master of the Divine Palace immediately rejected Zhang Xibao: "Both of these are treasures, don't you think you want a little too much?"

Zhang Xibao originally wanted to find out the whereabouts of these two treasures, but unexpectedly he was pleasantly surprised. He thought that since he could get the Taiyi fine gold, he might as well agree to it first.

"Okay, then Taiyi fine gold!"

After Zhang Xibao made an agreement with the Palace Master, the Palace Master looked at Zhang Zhizi and said, "I'll give you two a chance to chat about the old days, come find me later."

"Hey, it's great to not be able to help it!" Zhang Zhizi happily dragged Zhang Xibao out of the palace.

After running for a while, the two stopped, and Zhang Xibao asked with a serious face: "What's going on, can you explain it to me clearly? Zhang Muge didn't know that his old mother lived so chicly in the court of God, and she said with tears all day long." Mother was taken away?"

Zhang Xibao's words were full of yin and yang, Zhang Zhizi couldn't hear it.

Zhang Zhizi sighed: "Since you know so much, you must have a good relationship with Mu Ge, otherwise you wouldn't have come to this court to save me, thank you again."

"At the beginning, I followed the expedition team into the Kunlun Alien Land. I was attacked by wild monsters, and all the team members died. At that time, it happened that the lower realm of Shuixingshan came to collect faith and believers, so the palace lord of Shuixingshan saved my life. , and then we developed feelings for each other..."

"Ah, this..."

Hearing this, Zhang Xibao stayed in Bengbu, thinking what was all this.

"Is it strange? The outside world is at the end of the 21st century, and you discriminate against us?" Zhang Zhizi gave Zhang Xibao a strange look.

Zhang Xibao thought that I don't discriminate against this kind of behavior, but I firmly oppose you two!

"You continue." Zhang Xibao suppressed his thoughts and waved his hand.

"At the beginning, I promised to go back to Shenting with her, but I missed my hometown, so I went out through the gate of the foreign land."

Zhang Xibao thought it was wrong, so he asked: "Where is the child? As far as I know, before you gave birth to Zhang Muge, you left a child outside the foreign country."

"My child..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhizi showed guilt on his face, and his eyes dimmed.

Zhang Xibao noticed that she was clenching her fists so tightly that her nails dug into her flesh.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhizi didn't say anything about the child being an accident, otherwise Zhang Xibao would have to take out the Qilin sword to kill the relatives righteously.

"Back then I was a young girl who didn't know much about the world. The sacred objects of the Great Xia Tribe were two strange treasure seeds, so I thought it would be much easier to get out of the strange world with the physique of a supernatural person, so I secretly ate one of the seeds , and then she became pregnant..."

Zhang Zhizi said guiltily: "I'm sorry for him, and I don't know how he's doing. I really want to go out from the Kunlun Alien Land to find him, but the gate of the Alien Land has not been opened for so many years!"

"Then why did you leave him outside alone and return to the foreign land by yourself?"

Unknowingly, Zhang Xibao's tone became a little excited.

Zhang Zhizi was immersed in sadness, and did not notice Zhang Xibao's abnormality.

"Because, I want to close the gate of Kunlun Foreign Realm inside the foreign realm..."

Zhang Zhizi explained: "Fortunately, it was Shuang'er who was parading in the lower realm at the beginning. If it were replaced by the other four palace masters, not only Da Xia, but the entire planet Earth might be reduced to a divine power ranch!"

After Zhang Zhizi said these words, Zhang Xibao suddenly came to his senses. That's right, the aura of the Earth Star had just recovered, and the supernatural beings had just started to appear. If any guy from Shenting entered the Earth Star through the gate, the entire Earth Star would fall!

Zhang Zhizi won precious development time for the supernatural beings of Earth Star!

Zhang Xibao sighed.

So is this a story of giving up the family for everyone?

Seeing Zhang Zhizi's sad face, Zhang Xibao resisted the urge to recognize each other. He thought that if they recognized each other now, Zhang Zhizi would definitely prevent him from participating in the battle of gods.

Zhang Xibao comforted: "Don't be too sad, as far as I know, Zhang Xibao is doing well."


A gleam of light bloomed in Zhang Zhizi's eyes: "That's good, that's good. Back then, I left him a strange treasure seed. I wanted to keep a strange beast to protect him, but unfortunately the strange beast ran away before the bond was formed. It's..."

Zhang Xibao asked with a strange face: "Is that strange beast you mentioned a mouse?"

"How do you know?" Zhang Zhizi asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Oh, I saw it by accident on the intelligence, it's okay, they finally formed a contract..."

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