Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 400 Expanding The Small World

The chief disciple of the Shuixingshan Ice Palace left the customs, and the palace master summoned all the disciples.

Inside the hall.

Zhang Xibao was standing close to the palace lord with Tang Yinghuang's face on his face, thinking silently that Xibaihu had offended...

If you want to ask why Zhang Xibao is facing Tang Yinghuang's face instead of Vermilion Bird, it is probably because Xibaihu seems to be more capable of fighting.

The female disciples of Shuixingshan all looked at Zhang Xibao curiously, and the woman named Lin'er had a trace of vigilance on her face.

Among the female disciples, she was the only one with the highest rank. Originally, she thought that she would replace Shui Xingshan to participate in the battle of gods, but a new disciple suddenly appeared, which made Lin'er feel a little uncomfortable.

"This is your big sister Tang Yinghuang, who has been retreating in the back mountain all these years, and this time represents me in the battle!"

The Mistress of the Ice Palace pointed to Zhang Xibao, gave a brief introduction, and then waved his hand: "From now on, you must be considerate to your senior sisters, and if you don't have anything to do, step back!"

All the disciples retreated, Lin'er hesitated for a moment, but retreated obediently.

After everyone left, Zhang Xibao turned to look at the Palace Master: "As for?"


The Palace Master of the Divine Palace glanced at Zhang Xibao, and walked towards the back of the palace, when a voice came faintly: "You have to do a full set of acting!"


Something flew towards Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao reached out to catch it, and almost lost his balance.

Spreading the palm of his hand, Zhang Xibao saw a metal ball the size of a fingernail, and the surface of the metal ball glowed with colorful light.

"Taiyi fine gold?!"

"Such a small grain is so heavy, it is worthy of being the king of all gold. It would be great if there were more, and it can be refined into the flying sword..."

Zhang Xibao didn't know what price the Master of the Ice Palace would have to pay for such a small piece of Taiyi fine gold, but since the other party had already paid the reward in advance, he had to finish the battle of the gods.

There is still some time before the start of the war of gods, Zhang Xibao is staying in the Ice Palace as the senior sister of Shuixingshan. The cave where he is located is far away from the place where the disciples of Shuixingshan live. Pretending to be a woman, but still a man after all, so men and women are different, it is better to separate them.

But this kind of behavior is different in the eyes of Lin'er and others. Obviously Zhang Xibao has been quarantined, but Lin'er thinks that the palace lord is making trouble for the elder sister. This kind of behavior is treated differently, otherwise why the elder sister Can you live in a cave by yourself?

As for Zhang Zhizi, she was tired of being with the palace lord all day long, or she was looking for Zhang Xibao to ask about the outside world and Da Xia's situation.

This is love in 7 shapes...

Zhang Xibao sighed: "I'd better expand my small world..."

Taiyi fine gold, Jianmu fruit, Tianyi true water, Xi soil, and the five elements treasures have been collected. Although there is a lack of one square sky fire, Zhang Xibao can temporarily use the purple black lotus flame produced by divine power to replace it.

Zhan Nian told Zhang Xibao that all the maps had been built, and it was just a matter of expanding the small world on Zhang Xibao's side to fill it in. Zhan Nian was pressing, so Zhang Xibao began to use the treasures at hand to expand.

Under the guidance of Zhan Nian, Zhang Xibao went relatively smoothly.

Zhang Xibao refines the soil into the land of the small world, refines Tianyi Zhenshui into the rivers, lakes and seas of the small world, refines Taiyi fine gold into various minerals, and refines Jianmu fruit into Lin Hai and grasslands...

Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, cold, heat, humidity, and dryness can all be simulated by the five elements.

Everything is normal, but there is a lotus-shaped sun in the sky...

"Lack of a Sifang Tianhuo as a light source, let's make do with the different fires first!"

Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian stood on the top of a peak, looking around the scene, Zhan Nian nodded in satisfaction: "Generally, it's okay, as for the details, leave it to me, but Sifang Tianhuo should be obtained as soon as possible, so that the golden The five elements of fire, wood, water, fire, and earth can be completely cycled, and it won't last long with your strange fire alone."

"I understand, I understand, I'm trying to find a way to do it!"

Zhang Xibao made an OK gesture.

"I'm going to take the place of Shui Xingshan in the battle of gods, let's see if I can get Sifang Tianhuo."

For Zhan Nian, Shenting and Shenzhan are children's play games, he is not interested at all, waved his hand, and Zhan Nian flew into the distance and disappeared.

Zhang Xibao was awakened by a knock on the door, and after his consciousness returned to normal, Zhang Xibao walked out of the cave and saw the woman named Lin'er standing outside the door.

"Master... Hello, Senior Sister." Lin'er saluted Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao pretended to be serious and asked her, "What's the matter?"

"I thought I would take the place of Shui Xingshan this time, and I was ready to die, but the palace master said that the senior sister will participate in the battle of gods, so I want to ask the senior sister's rank?" Lin'er said about herself purpose of coming.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that there are still such idiots rushing to die, does this mean that he thinks he has snatched the quota to die? The guys in the court are really brain-dead...

Zhang Xibao asked Lin'er with a strange face, "You should be able to tell what rank I am?"

Lin'er replied: "According to my observation, Senior Sister should be an Earth Immortal."

Zhang Xibao nodded: "That's right, I'm also an Earth Immortal just like you!"

"That's exactly what I'm wondering about. We are of the same rank, so why did the palace lord let you participate and not me?" Lin'er's eyes were burning, as if she was questioning Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that you think I want to, if you have the ability, you beg your palace lord to do it!

Zhang Xibao replied: "Because I have a photo, can I count as two fighters?"

"I have it too..." Lin'er felt a little wronged.

As for sister!

Zhang Xibao felt that he had no patience to continue, he waved his hand impatiently: "Maybe my method is relatively big?"

Lin'er asked: "Oh, really, how big is that?"


Zhang Xibao threw Fang Rui, the Dharma Prime Minister, and the iceberg was shaken until it dropped snow scum.

Lin'er stabilized her figure, noticed something strange, turned her head to look, and her whole body fell into a state of rigidity.

She saw a 100-meter giant squatting beside her and looking down at her. The fingers alone were bigger than her own face.

"Is it old enough, sister?" Zhang Xibao patted the icicles on his body.

"Big... big!"

Lin'er nodded dully, and muttered to herself, "Why is it so big?"

"Maybe it's because my method is more edible..." Zhang Xibao muttered.

"Then I'll take my leave first, Senior Sister!"

Lin'er has been completely convinced, what's the use of having a high rank? Senior Sister's Faxiang is great!

Zhang Xibao took Fang Rui back, and seeing Lin'er walking down the mountain in a daze, he stopped her: "Wait a minute!"

"Senior sister, what else is there?" Lin'er was a little puzzled.

"Oh, I just want to ask you if you know what happened to the other four contestants who participated in the battle of gods this time? Your senior sister, I'm in retreat, and I don't know the enemy yet. Tell me! Know yourself and know the enemy Can you be victorious in all battles..."

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