Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 401 The Land Of The Gods Of War

Under Lin'er's narration, Zhang Xibao learned about the identities of the other four contestants who participated in the Battle of Gods.

Jinxuan, the son of the master of the Jinxingshan Palace, ranks as the peak of the earth immortal.

Zhu Hua, the son of the master of the Huoxingshan Palace, ranks as the peak of the Earth Immortal.

Muxiu, the eldest disciple of the master of Muxing Mountain, ranks as the peak of the earth immortal.

Qiu Tai, the eldest disciple of the master of the Tuxing Mountain Hall, ranks as the peak of the earth immortal.

"Good guy, they are all at the peak of Earth Immortal..."

Zhang Xibao sighed, although the guys in Shenting are a little brain-dead, but this talent is really first-class!

According to Lin'er, this battle of the gods is a chaotic battle without rules. There are no restrictions on the treasures and means, as long as you can win. Once the battle of the gods starts, the battle cannot be stopped unless the player dies or the master behind him surrenders. Down!

"This kind of life-and-death melee is exciting. It's no wonder that the chief of Shuixingshan Palace chooses me to join the battle. If Lin'er enters, she, the weakest one, will be the first to be besieged..."

"Battle without rules, then I have to think of a way."

Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands: "You must think about it..."

When the battle of the gods was approaching, the owner of the Ice Palace found Zhang Xibao, first gave a general introduction to the situation of the other four mountain ranges, and then told Zhang Xibao: "The battle of the gods cannot be launched in the court of gods, and the five of you need to enter another small world—the holy land. Ruins Realm!"

About this point, Zhang Xibao has already guessed that although the ranks of Earth Immortals are not the highest combat power, if five Earth Immortals fight to the death, they may be able to smash one side of the world.

"The Holy Ruins Realm is another world. The environment there is very harsh. In addition to deciding the final winner, the five of you also need to avoid the attacks of various beasts."

"There are no rules for this battle, so those palace masters will definitely bring out the most powerful treasures in the mountain for the players to use. In addition to the treasures, you also need to be vigilant about the alliance between the players. Mu Xingshan has always followed the water Xingshan has a good relationship, and gold, fire, and earth have a good relationship, so you can consider forming an alliance with Muxiu to deal with the other three..."

This time the Mistress of the Ice Palace talked a little more, which shows that she attaches great importance to Zhang Xibao's participation in the Battle of Gods.

At the end, the palace lord took out three black spheres, a bottle of treasure pill and a jade tablet.

Zhang Xibao took these things and looked at them. He could roughly see two things. The pill should be used to heal injuries. The jade tablet recorded the exercises, and it was probably for his own welfare. As for the three black balls, Zhang Xibao was a little curious. I do not understand.

"What is this?" Zhang Xibao raised the black ball and squeezed it.

The black ball is only the size of an egg, and feels like ten thousand years of ice. Through the black lacquered shell, Zhang Xibao seems to be able to see the divine light that is constantly flowing inside.

"Don't pinch!"

The master of the Ice Palace was a little nervous, as if Zhang Xibao was holding some kind of nuclear bomb.

The Palace Master explained: "You can use this black ball for self-defense, a black ball is equivalent to my full blow!"

"I knock!"

Zhang Xibao felt that he carefully packed the three black balls in the treasure pill box he carried with him, and then put them into the Tongtian Treasure House.

Once this black ball explodes, it is equivalent to a full-strength attack by a supernatural being of the level of a god. The divine power of the palace master of the palace has a freezing effect, so this black ball can freeze the world with a radius of hundreds of miles!

"Is there anything else you want to ask? You promised me to win."

The Mistress of the Ice Palace narrowed her eyes, and finally asked again.

This time, the lord of the Ice Palace spent a lot of money on Zhang Xibao, all for the chance to parade in the lower realms.

If Shuixingshan can collect believers and divine power from the lower realm this time, the master of the Ice Palace will be able to break through the bottleneck of the immortals, and maybe he can enter the ranks of immortals and become the leader of the Five Elements Mountain.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while and asked her: "I already understand the rest, but I have one more thing to ask..."

"Talk." The Mistress of the Ice Palace nodded.

"I just want to ask, since this war of gods is won at all costs, will anyone care about my treasure hunting?" Zhang Xibao asked the thought that had been suffocating in his heart.

Zhang Xibao has held back this idea for a long time, it's really embarrassing not to ask about it!

The master of the ice palace was silent for a moment, and replied: "Of course not, if you are strong enough to kill all the other four palace masters before they surrender, they will not deal with you, because this is the rule, at most Just kill you privately!"

"Ah, so..." Zhang Xibao nodded slowly while pinching his chin.

In order to boost Zhang Xibao's motivation, the Mistress of the Ice Palace told Zhang Xibao before leaving: "The Sifang Tianhuo you want may appear in the battle of gods. After all, this fire is the most powerful treasure in Huoxingshan. Be careful."

Zhang Zhizi also came to Zhang Xibao once and brought many treasures. She told Zhang Xibao seriously: "The right to surrender is in the hands of the Palace Master. If you can't win, she won't let you out. You can understand ?"

"I understand all of these, but I also have a reason to fight. I want to find Sifang Tianhuo, and I want to get out of this court. Don't you want to go out and see your daughter and son?" Zhang Xibao stared at Zhang Zhi closely. child's eyes.

"Of course I want to, but I don't want you to die in vain!"

Zhang Zhizi patted Zhang Xibao's shoulder: "Since you are so confident, go for it. Whether I can go down to see my daughter and son depends on you!"

"Okay, I will definitely work hard!" Zhang Xibao nodded.

Three days later, Zhang Xibao followed the master of the Ice Palace into the colorful temple in the huge mountain range.

Inside the temple.

The palace masters of the Five Elements Mountain were floating in the air, and at their feet was a huge gate glowing with dim light.

Five contestants participating in the battle of gods stood in front of the giant gate.

Jin Xuan, Zhu Hua, Mu Xiu, Qiu Tai and Zhang Xibao looked at each other.

The guy in Tsing Yi should be Mu Xiu from Mu Xingshan. He smiled at Zhang Xibao and asked in a low voice, "Which sister are you from Shui Xingshan? Why haven't you seen her before?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at him, but didn't make a sound.

Mu Xiu was not embarrassed, she scratched her head and closed her mouth. Anyway, Mu Xingshan and Shui Xingshan have the best relationship, and an alliance between the two parties is imperative.

From the corner of Zhang Xibao's eyes, he fell on a young man in red. That guy was wearing a fiery red battle armor refined from flame spirit stones. His eyes were red like fire, and white smoke in the shape of a dragon and snake came out of his breath.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself, this kid should be Zhu Hua, the son of that Burning Man, he's quite fancy...

Sifang Tianhuo must be on this kid!

Zhu Hua, Qiu Tai, and Jin Xuan vaguely exchanged glances, and then they each looked at Zhang Xibao and Mu Xiu, as if they were determined by them.

"This chick is hot, I like it..." Qiu Tai chuckled.

Among the five elements, soil is the most restrictive of water, Qiu Tai seems to have his eye on Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao sneered, why didn't he have his eye on these three people?

"Enter the Holy Ruins! 』

In mid-air, someone shouted something.

Zhang Xibao and others began to step into the giant gate, and Na Muxiu quietly told Zhang Xibao: "After entering, the five of us will be separated, and we will meet first before we talk!"

Zhang Xibao nodded slightly.

A dim light flashed, and the five disappeared behind the door.

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