
Zhang Xibao only felt his eyes go dark, his ears rumbled, and his brain felt a strong sense of discomfort.

Behind the door is the so-called holy market. What's in it? This was the first time Zhang Xibao felt uncomfortable when he passed through the gate of foreign lands!

In a daze, Zhang Xibao felt someone reach out to him from the front left.

According to the owner of the Ice Palace, the five chosen ones will land in different places in the Holy Ruins. If the person in front left pulls him, a big battle will break out when he lands!

Praying mantis catching cicada and oriole in the back is the best way to play, so distance yourself from this person!

As soon as Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand, the Qilin sword fell into his palm. Although he couldn't see it with his eyes, Zhang Xibao could feel the arm stretching towards him.

This person is definitely not Mu Xiu, because that guy was in front of Zhang Xibao's right when he entered the door, so he must be one of Zhu Hua, Qiu Tai, and Jin Xuan.

Zhang Xibao was also polite, the Qilin sword fell down suddenly, with a ding sound, the blade slashed on that arm, Zhang Xibao heard someone cry out in pain, like Qiu Tai who was staring at him earlier.

With this sword, Zhang Xibao didn't spare his divine power, even if the opponent defended, he would definitely be injured.

deserve it!

Zhang Xibao sneered, thinking that the start was good, the other party injured one first.

The temple was half empty, and the Ice Palace Master in a black cloak laughed lightly, as if he was mocking someone.

Afterwards, Zhang Xibao's eyes were completely plunged into darkness.

After recovering his consciousness, Zhang Xibao opened his eyes, his eyes froze suddenly, because he was a little surprised by the scene in front of him.

"This holy ruins is a broken world..."

The broken earth is suspended in mid-air, and there is nothing in some hollows of the earth, as if there is an endless hell!

Zhang Xibao murmured to himself: "The sounds of ghost fire, strong wind, sword energy, and howling ghosts and wolves fill this space, no wonder it's so uncomfortable when passing through the gate of the foreign realm!"

Zhang Xibao spread out his palm, and in the palm lay a green talisman purely condensed by divine power.

This thing was passed to him secretly by Mu Xiu before entering the gate, and the five palace masters in the sky didn't care about this kind of small trick at all.

"This green talisman should have some positioning function. I can use it to find Mu Xiu, but it's not necessary at all..."

Zhang Xibao clenched his fist and crushed the blue talisman.

"Five people fighting in a melee, it's good to form an alliance, but Mu Xiu may not be trustworthy..."

Zhang Xibao's plan was to avoid these four people first, then sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and finally defeat them one by one!

As the old saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes, Zhang Xibao was about to fly to the distance, when he suddenly saw a flash of light flying towards him in the distant sky.


Zhang Xibao raised his sword to meet him, and saw Mu Xiu hitting him like a shooting star.

Mu Xiu is really like a shooting star, because there is still fire behind him!

"Water, come on, help me!" Mu Xiu yelled.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that this guy is obviously his ally, so it's better to help him.

As soon as the real water condensed, Zhang Xibao flicked his hand, and the water polo extinguished the pure red flame on Mu Xiu's arm.

"Thank you, Miss Tang, that bastard Zhu Hua actually brought Sifang Tianhuo with him!"

Mu Xiu thanked him, and Zhang Xibao saw that the guy's right arm had been burned, and it turned into slag when he moved a little.

Zhang Xibao had a strange expression, thinking that he lost his arms, how can he still laugh? !

"Ah, are you looking at my arm?"

Mu Xiu slapped the ashes on the broken arm away, and under Zhang Xibao's watchful eye, a white, tender and strong arm grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Our Muxing Mountain's secret method can be reborn quickly with divine power. Fortunately, Miss Tang, your Tianyi Zhenshui extinguished the sky fire, otherwise it would be really troublesome!"

Mu Xiu clenched her fists, feeling the newly grown arms.

"Where it is broken can it grow?" Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mu Xiu nodded: "Yes, and the limbs are stronger than before. There are many guys in Muxing Mountain who deliberately damage the body to achieve the purpose of strengthening the physical body."


Zhang Xibao gave a thumbs up: "That's great, wouldn't it grow there too?"

"Miss Tang, where are you talking about?" Mu Xiu asked with a confused face.

"Legs, of course!"

What Zhang Xibao was thinking about was Old Bao from Beishi, that guy's legs could be broken and reborn!

"Miss Tang?"

"Miss Tang?"

Mu Xiu waved in front of Zhang Xibao's eyes, drawing his attention back.

"What should we do next?"

Zhang Xibao wanted to hear Mu Xiu's thoughts.

Mu Xiu thought for a while and replied: "Those three guys are definitely allied. If they can't catch the two of us, they will definitely not attack each other. If they want to find us, they may search separately. This is our chance to make a move! "

"You have a point."

Zhang Xibao nodded: "However, there is another situation, that is, they won't disperse if they can't find us. We must make preparations first."

Mu Xiu asked: "Do you have any ideas?"

"The wind and sword energy in the sky, the bottomless pit and will-o'-the-wisps on the ground can all be used to make traps. In addition to these, I heard that there are terrible strange beasts in this holy ruins, right? We can send one to lure the strange beasts." Attack them!"

As Zhang Xibao opened Mu Xiu's mind, the guy's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Okay, Miss Tang, how do we divide the work?" Mu Xiu asked.

"Go and set up traps, I'll go find the beasts!"

Unable to help Mu Xiu refused, Zhang Xibao flapped his wings and flew into the distance.

The reason why Zhang Xibao chose a more dangerous job was because Zhan Nian in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly spoke.

The guy said: Get rid of this kid, I will take you to an interesting place.

While flying into the distance, Zhang Xibao whispered to Zhan Nian: "Where are you going? Have you been to this place?"

Zhan Nian didn't answer directly, but just told Zhang Xibao: The five palace masters probably can see your whereabouts, don't make it too obvious, walk in the direction I pointed, there should be strange beasts there, they won't be suspicious, and They definitely won't be able to see through that place, I'll tell you when I get there.

With Zhan Nian leading the way, Zhang Xibao successfully reached a huge underground canyon.

" a sword mark?!" Zhang Xibao asked in surprise.

"You actually saw it?"

Zhan Nian chuckled: "Actually, this holy ruins is where the gods fought. This canyon is indeed a sword mark. Go ahead!"


Zhang Xibao heard a roar, as if the world shook with the roar.

"Ah, what... is there? I just flew in?" Zhang Xibao asked hesitantly.

Zhan Nian replied: "Go in, it's okay..."

At the same time, the five hall masters who were watching the situation in the holy ruins lost track of Zhang Xibao.

Inside the hall.

Zhu Yan, who was wearing a red cloak, sneered: "This little girl is trying to attract strange beasts to attack other people, hehe, naive!"

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