Zhan Nian said that there was no danger, so Zhang Xibao flew straight into the Grand Canyon.

The light gradually disappeared, and the surrounding environment became dim. Zhang Xibao had to take out a shiny cane to illuminate.

Zhang Xibao frowned as there seemed to be a faint rancid smell lingering at the tip of his nose, except for the roar just now, there was no sound coming out.

Zhang Xibao flew down again for a while, the light disappeared completely, the smell became stronger, the shiny stick swept down, and a rustling black shadow quickly crawled away.

"What the hell?"

Zhang Xibao asked Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian replied: "Don't worry, some demonized beasts are just grown from the wreckage. You are enough to deal with them at the level of Earth Immortal. Besides, you still have Fang Rui!"

"Oh, you brought me to this place, is there a treasure here?"

Zhang Xibao asked Zhan Nian while flying down.

The voice of Zhan Nian came faintly: "You will know when it arrives."

"It's quite mysterious, the old riddle has tricked you, Zhan Nian." Zhang Xibao muttered and complained.

After flying for a long time, Zhang Xibao finally reached the bottom of the canyon.

"This canyon is too deep. Who made this sword? It's so powerful!"

Zhang Xibao asked, Zhan Nian remained silent.

"Could it be you?"

Zhang Xibao made a bold guess.

Zhan Nian finally spoke: "You guessed it right..."

"I knock!"

Zhang Xibao exclaimed in surprise: "Who did this sword hit? It must be such a powerful guy who needs such a sword to kill him!"

While guiding Zhang Xibao, Zhan Nian replied: "I got the Dharma image, my own..."

Zhang Xibao: ...

I hack myself?

"Didn't I say that the demons are weird. They can invade the body of any god, and I am no exception. After the demons entered my body, I sealed them in the magic image and chopped them off with a single sword."

Zhan Nian began to talk about the battle he fought against the Heavenly Demon.

"There are five great gods in the Shenting, corresponding to the five elements. They guard the five places in the east, west, north, south, and middle. The earth is in the middle, the wood is in the east, the metal is in the west, the water is in the north, and the fire is in the south. These five great gods There are thousands of little gods under his command."

"At the beginning, when these five great gods fought for the territory, they were beaten to death. Later, in order to prevent the wild gods such as the human race and the demon race from trying to break through the blockade of the gods, they formed an alliance temporarily. After the world was smashed, the demons came gone."

"Both the righteous gods and the wild gods began to speak out together, but everyone is still divided into two camps to fight on their own. I can be said to be on the side of the wild gods, so I am responsible for fighting against the demons in the world on the side of the holy market."

"But the heavenly demon still invaded my real body, I forced it back into the dharma image, imprisoned the heavenly demon with the dharma image, and then killed it with a single sword!"

After listening to Zhan Nian's words, Zhang Xibao murmured: "I knock, Zhan Nian, you are really ruthless. If your Dharma aura says to cut it, you will cut it. Wouldn't that affect your own strength..."

"What happened later?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"Then the big world collapsed, and the gods blew themselves up, trying to die with the demons..."

While talking, Zhang Xibao came to a corpse.

It was the fingertip of a dragon...

The dragon was supposed to be huge, because the canyon was already big enough, but the dragon's fingertips filled half of the canyon.

"That's it. I remember it dropped here."

Zhan Nian flew out from the Qilin sword and patted Long Hai's fingertips.

"This thing is not comparable to the bones of ordinary dragons. It is the claw tip of the first dragon. The first dragon is the ancestor of all dragons. Its body has five attributes. Isn't Fang Rui able to simulate the ability of the swallowing subject? Tell Fang Rui to swallow it!"

Zhan Nian patted Shilong's wrecked fingertips.

"Fang Rui has to swallow alive, but let's try, maybe it will work!"

Zhang Xibao released Fang Rui, and the huge Fang Rui began to slowly devour the tip of Shilong's claws.

According to the previous situation, Fang Rui's devouring speed was very fast, and it took almost a stick of incense to eat the huge corpse of the insect fairy back then. .

"Hehe, it's not that easy, let's wait and see!"

Zhan Nian looked at Fang Rui expectantly, and then looked at Zhang Xibao: "You, Fang Rui, are not afraid of the invasion of heavenly demons, and are just suitable for creating a body for me. After it devours the tip of Shilong's claws, Fang Rui's size will increase a lot. You help me separate a body, it's time to come out and breathe."

Zhan Nian chuckled, and asked Zhang Xibao: "Do you want me to kill those three contestants who are chasing you, and kill the Palace Master behind them by the way, so that we can split the power between us?"

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin: "What you said is quite tempting, it's not impossible..."

"Beautiful thinking!"

Zhan Nian grinned: "Think of those palace masters as chickens. If you say you can kill them, you can kill them. They are also gods and gods. I am still a spirit body. After I get a body, I need to adjust the spirit body and body. , can only kill the three contestants, as for the palace master behind him, he is almost weak."

"Okay, I wanted to hug my thighs at first!"

Zhang Xibao curled his lips: "If you dare to come forward and kill those three contestants, those three hall masters will dare to block the gate of the Holy Ruins and kill us. I'd better find a way to get them within the rules..."

Fang Rui was still devouring the tip of Shilong's claw, Zhan Nian flew back to the Qilin sword, while Zhang Xibao began to practice the exercise given to him by the master of the Ice Palace during the waiting time.

The name of the exercise is "Thousands of Miles of Frozen", and it should be the exercise for making the three black balls, but there is only half of the exercise. Zhang Xibao guessed that the master of the Ice Palace must have no good intentions, but the half is only half. Zhan Nian said that there is nothing wrong with the exercises, so Zhang Xibao also practiced them.

The power of half of the exercises is limited, but Zhang Xibao cleverly combined it with Tianyi Zhenshui, and the power is much greater at once.

Although it is said that the ice sealing technique cannot reach the strongest ten thousand miles, Zhang Xibao can control the water vapor to freeze at will within a hundred meters, and this ice is not ice made by ordinary supernatural beings, but the one similar to the shrine building. kind of black ice.

Zhang Xibao was waiting for Fang Rui to devour the tip of Shilong's claws. During the practice, those strange beasts called demonized beasts kept rushing to attack Zhang Xibao, so these guys became the best targets for practicing immortal techniques.

A strangely shaped four-hoofed beast rushed towards Zhang Xibao. It was covered with black scars. As it ran, the black air surrounding it began to spread.

"Wow, the tone is quite loud!"


Zhang Xibao snapped his fingers, and the four hooves of the demonized beast formed icicles, which shattered under the huge impact, and then the demonized beast's body began to freeze.

With Zhang Xibao as the center of the circle, there are already countless ice sculptures of magical beasts lying on the ground of the canyon...

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