"Hey, that's not right, I'm here to attract alien beasts to attack those three guys, it's okay if I kill them all..."

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered his mission, looked at the hundreds of ice sculptures around him, and scratched his head.

"Don't worry, you play with these little guys first. If I'm not wrong, there should be a big one inside. After I fuse the body, I'll take you to find it."

Zhan Nian sat cross-legged on a rock not far from Zhang Xibao, now he has a physical body.

Fang Rui, who was full of food and drink, had become extremely huge. Under Zhang Xibao's intentional control, Fang Rui split into a clone that was no different from the main body.

Zhan Nian began to fuse the avatar.

After another half a day, Zhan Nian, who had his eyes closed tightly, suddenly opened them.

Zhang Xibao asked: "Okay?"

"All right!"

Zhan Nian flew down from the stone, turned his palm over, with a satisfied expression.

"What level can you reach now?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously.

Zhan Nian was silent for a moment and replied: "Let's wait for the ranks of immortals... Maybe, after all, I have fallen from the immortals for so long."


Zhang Xibao chuckled: "I'm holding your thigh firmly!"

"Okay, let me take you to look around. The density of demonized beasts is so high, there must be some big ones."

Zhan Nian flew into the sky first, followed by Zhang Xibao.

"I wanted to ask just now, what kind of big guy are you talking about?"

Hearing Zhang Xibao's question, Zhan Nian smiled strangely: "The big guy is a large demonized beast, the mother body of a demonized beast..."

Zhang Xibao looked down at his feet, there were many demonized beasts more than ten meters high in the densely packed ice sculptures, if these demonized beasts were small ones, how big would be the big ones Zhan Nian was talking about...

Forget it, anyway, there is a slashing mind, and it is useless not to hug the thighs of immortals and other ranks!

The two flew for a while, and Zhan Nian stopped, pointing to a certain crack in the canyon: "Look!"

The strong light of the shiny cane flickered, Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and looked towards the cracks in the ground, where densely packed demonized beasts surged.

"The cracks in the ground look like an ant's nest."

Zhang Xibao exclaimed, "What's the matter?"

"These demonized beasts are all produced by that big guy. After the death of the beast infected by the demon, its body will become this kind of thing under the catalysis of the demon. The meaning of its existence is to devour everything!"

Zhan Nian sneered: "Heavenly Demons are the pests of the world!"

"Um, I'll go down and bring it up..."

Zhang Xibao mobilized his divine power to freeze the demonized beasts around the ground fissure into ice sculptures, and he and Zhan Nian floated towards the inside of the ground fissure.

This seam gave Zhang Xibao the feeling that it was deeper than the darkness in the canyon, and everything exuded an unclean atmosphere.


There was a strange sound.

Zhang Xibao boldly walked towards the voice.

"Zhan Nian, come and see this!"

Zhang Xibao shouted, Zhan Nian followed.

Inside is a towering cliff, Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian are right above the cliff at this time.

The light from the shiny canes illuminated the scene at the bottom of the cliff, and there was a huge demonized beast crouching under their feet.

What's even weirder is that the demonic beast's eyes were gouged out, to be precise, burned, and there was nothing in the eye sockets, only burnt marks.

The limbs of the demonized beast were suppressed by the huge flame stone chains, and the huge body and head crouched under the rocks and soil.

Countless wriggling bulges surged from the back of the demonized beast, and the bulges continued to crack, and small demonized beasts came out of them, and grew in the wind after landing.

The strong demonized beasts began to devour the weak ones, and the ground was covered with stains representing evil.

"So it was bred like this... Someone is raising this giant demonized beast in captivity?"

Zhang Xibao saw the scorched eye sockets of the giant demonized beast and the chain made of Yan Lingshi, and came to a conclusion: "If you say that this matter has nothing to do with Zhu Yan, I wouldn't believe it even if you beat him to death..."

Zhang Xibao muttered: "No wonder the Yanling Tribe sacrifices Yanling stones to Zhu Yan every year. Apart from building Huoxing Mountain, this guy also uses the ore here."

Zhan Nian nodded, and asked Zhang Xibao: "Do you think this demonized beast is very similar to the desolate demon from the lower realm?"

"When you put it that way, I think there is a connection between the two."

"Zhu Yan is relying on his pet beast to collect trust in the lower realm. The wild monster may be created by him using demonized beasts and the natives of the lower realm, and it is specially used to generate trust!"

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin: "This guy sent his son to participate in the battle of gods, and he didn't hesitate to use the Quartet Skyfire. It may be because I cut off his way to collect divine power. He wants to go down to the lower realm to collect trust power. I seek revenge!"

Zhan Nian also fell into deep thought: "The demonized beast has no intelligence. This Zhu Yan made the demonized beast infect the natives of the lower realm and created a desolate monster with intelligence. This makes sense..."

"Hey, that's it!"

Zhang Xibao looked into the eye sockets of the giant demonized beast: "I have a good idea. Since this big guy is blind, I'll guide it!"


Zhang Xibao rubbed off a little clone of Fang Rui's body, and kneaded it into a small bug.

The little bug had a pair of wings, took off from Zhang Xibao's palm, and flew into the earhole of the giant demonized beast.

"This little bug is connected to my consciousness. It can affect this guy's actions in the ear of the giant demonized beast. I will guide this big guy to attack Zhu Hua and the three of them!"

Zhang Xibao explained, and Zhan Nian nodded: "In terms of various burning operations, it has to be you, Zhang Xibao..."

"low profile!"

While speaking, Zhang Xibao copied the Qilin sword, and cut off the chain of the giant demonized beast with a few clangs.


Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian flew out of the ground first.

At the same time, Zhang Xibao manipulated the little bug to guide the demonized beast to move.


With a roar accompanied by a loud noise, the demonized beast arched out from the crack in the ground, and ran rampantly along the canyon towards the outside.

"I led the demonized beast to find those three guys, what are you going to do, Zhan Nian?" Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian smiled: "It's hard to integrate the new body. Of course, I'm going around. It's easy to be watched by the masters of the temple when I'm with you. I'll go to the holy ruins first to see if I can Find something good, and when you're done, let's gather again!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian made an agreement, and the two acted separately.

Zhan Nian disappeared in an instant, while Zhang Xibao flew towards the giant demonized beast.

"Hehe, it's three against three now..."

The giant demonized beast ran towards Mu Xiu, Zhang Xibao stood on the head of the demonized beast and sneered.

Inside the temple.

Zhu Yan's eyes froze suddenly, but the Mistress of the Ice Palace had a faint smile on her face.

The master of Muxing Mountain Hall smiled and said: "I didn't expect this girl to really lure out the demonized beast...

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