Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 40 Two Breads With Cheese

belch cluck cluck...

Like a dragon roaring, Zhang Xibao asked for the deposit back, and walked out of the cafeteria swaggeringly.

You just caught a sheep and squeezed it to death, didn't you?

Can't you go to another place to eat? !

The female manager looked at Zhang Xibao's back full of resentment, couldn't help trembling all over, her face was livid, and her five fingers crushed the mouse like eagle claws.

Lost another 8,000...

No more patience, no more patience, he will be finished soon! The female manager comforted herself so much.

"Take a walk after dinner and live to ninety-nine!"

Zhang Xibao walked back leisurely.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao felt that he was being watched.

Since mastering Baojian, Zhang Xibao's memory has become really good.

The man in black behind him had been following him for fifteen minutes. Zhang Xibao had seen this man before when he was crossing the street.

It was definitely not a coincidence, nor was it passing by. This man was indeed following him, because the man's eyes fell on Zhang Xibao many times.

Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone and pretended to check the time, but actually used the reflection of the screen to glance at the stalker behind him.

Zhang Xibao continued to walk slowly, when he passed a corner, he suddenly turned his head and walked into a small alley.

Zhang Xibao lived in an old residential area with a complicated layout, and the alleys were scattered like chessboard grids. If people who are not familiar with this place break into it, they might get lost.

After Zhang Xibao turned into the alley, he exerted strength with his feet, and climbed up to the top of the wall with two clicks. He jumped down from the wall like a nimble cat, and easily got rid of the man in black.

The man saw Zhang Xibao turn into the alley, he took a few steps and chased after him. When he got to the end of the alley, he found a wall in front of him. This is a dead end alley, and the target jumped over the wall and ran away!

This kid has a bit of patience!


The man in black sneered, who said he was stalking alone?

After Zhang Xibao turned over the wall, he patted the dust off his hands and grinned.

"Small sample, follow your treasure master, be silly, master can fly!"

Before he was happy for two seconds, Zhang Xibao's footsteps suddenly stopped, his smile froze on his face, and a serious look climbed onto his face.

The other party came prepared...

At the end of the alley stood a strong man. The strong man stood at the entrance of the alley, just blocking the light of the street lights outside.

"What the hell is your name Zhang Xibao?"

The strong man's face was full of flesh, and there was a hideous knife scar on the left side of his face.

"Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Xibao backed away slowly, the wall behind him made a noise, and the man in black turned over from the wall.

blocked! Zhang Xibao felt a burst of mmp

There was a strong man with a scar in front, and a man in black behind. Zhang Xibao was surrounded like a meat clip.

"Ha ha……"

The scarred man let out a disdainful laugh.

"Someone bought your two arms for 500,000 yuan, what's the matter, did you do it yourself, or should I help you?"

Zhang Xibao squeezed his arms left and right, and smiled: "Two great elbows, are they worth half a million?"

"Fuck him!"

The strong man with the scar gave a low snort, and began to press forward with the man in black behind Zhang Xibao.

Of course, persimmons should be picked softly.

Zhang Xibao exerted force on his feet, pretending to rush towards the strong man with the scar, but actually focused on the man in black behind him.

Cheese was double-teamed on the left and right, and Zhang Xibao, an old donkey, turned his hooves, bounced vigorously with his left foot, kicked out with his right foot, and kicked towards the chest of the man in black.

No matter what, this kick required several hundred catties of foot strength. If the kick hit, the man in black would have his chest fractured on the spot.

This kid is cheating!

The man in black hastily shielded his chest with his arms to protect his vitals, and Zhang Xibao's right foot stepped on his wrist.


A crisp sound was very clear in this deep alley.

The right wrist of the man in black was broken, and fresh bone stubble came out from under the skin!

Feeling the sharp pain coming from his wrist, the man in black didn't care to cry out, and yelled at the strong man with the scar in front: "The idea is sticking, this kid's strength is wrong!"

As the sound sounded, Zhang Xibao had already used the reaction force of kicking on the black-clothed man to pounce on the scarred man, and punched him with the speed of thunder and jingle.

"Die to me!"

The burly man with the scar roared, and hastily threw a punch, which collided with Zhang Xibao's fist.

Because the punch was too hasty, the fist didn't use up all its strength, but it still had to have a punch of five hundred catties.

The burly man with the scar sneered, thinking to see how this kid would be sent flying by him!


There was a muffled punch to the flesh.

Scarface flew out backwards.

Why is this kid so strong? !

Taking advantage of the enemy's unsteady figure, Zhang Xibao beat the dog in the water hard, kicked his feet twice, and performed a 16-style military boxing move of crotch and elbow.

Because the burly man with the scarred face was too tall, Zhang Xibao flicked his crotch to push his elbow, but only reached his crotch, but his elbow hit the burly man's belly button.

At that time Zhang Xibao felt that his toes had kicked something like a water bladder, he kicked too hard, poof, the object made a muffled sound of a water bladder bursting.

It's numb, Scarface feels numb, completely numb.

It wasn't just the arms that were numb, but also the brain. There was a tingling pain in the crotch, and the brain went blank.

He has only one feeling, and that is pain, the pain is so painful that it hurts so much that it hurts so much that it feels like the whole body doesn't exist.


The strong man with the scar was rolling on the ground clutching his crotch.

Severe pain, tinnitus, and dizziness struck one after another, and the scarred face, the most vulnerable place of a man, was broken.

Seeing the strong man with the scar fall, the man in black with the broken right wrist left his companion and wanted to run away!

Of course Baoye didn't agree!

The man in black clutched his wrist and staggered towards the exit of the alley.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, the exit is in front of him, and he can escape in no time!

This kid named Zhang Xibao is too powerful, the employer must have made a mistake, no one told them, this kid named Zhang Xibao is so powerful!

How could the injured man in black outrun Baoye?

Zhang Xibao pinched his fingers and made a trick, his fingers like steel nails pierced the man in black's vitals from behind!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The man in black shuddered violently, then collapsed on the ground, holding his buttocks and screaming in pain.

Zhang Xibao looked down at the man in black with no emotion in his eyes.

The strong man with the scar had already passed out from foaming at the mouth due to the severe pain. In order not to attract the attention of passers-by to the man in black's pain, Zhang Xibao raised his toes and pointed at the man's temple.


Venus is shining!

The man in black passed out like his scar-faced companion.

Zhang Xibao picked up the left leg of the man in black, and the right leg of the strong man with the scar, and dragged the two dead dogs towards the nearby abandoned factory.

The faces of the two guys undulated on the uneven stone slabs, making a muffled clattering sound.

It's not over...

Although I already guessed in my heart who was going to target me, this matter is endless!

Let's make amends from these two idiots first...

In the darkness, Zhang Xibao dragged the two men expressionlessly, like a devil dragging a dead body into the gate of hell!


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