Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 406 This Man Is Crazy

"Try your level first..."

Zhang Xibao pinched the Taoist formula, and Zhu Hua was imprisoned in a huge black ice cage.


The black ice cage lasted for less than three seconds, and was instantly turned into steam by the sky fire on Zhu Hua's body.

"As expected of Sifang Tianhuo, its power is indeed powerful, but you are not as good as your father..."

Zhang Xibao smiled, if the Heavenly Fire was on Zhu Yan, he might have a headache as to how to get the flame, but now that the Fire is on Zhu Hua, it would be much easier to get the Skyfire.

"Die, die, die!" Zhu Hua roared and rushed forward.

The pure red flame suddenly filled up a little more. From a distance, Zhu Hua looked like a shooting star with unparalleled strength.

"The firepower is quite strong, let me cool you down?"


Tianyizhen water fell on Zhu Hua's body like raindrops, and a lot of water vapor burst out immediately.

The real water weakened the flame of Tianhuo a little, and at the same time created a large amount of white water vapor to block Zhu Hua's sight.

At the same time, Zhang Xibao opened his Tongtian pupil, and his figure disappeared from midair.

Tianyi's true water is the source of all water, and the vapor produced by these true waters enveloped the entire battlefield, and also affected the battle between Mu Xiu and Qiu Tai.

Zhu Hua was originally in the limelight, but he found that Zhang Xibao who was facing him was gone, and this feeling was like punching the air.

"Get out if you have the ability!" Zhu Hua yelled angrily.

As soon as the words fell, the sword light composed of three divine powers struck at Zhu Hua.

Zhu Hua managed to dodge the sword light, and three more flew from the other direction...

"Are you going to sneak up on sneak attacks?"

Zhu Hua opened his arms, and six roaring fire dragons split out from the flames on his body. Wherever the fire dragons went, the white water vapor disappeared.

With Zhu as the center, a radius of 100 meters becomes a transparent vacuum.

"This is called tactics, do you understand?"

Zhang Xibao's voice came from outside the hollow area.


Zhu Hua pointed in the direction of Zhang Xibao's voice, and three fire dragons transformed from Heavenly Fire roared and bit them.

After a while, Zhu Hua was surprised to find that the fire dragon was out of his control!

Inside the mist.

Zhang Xibao stood on the shoulder of Fa Xiang Fang Rui, seeing three fire dragons transformed from heavenly fire rushing towards him, he chuckled: "It's wonderful!"

Although the fire dragon was huge, it looked like three slender snakes in front of Fa Xiang Fang Rui, who was 100 meters tall.

Faxiang Fang Rui bowed left and right, holding a fire dragon in each hand, then opened his mouth, and bit the last fire dragon.

The three fire dragons were originally controlled by Zhu Hua, but now they were wrapped around Fang Rui's arms and neck.

Fa Xiang Fang Rui was scorched by the fire, but it didn't seem to hurt or itch, and it wrestled with the three fire dragons like a pet animal.

Zhang Xibao praised with a smile: "Fang Rui, who has absorbed the tip of Shilong's claws, has become rougher and thicker, and he can resist the sky fire!"

After a while, the three fire dragons were defeated and turned into sky fire again, attached to the upper body of Fa Xiang Fang Rui, and lost contact with their master Zhu Hua.

"idiot! 』

Inside the temple.

Zhu Yan, the master of Huoxingshan Hall, cursed.

From the perspective of God, Zhu Yan could clearly see what happened in the fog.

This idiot sounded because he hated iron for being weak and was scolding his son Zhu Hua. This kid was so impulsive, he let the fire dragon out without knowing the situation, and sent the enemy all over the sky for nothing!

What surprised Zhu Yan even more was that Shui Xingshan, a woman participating in the competition, had such a huge Dharma statue, and this Dharma statue was not afraid of sky fire!

The other three palace masters were also quite surprised, and they all looked at the palace master of Shuixing Mountain. The palace master of Muxing Mountain couldn't help asking: "Your eldest disciple's Dharma can actually restrain the sky fire? Tell me, have you secretly done this for a long time?" Are you ready for the battle of the gods?"

The Mistress of the Ice Palace smiled without saying a word, but she was actually a little shocked in her heart.

Several other hall masters exchanged glances, Zhu Yan snorted coldly and grinned.

Inside the Holy Ruins.

The white mist was suddenly stirred violently, Zhu Hua looked around vigilantly, and he suddenly found a burning mountain in the sky pressing towards him!

That's not a mountain, but Faxiang Fangrui's Great Sword of Flame Spirit!

"This is impossible!"

Zhu Hua yelled, he saw a huge dharma figure, the upper body of the dharma figure was wrapped around his lost half of the Sifang Tianhuo!


Zhu Hua dodged hastily, and the ground under his feet was split into a 100-meter-long crack.

"This kid is handed over to you. He uses the sky fire, so you can take it all from me!"

Zhang Xibao returned the control of Faxiang Fang Rui to Fang Rui, and flew towards Mu Xiu himself.

"What's the situation, Mu Ketu, can you still be suppressed by him?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Mu Xiu who was being pressed and beaten by Qiu Tai, and couldn't help complaining.

"The bare ground in this holy ruins is full of fragments of the earth, this guy has a terrain advantage!" Mu Xiu weakly defended.

Zhang Xibaozheng shook his Qilin sword, glanced at Qiu Tai, and found that the guy's right arm was injured.

"Sure enough, it's your brat's salty pig's hand. When you first entered the holy market, you stretched out your hand to grab it from me, right?"

Qiu Tai glanced at Zhu Hua who was being chased and hacked by the giant Dharma in the distance, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He originally thought that the girl in the water and mountains was hot, but he didn't expect it to hurt her hand!

"The right hand, right? Then I'll cut off your right hand..."


Zhang Xibao disappeared in place.

"Smash you to death!"

Qiu Tai pulled the fragments of the earth floating in the sky.

The fragments of the earth smashed towards Zhang Xibao one by one like meteors. Zhang Xibao's figure was like a ghost, flashing in the sky continuously, and those meteors only shattered his afterimage.

Seeing Zhang Xibao getting closer and closer, Qiu Tai was startled.

He changed his strategy, pulling the fragments of the earth around himself, and the guy built himself a huge safe house.

"Hey, is it okay to block your own back?"

Zhang Xibao's sinister voice sounded from Qiu Tai's ear, and as the Qilin sword slashed down, Qiu Tai's right hand flew out.

After beheading Qiu Tai's right hand, Zhang Xibao was still not satisfied. He turned the Qilin sword and smashed Qiu Tai's white teeth with the hilt.

"Call you cheap, give you a long memory..."

Qiu Tai's mouth was full of blood, and he yelled towards the sky: "Father, save me, this bitch is crazy!"

A roar suddenly sounded in the sky: "Enough, Tu Xingshan surrenders!" 』

The howling Qiu Tai suddenly turned into white light and disappeared on the spot. Together with his severed hand, his teeth were still lying messily on the ground.

Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked Mu Xiu: "Tu Xingshan admits defeat, Jin Xingshan and Huo Xingshan will lose sooner or later, why don't you fight me?"

"Ah, it's better not to..."

Mu Xiu looked up at the sky, as if he was asking what the palace master meant.

"Ahem, Mu Xingshan has also conceded..."

The voice sounded, and Mu Xiu turned into white light and disappeared.

Suddenly, a roar came: "The little demonized beast also wants to trap me? Mu Xiu quickly come to die!"

Zhang Xibao turned his head to look, and found Jin Xuan flying over with injuries all over his body. This guy was taken away after being swallowed by a demonized beast earlier, and he must have spent a lot of time escaping.

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