Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 407: Crossing The River And Destroying The Bridge

"Where's Mu Xiu? Qiu Tai is gone too..."

Jin Xuan scanned the battlefield and found that the two were missing, and Zhu Hua was still being beaten by a huge Dharma statue.

"They both voted, are you going to fight or to vote?"

Zhang Xibao pointed at Jin Xuan with the tip of his sword.

Jin Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to let the demonized beast bite me, do you think I should hit or throw?"

"Then fight!"

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to fight, Jin Xuan turned into a white light and disappeared, at the same time a voice sounded in the sky: "Jin Xingshan surrenders! 』

"Running so fast, I wanted to get a magic weapon refined from Taiyi gold..."

Zhang Xibao muttered, then turned to look at Zhu Hua.

The ground seemed to have been roughly plowed a hundred times, with large pits and scorched marks everywhere.

Zhu Hua's most powerful reliance was the Quartet Skyfire, but this Dharma figure could actually rob him of his Skyfire, which made him fearful when fighting.

Without any suspense, Huo Xingshan also conceded.

Inside the temple.

Except for the master of the ice palace, the other four hall masters looked at each other in blank dismay. The four contestants had already gone down to heal their injuries, but none of the hall masters left.

The Palace Master of the Ice Palace asked: "Shui Xingshan has won the opportunity to tour the lower realms, do you have any objections?"

The four palace masters were silent, staring at the palace master of the ice palace in unison.

"What do you mean by this, you don't admit that you lost, can't you afford it?" The master of the Ice Palace felt a little guilty when seen by the four masters, and asked sternly.

"There are other people who can't afford it!" Zhu Yan chuckled.

At the beginning of Zhu Yan, the master of the Tuxing Mountain asked the master of the Ice Palace: "A few days ago, an iceberg in your Shuixing Mountain was split by the law. Do you think we are all blind?"

"Is this person your big disciple who has been hiding for many years, or is he an outsider from Shenting?"

The master of Jinxingshan guessed the truth, but the expression of the master of the ice palace did not change. He looked at the four people and asked, "Is there a rule that the temple does not allow foreign aid?"

The Mistress of the Ice Palace did not lie, nor did she deny it, she openly admitted to inviting foreign aid to the competition, and now it was the turn of the other four Mistresses to look strange.

"It seems that there is no such rule..."

The master of Muxing Mountain muttered: "At the beginning, everyone agreed that it was impossible for people from the lower realms to come to the court of God, so when it was agreed that the gods would fight for the places to parade in the lower realms, there was no rule that did not allow foreign aid!"

"Since there is no such rule, why can't I ask for foreign aid?"

The master of the Ice Palace said rather rascally: "Anyway, I won the war of gods, and I won the water and mountains. According to the agreement, I can parade in the lower realm. If you are not convinced, let's fight?"

"You won this time, but the guy inside stole my Huo Xingshan's Skyfire, so it wouldn't be too much for me to get it back?"

Zhu Yan viciously transferred the conflict to Zhang Xibao, giving both parties a step down.

Everyone suddenly came to their senses, some began to think about wooing Zhang Xibao, while others wanted to kill Zhang Xibao.

The Mistress of the Ice Palace glanced at Zhang Xibao in the Holy Ruins, and said without emotion: "I just made a deal with him. He won the battle of Gods for me. I will give him what he wants. As for the rest, I don't care." , anyway, the opportunity to parade in the lower realms has arrived."

"Okay, since this guy is from the outside world, let's subdue him first, ask about the situation in the outside world, take out all the information in his belly, and then discuss how to deal with him!"

The other four hall masters decided Zhang Xibao's fate with a few words.

"I'm not interested in him. I'm going to prepare for the parade in the lower world first. Remember to prepare the sacrifices to open the gate of the gods!"

The Mistress of the Ice Palace turned around and left, feeling more and more heavy. She knew the relationship between this person and Zhang Zhizi, but if she forcibly protected this person, the other palace masters would not let it go.

Mu Xingshan has a good relationship with Shui Xingshan, but the other three hall masters will do it, and the master of Mu Xingshan will not help him, so since the matter is exposed, he can only be sacrificed.

Sacrificing this person would make Zhang Zhizi angry, but in order to preserve Shui Xingshan, the Palace Master of the Ice Palace felt that he could only do this...

There are steps for both sides, and everyone is happy.

The palace masters can only pull the contestants with their own marks out of the holy ruins. If they want to pull Zhang Xibao out, they can only be shot by the palace master of the ice palace, but the palace master of the ice palace has already flown away from the temple, so the other four palace masters Blocked outside the gate of Shengxu, planning to catch a turtle in a urn.

Inside the Holy Ruins.

The four contestants had already left the holy market. Zhang Xibao glanced at the sky and felt something was wrong.

After Huo Xingshan's Zhu Hua conceded, there was no movement in the sky, which meant that something went wrong outside.

"Could it be that something has been exposed?"

"Don't be the Mistress of the Ice Palace who sold me out!"

Zhang Xibao stood at the exit of the Holy Ruins, pinched his chin and analyzed calmly.

Regardless of whether he was exposed or not, he had prepared for the worst in his heart.

"There are five god-level palace masters blocking the outside. If something really happens, if I just rush out from the gate of the Holy Ruins like this, I will definitely be Barbie Q!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head, and flew towards the opposite direction of the gate of the Holy Ruins, he planned to join Zhan Nian first, and hug this chivalrous and tender thigh tightly.

"Zhan Nian, Zhan Nian, where are you..."

Zhang Xibao muttered, suddenly the guidance of Zhan Nian appeared in his mind.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Zhang Xibao repeatedly confirmed that it was Zhan Nian who was guiding him.

"Could it be that after Zhan Nian uses the body made by Fang Rui's avatar, can he communicate with my consciousness?"

"Hey hey, good, good..."

Zhang Xibao flapped his wings and flew towards Zhan Nian according to the guidance.

Inside the temple, the four hall masters were a little confused.

"Why is this man standing at the entrance of the Holy Ruins and not coming out?" 』

"She ran in the opposite direction! 』

"Does she know that we are blocking the door? 』

"I don't believe she won't come out for the rest of her life, let's just wait here!" 』

Inside the Holy Ruins.

Zhang Xibao was flying fast in the sky, and he always felt that there were several real eyes staring at him above the sky.

"There must be something wrong!"

At this moment, Zhang Xibao felt convinced of his guess.

Then, the changes in the sky confirmed Zhang Xibao's thoughts.

In the sky, fire rained out of thin air!

The dense fragments of the earth also began to hit him like meteors.

Zhang Xibao didn't bother to pretend anymore, he always felt very uncomfortable with Tang Yinghuang's face, so he wiped his face, and the disguised face turned into a Qilin mask again.

"Zhu Yan, I *your uncle!"

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, pointed at the sky and cursed.

"I know you guys are messing with me."

"When I go out, I will snatch the remaining half of Sifang Tianhuo and burn your Huoxing Mountain!"

"Take away all the Taiyi fine gold!"

"All kinds of exercises are also mine!"

Zhang Xibao pointed at the sky and scolded the earth, avoided the fire rain and meteors, and flew in the direction of Zhan Nian.

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