Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 408 I Will Take The Lead In Picking Up Trash

"Come quickly! 』

Zhan Nian conveyed a consciousness to Zhang Xibao, urging Zhang Xibao to find him quickly.

"I want to go too, but it's raining fire on my head!"

Zhang Xibao roared anxiously, regardless of whether Zhan Nian could hear him or not.

That's right, the flames fell from the sky like raindrops, Zhang Xibao didn't need to guess to know that Zhu Yan was playing tricks.

What made Zhang Xibao speechless the most was that the fire rain didn't fall in large areas, but wherever he flew, it started to rain fire, as if there was a ghost cloud above his head.

"Your uncle's Zhu Yan!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't help but curse again.

Fang Rui had already transformed into a phoenix, but Zhang Xibao did not sit on the back of the phoenix, but sat cross-legged on the phoenix's paws.

Faxiang Fang Rui is not even afraid of the fire in the four directions now, so naturally he is not afraid of the rain of fire.

The phoenix flapped its wings and flew in the dense rain of fire, as if it had just completed Nirvana.

"Hey, it's so hot..."

Zhang Xibao performed a hand trick, made himself a quick drink to drive away the heat, and took out a bottle of happy water from Tongtianbao Curry.


Under the blessing of the spell, happy water began to appear ice.

Zhang Xibao took a big sip while the happy water was about to condense into ice cubes.

"Hahaha, cool!"

The irritability in his heart was swept away, Zhang Xibao held up the happy water and pointed a finger at the sky provocatively.

Inside the temple.

Zhu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to burn him alive!" 』

"Too much, count me in!" 』The master of the Tuxing Mountain Palace next to him couldn't help but make a sound.

"Everyone, doesn't this guy seem to be flying around? He seems to be heading for the forbidden area of ​​the Holy Ruins?" 』

The master of Muxing Mountain observed Zhang Xibao's flight trajectory and reminded everyone.

The master of Jinxingshan sneered: "Hehe, it seems that we don't need to do it anymore? 』

Inside the Holy Ruins.

The sky and the ground were originally broken, but as Zhang Xibao approached the position of Zhan Nian, the surrounding environment became even more strange. Occasionally, a crack of nothingness cracked in the midair, and the ground was covered with cliffs and deep pits, from which ghosts and wolves howled the sound of.

"Pay attention to the cracks in the sky, there is a space beyond the world fragments, if you fall into it, even the gods can't save you..."

Zhan Nian's voice sounded again, reminding Zhang Xibao.

"Don't worry, Fang Rui's intelligence is not low, it has been avoiding those cracks the whole time."

Zhang Xibao replied with a chop, and asked curiously: "What will happen if you really accidentally fall into it?"

"What will happen?"

Zhan Nian thought for a while, and replied: "The time and space inside are chaotic. If you fall into it, you may be cut into countless pieces in an instant, or you may turn into a speck of dust. Who knows?"

"All right……"

No matter what the result was, Zhang Xibao didn't want to try.

Phoenix was bathed in fire and rain, avoiding the space crack in mid-air, and brought Zhang Xibao closer to Zhan Nian.

After another half day, Zhang Xibao finally found Zhan Nian.

Zhan Nian was located in a valley full of death, Zhang Xibao was surprised to find that after the phoenix flew him into the valley, the rain of fire in the sky disappeared.

"Maybe it's because the Hall Master and the others can't monitor this valley?"

Glancing at the sky above the valley covered with black clouds, he guessed the reason with a good guess.

"Is this stuff poisonous?"

The dead air lingering in the valley is as gluey as substance.


Zhang Xibao was just about to take a breath to check, but was stopped by the flying Zhan Nian.

Zhang Xibao asked Zhan Nian: "Is it really poisonous?"

Zhan Nian didn't answer, but pulled out Zhang Xibao's hair and stretched it into the dead air.

Under Zhang Xibao's shocked gaze, that pitch-black hair gradually withered, and then turned into a wisp of faint dust.

"I knock, this is much more powerful than poison..."

Zhan Nian explained: "This death energy will consume a person's lifespan. Ordinary people with supernatural powers will turn into dust after walking a few steps in it. Although you are an earth immortal and have a super long lifespan, you can't help but lose it like this. .”

"Gather your divine power to form a shield on your body surface, which can resist the side effects of death energy. Time is running out, come in with me!"

Zhan Nian entered first, followed by Zhang Xibao.

"What the hell is this place, why is it such a hell?"

The visibility in the valley was very low, Zhang Xibao could only vaguely see Zhan Nian's back, his divine power seemed a little weak in this dead air, he shrank his neck and couldn't help complaining.

"The place where the gods fell, the death energy escaped from the god's corpse, full of unwillingness, resentment, and curses. Although this place is dangerous, there may be relics of the gods hidden. It is a good place to pick up treasures."

The voice of Zhan Nian could be heard vaguely, upon hearing that there was a treasure to pick up, Zhang Xibao immediately closed his ears and regained his energy.

"It's good to pick up treasures. It's more civilized than fighting and killing. It's safe and environmentally friendly, hehe..."

"Are you sure picking up treasures is safer than killing them?"

The voice of Zhan Nian came again: "This is a rare treasure refined by the gods. Although after so long, most of it must have collapsed, but the treasures that can remain must be accompanied by great danger."

Zhang Xibao muttered: "These gods are dead, I picked up their treasures and recycled them, shouldn't they thank me..."

One sentence made Zhan Nian a little speechless, and there was no more sound from the front.

Zhang Xibao had no choice but to follow the white figure in front of him.

Walking, walking, Zhang Xibao felt something was wrong.

"Zen Nian?"

"Zen Nian?"

Zhang Xibao yelled twice and stopped in his tracks. At the same time, the white shadow in front also stopped his figure.

"Damn, it's not Zhan Nian..."

Zhang Xibao muttered, the good qualities he had acquired in fighting over the years made him reflexively strike first.


Zhang Xibao split the white shadow with a sword, his divine power shook, and the shadow disappeared.

"Okay, it's not scary at all to be physically beheaded."

Zhang Xibao looked around, the surroundings were covered in darkness, and he couldn't find Zhan Nian at all.

"In this situation, you should stand still and wait for Zhan Nian to find me, hehe..."

Zhang Xibao didn't intend to run around, otherwise he might run counter to his desire to find himself.

"Brother Bao?"

A voice came, Zhang Xibao turned his head to look, and saw the little fat man Qian Chengjin walking towards him.

"Brother Bao, I have a favor for you."

Zhang Xibao asked him: "What's the matter?"

Qian Chengjin leaned over with a smile: "There is too much money to spend, what should I do?"


Zhang Xibao smashed the figure in front of him with a sword, and smiled: "I am also worried about this problem!"

"Zhang Xibao?"

Zhang Xibao turned his head and saw Qin Li.

Qin Li changed to the uniform of the Black Dragon Society, wearing a plaid skirt, with loose hair, and small black leather shoes on his feet.

"Zhang Xibao, I like you!" Qin Li walked over with a smile.


Qilin's sword slashed down.

Zhang Xibao blew the non-existent dust on the blade: "Do you think I can draw the sword fast, sister?"

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