Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 412 Breaking Through The Divine Court

"You're not dead?!"

Although Zhang Xibao was wearing a mask, Zhang Zhizi recognized him at a glance.


Zhang Xibao sneered: "This dark sage has traveled all the way, and I haven't even scratched a piece of oily skin. How can Xiaoxiao, a few gods and other ranks, stand against me? I, Zhang Xibao, am a copper pea that can't be beaten or cooked !"

"Zhang Xibao..."

Zhang Zhizi keenly grasped these three words.


Zhang Xibao took off his mask, revealing his handsome face somewhat similar to Zhang Zhizi.

"I, Zhang Xibao, the Fifth Dark Sage of Great Xia, have an irresponsible old woman named Zhang Zhizi!"

Zhang Xibao shook the drunk fairy gourd, Zhang Zhizi suddenly burst into tears.

"You, you are really... not lying to me by changing your face..." Zhang Zhizi covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

Zhang Zhizi stretched out her trembling hand to touch Zhang Xibao's face, but hesitated as if she was afraid that Zhang Xibao would avoid it.

"Don't cry, am I fine?"

Zhang Xibao opened his arms and hugged Zhang Zhizi.

Before seeing Zhang Zhizi, Zhang Xibao had resentment in his heart, but now all negative emotions have disappeared.

"I came to this court to rescue you. Time is running out. Do you want to leave with me?"

Zhang Xibao's meaning was already obvious, he was asking Zhang Zhizi whether he wanted a son or his old friend.

If it was before, Zhang Zhizi might have hesitated, but the master of the Ice Palace almost killed her heart, Zhang Zhizi replied without hesitation: "Leave, I want to go home and have a look."

Zhang Xibao understood that Zhang Zhizi's hometown was neither Kunlun, nor the city of Daxia, but Beishi of Daxia!

"Okay, I'll take you home!"

Zhang Xibao took Zhang Zhizi's hand and grinned: "Well, I have to take some special products away, your friend offended me, it's not so easy to make up for it."

"What a good match, she almost killed you, but luckily you are fine, otherwise I would have desperately sought her out!" Zhang Zhizi snorted twice.

"We can't beat her for the time being, so let's take away the Danlian planted in the Ice Palace." Zhang Xibao locked his eyes on the Danlian.

Zhang Zhizi said worriedly: "Time is running out. The news about you coming out of the Holy Ruins will be exposed soon. We don't have time to dig for Danlian. Should we go quickly?"

"Who said I'm going to dig?"

Zhang Xibao snapped his fingers, Faxiang Fang Rui fell to the ground and began to swell, and a giant tauren with bulging muscles appeared on the top of Shuixing Mountain.

"Have you mastered the "Heaven Shaking Heart Sutra"? Let me see your strength!"

Zhang Xibao conveyed a consciousness to Dharma Xiang, pointed at the mountain where Danlian was planted in the Ice Palace, and said, "Just pull the mountain away for me, and don't leave a single hair for her!"

Faxiang Fang Rui twisted his arms, walked towards the hill where Danlian was planted, bent over and hugged the roots of the mountain, and let out a loud roar.

Moo moo!

Zhang Xibao had a strange look on his face: "Why did your voice change..."

The Mistress of the Ice Palace was preparing for a parade in the lower realm, when she suddenly felt a tremor in the mountains, followed by a loud roar, she felt something was wrong, and followed the sound to look there.

Seeing a bull-headed giant pulling up its own mountain, she shouted angrily: "Naughty animal!"

The white light lit up, and a huge ice cone condensed out of thin air.


The master of the ice palace stretched out his finger, and the huge ice cone blasted towards the bull's head.


The ice pick pierced the back of the giant's head, and it shattered into pieces!

Faxiang Fang Rui looked neither hurt nor itchy, scratched his head, and continued to move the mountain, just two words: head iron!

"The bull's head is hard, hahaha!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand, and opened a space gate in the air, a deep crack appeared out of thin air, and then it became bigger and bigger.

"Let's go home!"

Zhang Xibao took Zhang Zhizi and flew to the void gate first, behind him was Fa Xiang Fang Rui who was carrying an iceberg.

The Master of the Ice Palace jumped into the air after reacting, chasing after Zhang Xibao and the others.

The master of the Ice Palace shouted angrily: "Stop, Zhang Zhizi, are you leaving just like that?!"

"Our business is not over!"

Zhang Xibao pointed a finger at the master of the Ice Palace, and disappeared behind the Void Gate with Zhang Zhizi.

Zhan Nian glanced at the Master of the Ice Palace, flicked a sword intent, and curled his lips: "With my old lady forgetting about me, why don't I cover you up..."

The sword intent came in an instant, and the master of the Ice Palace was terrified, and hastily steered a huge ice shield, which was still thickening with the infusion of divine power.


The sword intent struck the ice shield, and the ice shield instantly split into two halves, and the Palace Master of the Divine Palace flew upside down.

Fa Xiang Fang Rui carried the mountain top and walked into the void gate.

Afterwards, the deep door disappeared, and the air became transparent again.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the Mistress of the Ice Palace looked at the bloodstains on her two arms, feeling angry and fearful in her heart.

That kid actually escaped? !

Who is the guy who released the sword intent? Could it be that guy's guardian!

The master of the Ice Palace healed his wounds with divine power, wiped away the golden blood, and flew to the temple.

Inside the temple.

The four hall masters sat cross-legged at the gate of the Holy Ruins.

The master of Jinxingshan opened his eyes and asked, "What was the sound just now?"

"Who knows what that woman is doing..."

The master of Muxingshan muttered, and asked Zhu Yan, the master of Huoxingshan, "Has that kid come out yet?"

Zhu Yan shook his head: "Since he entered the forbidden area, he hasn't shown up. I'm afraid he died inside..."

At this time.

The lord of the shrine with an angry face flew into the shrine, glanced at the four lords who were still waiting, and couldn't help cursing: "A group of idiots, that guy has already escaped, and even moved away my Danlian planter!" Dashan, don't even think about eating Danlian in the future, just go and eat farts!"

"So angry? Wait... What are you talking about, that guy escaped?" The master of Muxingshan felt a little unbelievable.

"Impossible, this is the only gate of the Holy Ruins!" the master of Tuxing Mountain denied it.

"Everyone ran away!"

The master of the Ice Palace threw an ice stone on the floor of the temple. It turned out that Zhang Xibao had left a message for them before leaving.

I saw a flying sword engraved on the ice stone: Everyone, Shanshui meets again, wash my neck and wait for it to boil!


The ice stone melted into a ball of water vapor under Zhu Yan's hands. Among the five hall masters, he suffered the most loss. The son of the master of Tuxing Mountain only lost a hand, but he lost half of the Sifang Tianhuo!

"That guy probably has some kind of strange treasure that opens the gate of space. He must open the gate to the outside world as soon as possible. Go and prepare sacrifices. I want to parade in the lower realm!"

The Mistress of the Ice Palace was also a little anxious. She was so anxious that it wasn't Zhang Xibao, but Zhang Zhizi who ran away. She wanted Zhang Zhizi, a traitor, to pay the price!

"Catch that guy, can you do it?" The master of Jinxingshan glanced at the master of the ice palace.

The face of the Ice Palace Mistress was instantly covered with a layer of ice crystals, almost turning into an iceman. She gritted her teeth and said, "Can I do it, do you want to take a look?"

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't be so angry!"

The master of Muxing Mountain stood up to smooth things over: "Everyone should follow the agreement and prepare the materials to open the gate, but this time the situation is special. If you are parading in the lower realm, bring our other disciples from Six Elements Mountain with you!"

The master of the ice palace was silent for a moment, nodded, and gave everyone a step

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